Today in Fascism

I'm waiting for c to fill in the blanks for me. Then I might choose one, or write in John McCain again.
No Name is dead. Pick someone who is alive. The more I listen to Harris, the more I see how much you both have in common.


espola and Husker Du have a big choice coming. ITHINK WE ALREADY KNOW WHO they support.

"P.M. Netanyahu of Israel had a terrible and “insulting” meeting in D.C. with Kamala Harris, who also refused to preside over Congress during his speech, which is an obligation of the V.P. Rarely has such a thing happened. Her ineptness will greatly prolong the war and delay the hostage release. The same people that embarrassed us in AFGHANISTAN with their gross incompetence, are the ones who are telling Israel not to fight any longer with Hamas. Forget October 7th, they say! Any Jewish person that votes for Kamala, or a Democrat, should immediately have their head examined. Likewise Catholics, who are being persecuted by this Administration, should not be voting for Radical Left Kamala. VOTE TRUMP 2024. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!" DJT
My mom and dad made watching the Olympics a part of our history of amature competition. Today, I can't watch just like I can't watch the NFL, NBA, MLB and most pro sports.

"My mom was an Olympian (Czech Natl Ski Team), and as a kid we would be excited for weeks leading up to the games. Now with the ever predictable (& seemingly satanic to me) drag queen opening ceremonies and never ending bs, no one I know even thinks about it beyond maybe watching some highlights. It’s such a shame that event that used to create so much national pride now creates, at best, indifference. Using the games to push woke ideology has zero to do with anything the games stands for. Rather than highlighting the incredible accomplishments of these amazing athletes corp media subverts all their hard work to push leftist insanity… it’s not only a shame, but a true disservice to some of the most talented and dedicated people on earth. Hopefully one day enough people will finally have had enough of the BS. Till then you can continue to watch everything good and decent and everything you hold dear get burned to the f…ing ground. The choice is yours." Don Jr
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Kamala sounds more and more like espola. espola, how much did you donate to the cause? Be honest with the group for once. Harris is Dumb & Dumber's choice to fix all that is wrong with America. "Anyone but Trump." They & Them have picked another Witch to lead them straight to hell.

As you all carry on the life you so cherish and the dear friends you have made along the way, just know 100% that some patsy named Crooks was not the lone gunmen to kill Trump. Watty say's not to jump to conclusions. Watty is busy and it's not nice to interrupt his favorite thing to do, which is to watch the Opening of the Satanic Ritual Games that is brought to you by Pfizer. It's sad to see so many duped by the science magicians and fake doctors like Dr. Fraud and his buddy Dr. Frances.

Family Entertainment for all to watch, The Satanic Ritual Ceremonies. The Lord Supper Drag Queens Style and now this.

Word on the street was that Willie called her, "Kamala Sutra." She ain't black, come on man and remember, if you don't vote for Kamala you ain't black either. My take is that willie slept with a witch for a long time and he brouht that witch energy to his poor wife and kids. The Wicked Witch cast spells on Mr. Brown, just like slick Willie slept with Killary the Witch. Huma slept with Mr. Weiner and now has Alex Soros in her web. Do you guys see what I see?

The Media & The Tel A Vision is telling you lies and none of you will be without excuse. They & Them tell you to your face all day long. Mocking God, supporting the cutting of a young boy's penis and helping kill God's creation and supporting the killing of babies up to 9 months is pure evil. The real witches are killers and black widows. The New Earth Energy will not tolerate selling organs from babies so the rich can live longer.

The Olympics honored the "Pale Horse." Johnny Cash wrote a song about this very thing. Get your soul ready folks. It's time to follow the Truth and not liars and fraudsters.

"The Biden-Harris campaign strategy is to label Trump as a grave danger to “Democracy!”—who they must stop at all costs.

They attempted to bankrupt Trump, throw him in prison for life, and take him off the ballot.

When that didn’t work, they said Trump must go into the bullseye.

They denied numerous requests from Trump’s Secret Service detail to beef up his protection.

They even gave him substandard protection.

We witnessed the natural and probable result when Trump almost had his head blown off on national TV.

They provided better protection to President Zelenskyy than President Trump.

Their recklessness, at a minimum, led to Trump’s near assassination.

When that didn’t work, Democrat insiders decided in a backroom to overturn the will of 14 million Democrat primary voters and install Kamala in a bloodless coup.


These people are monsters (Demons, witches, warlocks, those who sold their soul and the Devil)

We must get answers.

We must have accountability." Mike
Graphic warning!!! Peek a boo, I see you🎊 This is insane. Watty, did you watch the opening of the games with your lovely family? Family fun & entertainment for all the kids to watch the Olympics in grand fashion.

"Vote early. Vote absentee. Vote on Election Day. I don’t care how, but you have to get out and vote ... Get out and vote just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, it will be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore ... In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote."
-- Donald Trump, to his supporters last night

Trump has said repeatedly that he intends to be a dictator, starting on "day one."

He told his supporters to vote "just this time" and "you won't have to do it anymore" because in four years Republicans will "have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote" anymore.

I honestly don't know how he could make this any more clear.