Today in Fascism

Breaking News: CDC recommends updated COVID-19 vaccines for Americans ages 6 months and older​

The new COVID vaccines are expected to be available in the fall, just in time for the election. “Our top recommendation for protecting yourself and your loved ones from respiratory illness is to get vaccinated,” said CDC director Dr. Mandy Cohen in a statement on Thursday.
Remember they (Pence Pelosi & Ryan) talked about and planned to do the 25th on Trump after Impeachment Hoax 1 and 2 failed? Well, I think the Dems will have to remove Joker Joe with the 25th. "Be careful what you wish for." t

“On January 6 we had a great border, we were energy independent, we were respected all over the world…what Joe Biden has done to America is horrible” “I said ‘peacefully and patriotically’…I offered 10,000 National Guard soldiers and they (Nancy) turned it down." Truth
I give Trump a D+ and Biden an F-. I thought the moderators did a good job.

The CNN analysts are destroying Biden calling it dismal, even Van Jones called it painful. They're claiming the Democrats are panicking and are going to try and replace Biden.
There's no way these people are just now seeing it. They did this knowing he'd fail and have to be replaced.

Breaking News: CDC recommends updated COVID-19 vaccines for Americans ages 6 months and older​

The new COVID vaccines are expected to be available in the fall, just in time for the election. “Our top recommendation for protecting yourself and your loved ones from respiratory illness is to get vaccinated,” said CDC director Dr. Mandy Cohen in a statement on Thursday.
Pretty sure I just had it. Guess I don't need the booster now that we have come to realize acquired immunity is a thing ... again. The science changed ... again. 😂
Pretty sure I just had it. Guess I don't need the booster now that we have come to realize acquired immunity is a thing ... again. The science changed ... again. 😂
The new rules say you can go to work with symptoms as long as you don't have a fever. What was the original standard? Something like 3 days after you had a negative Covid test?
Get your bets in before 6.

I'd take Biden to win the debate since its going to be based on a CNN poll. I'd take the over on Hunter Biden's name being mentioned at 2 1/2. (If the moderators had any integrity they would ask Biden if he's changed his mind from the last debate when he emphatically stated that the laptop was Russian disinformation.)

espola and Husker Du want all the Jan 6th folks put away for life. Most of these people are Vets. Many of them did nothing wrong but trespass. Their called MAGA extremist by idiots and fools. These are our vets standing up to liars and cheaters.

As you said? Who didn't say it?

He's also too much of a dishonest, traitorous, thieving asshole.
Lets not forget about showers with dd. Why did Joe talk about family bloodline sex? You all just dont get it. The families at very very the top of this scam are doing unthinkable things to their kids. Its insane and most dont want to go down that rabbit hole
Unless there is some advantage to do otherwise, I treat all illnesses the same - stay away from people when sick and if it gets too bad, go to the doctor.
Thats how I used to do it. I'm thanking my brain today. Most of the Docs today are still pushing the Covid 19 Kill shots. Why? Pay For Play Bonus Game and to obey the bosses. These rich ass families that we dont even know own us. Its a club and you aint in it. However, The Supreme Court just made a call that says the opiod billionsires will now pay and not hide behind a BK.

Biden vows to keep White House, undeterred by Democratic panic after debate disaster Biden told the crowd, 'I can do this job' after critics panned his shaky debate performance.

It's going to be up to you guys WHO voted for this liar to deal with this messy and dirty old man. He actually sounded and looked great today with his supporters. You must change his diaper with the 25th. What a clown world and so many big babies today are waking up. Yes, they hate Trump still, but they now hate Joe more. He actually said this, "I know I'm not a young man … I don't debate as well as I used to," Biden told the crowd, "But I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth." "On my watch, violent crime has hit a 50-year low," Biden said. Just like espola says he love the Jesus of the bible. These people lie for power, hello!!!

P.S. more from the liar who's own DOJ indicted Trump. "I thought to myself, Donald Trump isn't just a convicted felon. Donald Trump is a one-man crime wave," he added, as the crowd began eager chants of "lock him up," referring to Trump.

Enjoy the show folks🍿 He's not going to leave.
"I’ve been talking about the WV vs EPA litigation for years.

Today’s ruling is one of the most important rulings in the history of the USA.

The ruling, affirmed today, prevents administrative orgs, many created by executive order, from making rules that have the force an affect of law.

If Congress doesn’t make laws and the President doesn’t sign those laws, then agencies have no authority to “make law” in their place.

This affects all agencies - IRS, FBI, HHS, FDA, EPA, DHS, etc.

This is the shadow government, aka deep state.

This is huge. Absolutely massive." Gregg Phillips
Bill, Killary and Obama have said today they support Joe and want Joe to stay in the race. One of the Dem oligarchs, Mr. Reid, has pledged 100% loyalty and all his political funds with Joe for better or worse. Looks like it's time for some division with the Dems. The Republicans already had their great divide with Mitt, pence, Ryan, Ron, Nikki, Liz and all the rest. I know Dom wants Liz back, but Liz and her father need to go to jail.

Bill, Killary and Obama have said today they support Joe and want Joe to stay in the race. One of the Dem oligarchs, Mr. Reid, has pledged 100% loyalty and all his political funds with Joe for better or worse. Looks like it's time for some division with the Dems. The Republicans already had their great divide with Mitt, pence, Ryan, Ron, Nikki, Liz and all the rest. I know Dom wants Liz back, but Liz and her father need to go to jail.

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Obama insists on his 4th term.
