Today in Fascism

Remind me again about how the Palestinian supporters want peace.

Remind me again about how the Palestinian supporters want peace.
Who said that?

Remind me again about how the Palestinian supporters want peace.
Secret Service should've let the K9 units loose for some exercise if any of those idiots made it over the fence at the WH.
Hedy Lamarr, often proclaimed “the most beautiful woman in the world.” The 26-yr-old Lamarr was thriving in Hollywood when, in September 1940, Nazi U-boats hunted down & sank a cruise ship trying to evacuate 90 British schoolchildren to Canada. 77 drowned in the bleak north Atlantic. Lamarr, a Jewish immigrant from Nazi-occupied Austria, who had been making America her home since 1938, was outraged. She fought back by applying her engineering skills to development of a sonar sub-locator used in the Atlantic for the benefit of the Allies. The principles of her work are now incorporated into modern Wi-Fi, CDMA and Bluetooth technology, and this work led to her to be inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2014.
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Hedy Lamarr, often proclaimed “the most beautiful woman in the world.” The 26-yr-old Lamarr was thriving in Hollywood when, in September 1940, Nazi U-boats hunted down & sank a cruise ship trying to evacuate 90 British schoolchildren to Canada. 77 drowned in the bleak north Atlantic. Lamarr, a Jewish immigrant from Nazi-occupied Austria, who had been making America her home since 1938, was outraged. She fought back by applying her engineering skills to development of a sonar sub-locator used in the Atlantic for the benefit of the Allies. The principles of her work are now incorporated into modern Wi-Fi, CDMA and Bluetooth technology, and this work led to her to be inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2014.
What are some of the inventions that Antifa has produced?
It's an old trick.

1- Take something other people alteady dislike. (Communism, racism, fascism, heresy)
2- Declare yourself to be anti-(whatever it is)
3- You are now free to attack other people by accusing them of being part of (whatever it is)

It can even loop. Antifa pulled this stunt by declaring themselves to be against the OG anti-communists.

Any time you see another of these self declared anti-groups, just assume they're looking for an excuse to punch someone in the face. You won't be far off.

For this to work, the name has to be chosen by the activists. Labelling someone else as anti-(good thing) is a completely different propaganda trick.
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Hedy Lamarr, often proclaimed “the most beautiful woman in the world.” The 26-yr-old Lamarr was thriving in Hollywood when, in September 1940, Nazi U-boats hunted down & sank a cruise ship trying to evacuate 90 British schoolchildren to Canada. 77 drowned in the bleak north Atlantic. Lamarr, a Jewish immigrant from Nazi-occupied Austria, who had been making America her home since 1938, was outraged. She fought back by applying her engineering skills to development of a sonar sub-locator used in the Atlantic for the benefit of the Allies. The principles of her work are now incorporated into modern Wi-Fi, CDMA and Bluetooth technology, and this work led to her to be inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2014.
I think your confused or ill-informed.

It's an old trick.

1- Take something other people alteady dislike. (Communism, racism, fascism, heresy)
2- Declare yourself to be anti-(whatever it is)
3- You are now free to attack other people by accusing them of being part of (whatever it is)

It can even loop. Antifa pulled this stunt by declaring themselves to be against the OG anti-communists.

Any time you see another of these self declared anti-groups, just assume they're looking for an excuse to punch someone in the face. You won't be far off.

For this to work, the name has to be chosen by the activists. Labelling someone else as anti-(good thing) is a completely different propaganda trick.
You mean like labeling yourself MAGA?
You mean like labeling yourself MAGA?
Can you think of any "anti" group which doesn't fit the description?

antifascists, anti-communists, and anti-racists all act exactly as described: Find someone else, declare them to be part of the "evil" group, and find a way to attack them. The only meaningful differences are in the style of the attack.

Proud boys are different. They're more in the style of the red brigades: declare yourselves to be the guardians of goodness, then go beat people up.
Can you think of any "anti" group which doesn't fit the description?

antifascists, anti-communists, and anti-racists all act exactly as described: Find someone else, declare them to be part of the "evil" group, and find a way to attack them. The only meaningful differences are in the style of the attack.

Proud boys are different. They're more in the style of the red brigades: declare yourselves to be the guardians of goodness, then go beat people up.
The bully thing is a perfect fit for the right (or do they now say reich?). They want to infiltrate any large group of people do the can try to smash some skulls. Remember mosh pits? Always some assholes making it violent.
Remember mosh pits? Always some assholes making it violent.
There was a full day of mosh pits at the No Values Festival last Saturday and surprisingly, very few assholes at the shows I saw. The Suicidal Tendencies show might have been the exception according to some reports. The Damned, The Adicts and Iggy Pop were epic.
There was a full day of mosh pits at the No Values Festival last Saturday and surprisingly, very few assholes at the shows I saw. The Suicidal Tendencies show might have been the exception according to some reports. The Damned, The Adicts and Iggy Pop were epic.
That’s a good thing. People pay too much these days to get tossed. Mid 70’s Lion’s Club shows were 4 or 5 bands for $6. Most bands couldn’t play but we all had fun.