Today in Fascism

The Shot Heard Around The World

To my Fellow Americans:

The good news is that normal good people are now waking up. Trump will win every state unless something happens before 11.5.24. These scums are cheaters and liars. Black people are moving over to MAGA every day. Abortion is now in the hands of each State because Roe lied and having a country allow abortion up to 9 months is insane and will only bring shame, guilt and darkness their way. The bad news is the people WHO truly hate Trump and are afraid their deeds will be exposed, what him off the planet. Trump & MAGA is for ending human trafficking and eradicating these losers off the planet once and for all and never to be allowed back on earth. They go somewhere else to work on how to treat children better. The others WHO hate Trump and are the "anyone but Trump" group are for abortion up to 9 months, open borders where 8 out 10 women are raped, and 150,000 children are missing just because. Someone(s) has a desire for this shit in our country. These poor kids from other countries are just runaways according to Dumb & Dumber. This group of the dumbest humans other with rocks for a heart are climate hoaxters, brainwashed, stupid morons, cheaters, liars, killers WHO like to trick young native women and force them to be a nanny under the table with low wages. They support rapists, MAPs, MTF & Pedo groomers and supporters. Did I get them all watty? This crazy ass group is also for endless wars with other parents' children. They also mandated and talked most of you into taking the jabs, wear a mask, stand 6 feet away, stfu or else and trick your children to obey as well. These are bad motherfuckers. I dealt with a few of these clowns in youth sports. Threaten me on an open forum, send me my home address via email (I still have it loser) and try and get me scared. They & Them then retaliate against me for speaking the truth about cheating and pay for play. The biggest cheater on here calls me the forums biggest liar. A true fact checker he is🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Real good people got blackmailed. First they were bought with a good job. Then some extra bribes to keep one happy and then boom!!! Blackmail and the kind that is pure evil.

No, history doesn't disagree. And the truth is this attempt on Trump's life falls directly on the shoulders of Joe Biden, Heels Up Harris, Nancy Bacardi, CNN, MSNBS and any other libtard referring to Trump as a threat to our democracy, the sky is falling, he's a dictator, he'll destroy our Constitution, he's like Hitler or any other despicable comment the liberal fucktards have made trying to save Biden's sorry ass. Nothing but pathetic, desperate scare tactics brought about by the leftards.
The 6.66% of the haters will always hate. It's in their blood. "Anyone but Trump."

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The party of "acceptance and unity". This ugly bitch couldn't get laid if she fell on an erection and I'm sure she's another one willing to march in the streets for abortion. Look at that face. A real "medical" professional. I encourage everyone here to email her department head, like I just did, and respectfully request her immediate termination with no unemployment or severance.
Same God that 'Tato says he 'won't step down until he hears from directly' just turned Trump's head at the precise moment needed to keep him alive.

Sorry, 'Tato... but if there really is a God, he wants your sorry fucking ass gone as much as the rest of us.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali

The advice I would give Democrats as they prepare for their party’s likely defeat on November 5 is simple: This time, do the right thing after you lose. Instead of demonizing the guy who beat you, take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourselves this simple question: Was this result what we deserved for four years of failed policies on immigration, inflation, and national security – and for eight years of smearing Donald Trump as a Nazi?

Read my latest on the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

The advice I would give Democrats as they prepare for their party’s likely defeat on November 5 is simple: This time, do the right thing after you lose. Instead of demonizing the guy who beat you, take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourselves this simple question: Was this result what we deserved for four years of failed policies on immigration, inflation, and national security – and for eight years of smearing Donald Trump as a Nazi?

Read my latest on the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump:

I'd like to think they can be introspective but... at the end of the day, they've never gotten over Hillary losing and can't wrap their heads around why Americans would vote for Hitler 2.0
Ayaan Hirsi Ali

The advice I would give Democrats as they prepare for their party’s likely defeat on November 5 is simple: This time, do the right thing after you lose. Instead of demonizing the guy who beat you, take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourselves this simple question: Was this result what we deserved for four years of failed policies on immigration, inflation, and national security – and for eight years of smearing Donald Trump as a Nazi?

Read my latest on the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump:

A little grace and humility can go a long way for one's soul after a defeat. However, this group of bandits, cheaters, killers, liars, MAPs, MTFs, Pedos and thieves used lawfare lies and went after a sitting US President and censored him along the way. They & Them then sent us all poison jabs, mandated mask and 6 feet away and if you refused these commands, you were fired, or your small business would be destroyed. They used death & fear to cheat in the election and we all know it. Then the bad cops with the help of crazy Nancy set up Jan 6th. espola and Husker Du supported these crimes against humanity. It's why we call them Dumb & Dumber.