Today in Fascism

However, the unnamed source told the outlet that they did not know what the actual conversation was.

^^^ Straight from your quoted article.
Frothing at the mouth just like @Hüsker Dü I see. Did you even read the whole article?!
Did you look at the "Fairness Meter" where it registered to the extreme left on the "Unfair Left-Leaning" side?
See what happens when we give you the benefit of the doubt that you're smarter than your whipping-boy HD?!
Sunshine is hitting the bottle hard these days ..
Not at all. That's what happens when HD is on a constant bender and posting his constant drivel on here.
The loser only lives in his ego. The ego protects and is full of fear. When the ego gets really sacred, the ego will lie to protect, just like Sunshine. The little drunk Rat has lost his way because of TDS, CDS and FDS.
espola, I give you an award for being the biggest fraudster on here. Soon and very soon all we see WHO Husker Du really is. Yup, EOTL and Surf Futbol and even Dad4. This man alone ruined soccer in Socal!!!

Plus, the Witch is having abortions in public in bus in Chicago. She and Timmy support abortion on demand up to 9 months and tampons in boys bathrooms. If the boy wants to be a girl, then the young man can take showers with the girls. Listen everyone, Husker Du is one of them.

As a Republican I was impressed by Kamala's speech last night. My prediction is she will win, and maga republicans in office will separate themselves from Trump, forming a strengthened Republican party. The Secret Service needs to really protect her now since the other side is in doubt.

Trump is not Republican.
As a Republican I was impressed by Kamala's speech last night. My prediction is she will win, and maga republicans in office will separate themselves from Trump, forming a strengthened Republican party. The Secret Service needs to really protect her now since the other side is in doubt.

Trump is not Republican.
What impresses you about Kamala Harris? None of these people write their own speeches.
As a Republican I was impressed by Kamala's speech last night. My prediction is she will win, and maga republicans in office will separate themselves from Trump, forming a strengthened Republican party. The Secret Service needs to really protect her now since the other side is in doubt.

Trump is not Republican.
You sure are a mess dude🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 WTF were watching Dom? You do know she is a Witch, right? I mean a real one. My brain is saying you're throwing shit on here to get more views. Is that true or are you also infected with TDS?
What impresses you about Kamala Harris? None of these people write their own speeches.
Dom wants the old John McCain "No Name" Republican party back in power. All those fuckers did was send our kids to bullshit wars. Dom wants those old R party back. Sorry Dom, not going to happen. No more wars Dom, Dumb & Dumber.
As a Republican I was impressed by Kamala's speech last night.

Trump is not Republican.

Like Slobo, what impressed you the most about Kamala's speech? Please answer and not be like Dumb & Dumber.

Trump is not a Republican is 100% true. He's also not a Dem. I'm neither as well. That's the problem Dom. Trump infiltrated the Dems and R's to catch them all cheating and some for doing evil to children. I have to ask, are you Husker Du? You sir will eat crow very soon.