Today in Fascism

I'm having so much fun watching the deep state losers lose at every corner. God wins suckers!!! Dumb & Dumber look dumber every day and that brings a smile to my heart. I knew these liars would be exposed someday for their support of cheating, killing those you disagree with (especially those who said, 'I will bring the full force and weight of the military to END HUMAN TRAFFICKING.'). espola and Husker Du and others just like them are supporting MAPs, MTFs, Pedos, Rapists, Satanic Ritual Abusers, those who torture little children on The Virgin Islands and kidnap them and sell them online. These same freaks are child hunters and use kids for their organ harvesting side hustle as well. I know this is hard to stomach, but this is the evil were up against you guys. Its why Trump calls it a WITCH HUNT in caps. Real Witches are real, and we see them out in full view today. The good news is Q said the child hunters will become the hunted and that's why I'm on here. We have two individuals who are beyond cure. Their minds have been seared as with a hot iron. They have been given over to their shameful ways filled with every dark desires.

Trump is bringing Peace to the New Earth. The Pedo Party is all about chaos (starts in the mind folks), wars, killing others you disagree with, using doctors and scientist to make bioweapon and then get media to spend billions tricking folks into taking the jabs and if they don't, their fired or blocked from attending Big U. They love sending other parents' children to die for their money war chest.
I know espola is confused with his identity today and what he believes in his heart. He was for Nixon and No Name, but because No Name took a woman to be his VP, he voted for Obama instead. The truth is, espola is a closet Marxist, just like his new favorite candidate Kamala.
