Today in Fascism

Obama insists on his 4th term.

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It always amazes me how libtards don't have the balls to admit Biden lies as much or more than anyone else in Washington. Does Biden know marrying the babysitter is wrong? Does he know extorting Ukraine as the VP and taking bribes as the President is wrong? Does he know showering with his 11-year old daughter is wrong? How about sniffing, kissing and otherwise molesting adolescent children? He have ANY idea that's wrong? Biden may actually care about other people but they aren't hardworking, taxpaying Americans. They ALWAYS come last.

The fucking guy plagiarized in college, lied about his credentials, lies about what he's going to do and what he's never actually done. I guess Barry forgot the Border Patrol called out Biden for lying before the show was over.

Sorry, Bathhouse Barry, but you and your penis wife can ride off into that elitist island of rich white people that apparently don't pay their fair share. You're another fucking clown.
Another Vet going to Prison. Steve's message to his friends and followers.

“I will not be reading your letters. I'm not going to take a second to read them because I don't want you taking time to write a letter. I want you to get to work. This is all about victory. There is no substitute for victory here. You know that, and I know that. Use your time and resources wisely. Your time is not for sending me some missive in prison that I'm not going to read. You know I'm not going to read it because, aside from my job in prison, I'll be spending the rest of my hours working towards total and complete victory.”


Popular Gay Porn Star Arrested for Sharing and Receiving Hardcore Pornography of Children and INFANTS (Allegedly).

We're dealing with some sick folks on the planet.

Hey Fact Checker, here's the link. How was Blacks Beach today?

Deciding a winner is so subjective. One coughed and stuttered incoherently then stared into the stage with those black hole eyes while the other bullied-boyed and lied without rebuttal. The only winner was anyone NOT American. Arguing about golf? Those two should both quit the race and go golf.
Deciding a winner is so subjective. One coughed and stuttered incoherently then stared into the stage with those black hole eyes while the other bullied-boyed and lied without rebuttal. The only winner was anyone NOT American. Arguing about golf? Those two should both quit the race and go golf.
The prop bet was based on the CNN poll which was 67% Trump 33% Biden. Thats very definitive as to who "won", or in this case who "sucked less".
Deciding a winner is so subjective. One coughed and stuttered incoherently then stared into the stage with those black hole eyes while the other bullied-boyed and lied without rebuttal. The only winner was anyone NOT American. Arguing about golf? Those two should both quit the race and go golf.
Like you care about anyone else but your selfish self.
"Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Picked my January 6th son up today from prison! What a beautiful blessed day! Please keep praying for him! He has a long road ahead, but today is a day to rejoice!"

What comes around goes around. Bannon reports to prison tomorrow. espola and the rats he supports did this and we all know why now.

Thanks mom & dad👹👹👹👹👹👹

Georgia Couple Arrested after Offering Pedophiles Sex with 2-Year-Old Daughter


espola and Du Du are more upset that Trump and Pedo Joe talked about golf for 1 minute then he is about all the kids being raped, tortured and killed.
One of my big debates with a few of my teachers in the 70s was abortion. The teachers told me that the baby in mommy's tummy is just a clump of cells and it's ok to kill a cell. I told them they were wrong and it's actually killing a real live baby that is getting created and ready to come out of mommy.
