Today in Fascism

Typical reply/non reply... unless you want to provide an actual answer.

Here's my prediction..

If Harris wins you'll claim you voted for her.

If she loses it will be more cryptic replies.

Everyone knows this already....
I thought I had already expressed my thoughts on the matter. In 2020, I broke my rule of never voting for a Democrat or a Republican because t was so horrible. It looks like he is killing off his own campaign this time around, so I am free to go back to my independent ways. So who else is running? Or should I just write in John McCain again?
What in the wide world of sports is this Archbishop saying.

“It is no coincidence that the sponsoring revolting carnival is an emissary of the World Economic Forum, Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig.”

I thought I had already expressed my thoughts on the matter. In 2020, I broke my rule of never voting for a Democrat or a Republican because t was so horrible. It looks like he is killing off his own campaign this time around, so I am free to go back to my independent ways. So who else is running? Or should I just write in John McCain again?
t was so horrible, lol! You voted for a man who took showers with his daughter, took bribes, has an uncle with property in the Virgin Islands with Epstein and a son of a bitch that has horrible, and I mean horrible pics on his laptop from hell with boy wonder and Pedo Peter with underage girls. Like father like son. What again makes t so horrible espola?
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t is so horrible that Google has a search ban on Trump. Insane times will live in. espola and his Nazi pals want t gone because he's so horrible to try to end human trafficking. t said 150,000 kids are missing and we need to help them. What a horrible man, to want to find the missing kids and end this slave trade business once and for all.

You losers can't touch Trump. He's protected big time. My adopted mom told me I have two Guardian Angels protecting me. I should have been killed as a little guy watty with much torture and pain. "IT" had plans for baby crush, the Golden Lamb sacrifice. Thank God I was saved by my Angel. Then "IT" tried to kidnap me (no Husker Du, I was not a runaway) when I was 5 at the beach in Dana Point CA.

We must stop this horrible man from taking office again, say's the loser espola and his gang of cheaters, liars, killers and thieves. espola for the first time ever voted for a Dem in 2020 because t is horrible person. You honestly can't make this shit up. It's fun to watch these dump people try and spin their way out of supporting child traffickers, MAPs and the Pedos. t promised to end human trafficking and Mr. espola and his side kick loser pal Husker Du, think that's a horrible thing to do and besides, kids that go missing are just runaways.

espola and his team of fact finders and censorship queens are at it again.......

Facebook officially admits that it wrongly censored the historic, iconic photo of President @realDonaldTrump pumping his fist with his ear bleeding after the tragic event that occurred during his rally in Pennsylvania, saying this was an error. Error my ass. All that these liars do is lie and cheat. If they can't win cheating and lying, they will try and kill you.
What is it that Trump caught them all doing🤔 espola and Husker Du hate Trump with a passion. "Anyone but Trump" they say. Why do they hate a man that says, "I will bring the full force & weight of the US Military and END HUMAN TRAFFICKING." Come on everyone, think and use logic and a little critical thinking. These same freaks censored a sitting US President and now are blocking the truth of a candidate for President. Most of you are controlled little slave puppets trying to pay your bills and make it rich. You obeyed the mask. You obeyed the 6 feet stay and wash your hands. 99% of you took the jabs and most likely told your children to take poison as well so they can play soccer in college. These are hard truths. Don't get mad at me for telling you the truth all that you got suckered into a big lie. Where is Dad4?

Picture of the election being stolen in Venezuela last night.

Oh wait - that's Democrats stealing the 2020 U.S. election. Sorry, wrong pic.

I like this one Dumb. You see, Trumps Uncle John hooked him up with the MOAWs. It's s secret weapon and I bet it has something to do with The Looking Glass Project when space and time meet. We live as slaves and time management is how they clock us. Its why Trump is always ahead and is always right. He is always a few moves ahead of you losers who cheat, lie, kill and steal from others to win.
