Today in Fascism

Joe has dirt on Obama. I told you all that our country is bought, bribed and many are blackmailed. This is starting to get insane. Joe's wife the Witch probably has blackmail on Joe. The Witch Hillary for sure has blackmail on Bill. Epstein and his Witch has dirt on everyone that went to the Islands. Now we know why Trump calls it, WITCH HUNT in caps. The women Witches got the men by their balls. God help us. The rich and famous sold their souls to the devil. DC is a crime scene.

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JoeTato Briben!
A word from the Penguin🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I bet Joe Dirt has something on this guy. It's funny now to see these people stay with Dirty Joe.

Q: Do you have any concerns he'll be able to serve out the rest of his term?

Nadler: No

Q: just to be clear you do not want the president to drop out?

Nadler: I do not

A word from the Penguin🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I bet Joe Dirt has something on this guy. It's funny now to see these people stay with Dirty Joe.

Q: Do you have any concerns he'll be able to serve out the rest of his term?

Nadler: No

Q: just to be clear you do not want the president to drop out?

Nadler: I do not

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Nadler is not wearing a covid mask, it's supposed to be a "diet" mask. More proof masks don't work!
Nadler is not wearing a covid mask, it's supposed to be a "diet" mask. More proof masks don't work!
The division that the masks mandate caused was insane. They or IT mandated the jabs or your fired. I know many married couples now divorced because one wanted the mask and jabs and the other didn't want to obey. No jab, no sex. No jab, no job. Two of the most powerful energies on the planet on the table of, "either or." Horrible destruction on the family unit. Kids living in divorce and students being told to comply or no education for you.
"Reminder ...

The same people who believe men can have babies, there's 1,487 genders, and the jab was safe and effective - are the same ones who believe in CliMaTe ChANGe.

Nothing they ever believe is true and they're all just a bunch of useful government sheep." Catturd
Facists thugs of the day --

We've been over this, Fudd. If you interfere with a police investigation and inject yourself in shit that isn't any of your business, you can expect to be treated like the dipshit you are.
T is on the Epstein list.
Really? This was your post. Do you have evidence to the contrary?

Donald Trump​

The document also includes testimony about Donald Trump from Ms Sjoberg about a diversion Epstein's plane made to New Jersey to visit the businessman in 2001 at one of his casinos.
When pilots said their plane could not land in New York and would need to stop in Atlantic City, Epstein said he would call up Trump and drop by to see him, she said.
The documents contain no alleged wrongdoing by Mr Trump.
Ms Sjoberg is asked whether she ever gave Mr Trump a massage and she said she did not.
TRUTH 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
Always remember it was Democrats who took a knee for criminals instead of standing with our Police.
It was Democrats who taunted our Police Officers painting “DEFUND THE POLICE” at their courthouses.
It is Democrats who hamstrung our police and who have put a target on their backs.
It was democrats that has let criminals back on the streets over and over again.
It was Democrats that paid the bail of criminals who burned down our cities, toppled statues and robbed businesses.
It was Democrats who allowed illegals and gang violence to take over the streets of our cities.
We as Conservatives support the blue and always have while democrats have violently protested against them and disrespected them.
Never forget their sacrifices, never forget their dedication, never forget those who serve and those who have died in the line of duty. Never forget.