So you think the answer is to take every gun out of circulation?And possession of deadly firearms.
So you think the answer is to take every gun out of circulation?And possession of deadly firearms.
Can you prove that or just drop your pants and type whatever comes out?And on average they are aggrieved, white, men who write manifestos strewn throughout with rightwing racist talking points.
Why would they be anybody's finest with losers like you criticizing them because you're uneducated and expect perfection 100% of the time? I've yet you see you badmouth a teacher, doctor, lawyer, etc who made a mistake. Did a cop nail your wife?“They aren’t sending their finest! They aren’t sending their best . . .” they are bruts, college dropouts, and some, I suppose some, are fine people, on both sides! They learn to work like a gang with drop guns, coordinated stories and forgetfulness when it comes body-cams. Alcohol and confiscated drugs ease the pain. And yes I know this from personal experience, they sure can party, and media accounts. There is a mix of good and bad, mostly they have good intentions but dealing with the worst of society turns some.
Maybe if losers like you stop sitting in the window, with your face pressed against the glass, trying to find a way to justify George Floyd being some kind of victim? Which he was not and never was.If you ever get into a frank discussion with a cop, ask him about body camera discipline. At what point in the academy are you trained to say loudly and clearly "Stop resisting!" and when it is ok mute your microphone while having a CYA discussion with a supervisor or a fellow officer.
Really? So you liberal morons giving a driver's license to illegal aliens in California is being responsible? They can't speak English. How do they read traffic signs? How do they pay for car insurance? Are we taxpayers footing the bill for that, too, so your voters can eat and drive?Guns and cars can hurt and kill people when in the hands of the incompetent or the idiotic or the diseased. The State (whatever meaning you wish to give to "the State") does a necessary job of keeping cars out of the hands of those kinds of people, for the most part.
I'd rather have the Ten Commandments in my kid's classroom than a fat, gay guy in lipstick and wig trying to groom the room.Thou shalt not require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in classrooms when you and your candidate do not follow them.
Hypocriticus 24:7
Portland office didn't get good reviews. Pretty unreliable it appears. I guess, when they're sitting in the middle of the street for hours at a time, they don't check their pagers.
“They aren’t sending their finest! They aren’t sending their best . . .” they are bruts, college dropouts, and some, I suppose some, are fine people, on both sides! They learn to work like a gang with drop guns, coordinated stories and forgetfulness when it comes body-cams. Alcohol and confiscated drugs ease the pain. And yes I know this from personal experience, they sure can party, and media accounts. There is a mix of good and bad, mostly they have good intentions but dealing with the worst of society turns some.
You two now have a anti-cop ally in the White House.If you ever get into a frank discussion with a cop, ask him about body camera discipline. At what point in the academy are you trained to say loudly and clearly "Stop resisting!" and when it is ok mute your microphone while having a CYA discussion with a supervisor or a fellow officer.
Deep State is a good name.Guns and cars can hurt and kill people when in the hands of the incompetent or the idiotic or the diseased. The State (whatever meaning you wish to give to "the State") does a necessary job of keeping cars out of the hands of those kinds of people, for the most part.
I want free soccer for all the kidsIf you can't afford to feed your kid, you shouldn't have kids. It's not up to your childless neighbors to sponsor those lunches.
When will you stop blaming the gun on everything? You hate Cops and Guns. You support all the Soros DA's releasing dangerous felons and you say nothing. Gee, I wonder why?Guns and cars can hurt and kill people when in the hands of the incompetent or the idiotic or the diseased. The State (whatever meaning you wish to give to "the State") does a necessary job of keeping cars out of the hands of those kinds of people, for the most part.
Looks like a general in the libtard army.You two now have a anti-cop ally in the White House.
White House promotes controversial US officer Tyler Cherry to key post
The White House has promoted Tyler Cherry, a former Interior Communications Director known for controversial remarks, to Associate Communications
In 2015, he tweeted “the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs."
View attachment 21413
I wonder if lithpy boy will have that fixthed before the debateth becuth he thoundth ridiculuth every time he openth hith mouth.
What’s India today?You two now have a anti-cop ally in the White House.
White House promotes controversial US officer Tyler Cherry to key post
The White House has promoted Tyler Cherry, a former Interior Communications Director known for controversial remarks, to Associate Communications
In 2015, he tweeted “the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs."
View attachment 21413
You two now have a anti-cop ally in the White House.
White House promotes controversial US officer Tyler Cherry to key post
The White House has promoted Tyler Cherry, a former Interior Communications Director known for controversial remarks, to Associate Communications
In 2015, he tweeted “the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs."
View attachment 21413
A better source than the shit you and your Siamese twin crap out on a daily basis.What’s India today?