"I sorry, I was wrong." You will NEVER hear those words from espola or Husker Du.However, the unnamed source told the outlet that they did not know what the actual conversation was.
^^^ Straight from your quoted article.
Frothing at the mouth just like @Hüsker Dü I see. Did you even read the whole article?!
Did you look at the "Fairness Meter" where it registered to the extreme left on the "Unfair Left-Leaning" side?
See what happens when we give you the benefit of the doubt that you're smarter than your whipping-boy HD?!
Veteran PBS (Public Bull Shit) correspondent Judy Woodruff apologized on Wednesday for comments she had made on the air regarding former President Donald Trump and negotiations for a cease-fire in Gaza between Israel and Hamas.
Woodruff, during PBS’ Democratic national convention coverage on Monday, repeated a story she had read in Axios and Reuters that Trump had allegedly been encouraging Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to put off peace talks until after the U.S. election in the belief that a deal could help Democrat Kamala Harris’ campaign.
But Woodruff said in a post on X Wednesday that she had not seen later reporting that the story had been denied by the Trump campaign and Israel. She said her remarks had not been based on any original reporting on her part.

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