Today in Fascism

Hmm... I guess one might argue it's fascist to assassinate your political opponent in an attempt to forcibly suppress their opposition. Maybe libtards should stop calling Trump "Hitler".



fas·cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm
also ˈfa-ˌsi-

Synonyms of fascism
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality
Like I said in the Joe Biden thread...

I was expecting Dumb or Dumber to say..

"But..but..but J6!!"

(Not that I condone what those buffoons did that day either)
No comment from Dumb or Dumber. These two are the dumbest fools on here. The hate they have for one man and his followers makes one wonder.
"Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win. I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our Great Nation this week from Wisconsin." DJT

The Jackels tried to take him out. We're dealing with pure evil. "Anyone but Trump."
"It had to be this way." Many are now waking up to the obvious inside job to take out an opponent. Election cheating won't work this time and these scum bags who cheat and lie to win are in big trouble. Lawfare didn't work either so now on to plan C.

Reports on TS are now saying it's not Mr. Crooks and might be some dude named Maxwell. The real news is somewhere, we just don't know who would do something like this without inside help. DHS has much to answer for.

The rats have evil plans because they are evil.

Reports on TS are now saying it's not Mr. Crooks and might be some dude named Maxwell. The real news is somewhere, we just don't know who would do something like this without inside help. DHS has much to answer for.

The rats have evil plans because they are evil.

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"Reports on TS" ...anything thats follows is BS. Social media is corrupting your mind.

But yes, the Dems attempt to remove his SS protection is disgraceful. I'm sure there are those that suffer TDS that wish Trumps head hadnt been turned to the side.
"Reports on TS" ...anything thats follows is BS. Social media is corrupting your mind.

But yes, the Dems attempt to remove his SS protection is disgraceful. I'm sure there are those that suffer TDS that wish Trumps head hadnt been turned to the side.
Oh please.....where do you get your breaking news watty? CNN? Come on man, wake the up. You seemed to get off the fence only to retreat back. I bring up the ending of human trafficking and you call me Husker Du. If you want me to be triggerred and go off, keep it up pal. You have been wrong with just about everything since 2018. Think about it before you pop off like that again Mr. Fence sitter. Take a chance and call your shots. TS is very relaible because of the censoring that took place with Twitter (now X) and YouTube and Google and all the Big U's and Big Pharma. The news is full of lies and you can take Fox with you as well. Not everyone at TS is crazy. I will say I have debated the Christian Nationalist brotherhood and a few FBI trolls. These dudes are old school bible men and want America to be their America. Let each community have freedom of expression and freedom of speech and set up their own religion if they so choose. I just want kids to be born before their killed and sacrificed and I want each baby to have a shelter, food and water and someone(s) to watch over them. No more raping the kids across the border. 8 out 10 girls are raped coming to America. 150,000 immigrant children are missing in our country watty. Let that sink into your brain and hopefully down to your heart so you can see the TRUTH. We're dealing with a small group of powerful Pedos and MAPs, WHO found their way to the top of this evil pyramid scheme that has witches and warlocks and a black widow.
Oh please.....where do you get your breaking news watty? CNN? Come on man, wake the up. You seemed to get off the fence only to retreat back. I bring up the ending of human trafficking and you call me Husker Du. If you want me to be triggerred and go off, keep it up pal. You have been wrong with just about everything since 2018. Think about it before you pop off like that again Mr. Fence sitter. Take a chance and call your shots. TS is very relaible because of the censoring that took place with Twitter (now X) and YouTube and Google and all the Big U's and Big Pharma. The news is full of lies and you can take Fox with you as well. Not everyone at TS is crazy. I will say I have debated the Christian Nationalist brotherhood and a few FBI trolls. These dudes are old school bible men and want America to be their America. Let each community have freedom of expression and freedom of speech and set up their own religion if they so choose. I just want kids to be born before their killed and sacrificed and I want each baby to have a shelter, food and water and someone(s) to watch over them. No more raping the kids across the border. 8 out 10 girls are raped coming to America. 150,000 immigrant children are missing in our country watty. Let that sink into your brain and hopefully down to your heart so you can see the TRUTH. We're dealing with a small group of powerful Pedos and MAPs, WHO found their way to the top of this evil pyramid scheme that has witches and warlocks and a black widow.
Your posts speak for themselves.