Today in Fascism

How uninformed are you? As if The Atlantic is the only one that reported that. It’s the story not the messenger . . . but those of you wearing the maga knee pads don’t care what daddy says anyways as long as he keeps telling what you want to hear and making you feel like finally, at last, that you are “winning!”. 😂 sucker.
To correct you, The Atlantic is not the only one who reported this using very loose facts. I luv the reference to knee pads and sucking, nice touch classy little man..
I see you are as ignorant as I was. You should thank my daughter for this bit of your education.

Its use among the various shades of law enforcement people and its undertone of blue vs. the people drew the envy of the white supremacists so much so that they adapted it, sort of like how the Appeal to Heaven flag became a favored symbol for MAGA wingnuts.
Back to flag issues -- Kari Lake calls on her friends --

Here's one officer I will never "support". Based on nothing but wild-ass speculation, one might express the opinion that he likes his little power trips because he realizes that he got an overdose of the ugly stick before being born.

Still can't answer 2 simple questions can you? And that's not a rhetorical question either. But we all know the answer.
You've already answered it by not answering it multiple times..this time should be no different.

I'll tell you what really sucks. You have ZERO support for LE because of some bad apples. But I don't doubt for a second there are
multiple cops in YOUR community who would take a bullet for you and they've never even met you. Some cop out there is willing to orphan their family in the course of their duties to save your worthless butt.
Still can't answer 2 simple questions can you? And that's not a rhetorical question either. But we all know the answer.
You've already answered it by not answering it multiple times..this time should be no different.

I'll tell you what really sucks. You have ZERO support for LE because of some bad apples. But I don't doubt for a second there are
multiple cops in YOUR community who would take a bullet for you and they've never even met you. Some cop out there is willing to orphan their family in the course of their duties to save your worthless butt.
You're partially right -- I have no support for the bad apples. That cop is an example of a bad apple who overplayed his hand in front of unbiased witnesses and cameras. The semi-bad apples are those cops who stand by and don't intervene in these situations because of the thin blue line code.

In my personal interactions with the police over the years, I have met mostly good ones. In one case, a cop lied in his statement on a traffic ticket about what I said when he asked me a question that I should not have answered, and since that was in the days before body cameras and personal recording devices, it was going to be my word against his. As it was, in those days if you took the traffic school opinion the charge was effectively dismissed, so I took the easy way out.

Another cop (Poway office of SD Sheriff) was too lazy to get out of his chair to sign off my equipment ticket, and then the SD City cop a couple of miles away just asked me to swing my car around so that he could see that I had reattached the front license plate without him having to get up.

I have worked with some Sheriff Deputies in the soccer world, and, as I have stated multiple times, I have family connections into law enforcement. Take your bullshit accusations and stuff them where the sun don't shine.
You're partially right -- I have no support for the bad apples. That cop is an example of a bad apple who overplayed his hand in front of unbiased witnesses and cameras. The semi-bad apples are those cops who stand by and don't intervene in these situations because of the thin blue line code.

In my personal interactions with the police over the years, I have met mostly good ones. In one case, a cop lied in his statement on a traffic ticket about what I said when he asked me a question that I should not have answered, and since that was in the days before body cameras and personal recording devices, it was going to be my word against his. As it was, in those days if you took the traffic school opinion the charge was effectively dismissed, so I took the easy way out.

Another cop (Poway office of SD Sheriff) was too lazy to get out of his chair to sign off my equipment ticket, and then the SD City cop a couple of miles away just asked me to swing my car around so that he could see that I had reattached the front license plate without him having to get up.

I have worked with some Sheriff Deputies in the soccer world, and, as I have stated multiple times, I have family connections into law enforcement. Take your bullshit accusations and stuff them where the sun don't shine.

You're partially right -- I have no support for the bad apples. That cop is an example of a bad apple who overplayed his hand in front of unbiased witnesses and cameras. The semi-bad apples are those cops who stand by and don't intervene in these situations because of the thin blue line code.

In my personal interactions with the police over the years, I have met mostly good ones. In one case, a cop lied in his statement on a traffic ticket about what I said when he asked me a question that I should not have answered, and since that was in the days before body cameras and personal recording devices, it was going to be my word against his. As it was, in those days if you took the traffic school opinion the charge was effectively dismissed, so I took the easy way out.

Another cop (Poway office of SD Sheriff) was too lazy to get out of his chair to sign off my equipment ticket, and then the SD City cop a couple of miles away just asked me to swing my car around so that he could see that I had reattached the front license plate without him having to get up.

I have worked with some Sheriff Deputies in the soccer world, and, as I have stated multiple times, I have family connections into law enforcement. Take your bullshit accusations and stuff them where the sun don't shine.
Many of these attempts by the magas to discredit remind me of those lazy cops and the overly zealous as well.
You're partially right -- I have no support for the bad apples. That cop is an example of a bad apple who overplayed his hand in front of unbiased witnesses and cameras. The semi-bad apples are those cops who stand by and don't intervene in these situations because of the thin blue line code.

In my personal interactions with the police over the years, I have met mostly good ones. In one case, a cop lied in his statement on a traffic ticket about what I said when he asked me a question that I should not have answered, and since that was in the days before body cameras and personal recording devices, it was going to be my word against his. As it was, in those days if you took the traffic school opinion the charge was effectively dismissed, so I took the easy way out.

Another cop (Poway office of SD Sheriff) was too lazy to get out of his chair to sign off my equipment ticket, and then the SD City cop a couple of miles away just asked me to swing my car around so that he could see that I had reattached the front license plate without him having to get up.

I have worked with some Sheriff Deputies in the soccer world, and, as I have stated multiple times, I have family connections into law enforcement. Take your bullshit accusations and stuff them where the sun don't shine.
So your sorry ass is saying there are bad cops? Like there are bad physicians, bad lawyers, bad teachers, bad chefs, bad judges, bad CEOs, bad plumbers, bad scientists, bad politicians, bad...

So your sorry ass is saying there are bad cops? Like there are bad physicians, bad lawyers, bad teachers, bad chefs, bad judges, bad CEOs, bad plumbers, bad scientists, bad politicians, bad...

It's all the left has - examples of individual failures. They can't campaign on the accomplishments of Biden. So, they do their best to deflect attention from his enormous failures with the economy, illegal immigration, and crime, with, "Yeah, but look at this cop behaving badly." or, "There was a right winger once <in a mask and never identified> who said bad things about Jewish people and/or held a Nazi flag."

Something that hasn't been talked about enough is that the explosive growth in anti-semitism has sprung from the teachings of the left - naturally, organically. It's an inevitable outcome of their woke ideology.
Here is some reporting from an outlet that is actually growing in readership regarding the MSM / authoritarian left respond to events. Looks like two critically thinking impaired comrades here are reading from that playbook.

The Free Press
Islamists Keep Stabbing People. Why Aren’t We Talking About It?
Many in the West seem resigned to violence that once shocked us.

By Peter Savodnik

June 6, 2024


There is a pattern to the way these things tend to unfold: first, most media outlets and senior elected officials urge everyone to withhold judgment before we jump to any conclusions about what has happened. Then—when we discover that Islamists are responsible—the focus of the conversation immediately shifts to the “far right,” the xenophobes, the angry, racist mob.

The danger is not the people who did the killing, but the people who might be provoked by the killing—their specter of violence a bigger threat than the violence itself.

Or the victims themselves are transformed into the instigators of the violence perpetrated against them: Wasn’t Michael Stürzenberger, the blogger who was stabbed in Mannheim, an “extremist”? Weren’t the 12 staffers of Charlie Hebdo who were murdered in their Paris office in 2015 racist?

The reluctance to call the attackers what they are, or the jump to shift the blame for the attack to their victims, is how right-thinkers insert some cognitive space between themselves and those with unpopular opinions.

It's all the left has - examples of individual failures. They can't campaign on the accomplishments of Biden. So, they do their best to deflect attention from his enormous failures with the economy, illegal immigration, and crime, with, "Yeah, but look at this cop behaving badly." or, "There was a right winger once <in a mask and never identified> who said bad things about Jewish people and/or held a Nazi flag."

Something that hasn't been talked about enough is that the explosive growth in anti-semitism has sprung from the teachings of the left - naturally, organically. It's an inevitable outcome of their woke ideology.
Its the "progressive's" concept of oppressor vs. oppressed. Hate is bad unless its directed towards whites or Jews. The left rationalizes it because these groups are considered oppressors (despite the fact Jews have been oppressed for decades). Look at all the hate that has been directed at Caitlin Clark because of the color of her skin.
Its the "progressive's" concept of oppressor vs. oppressed. Hate is bad unless its directed towards whites or Jews. The left rationalizes it because these groups are considered oppressors (despite the fact Jews have been oppressed for decades). Look at all the hate that has been directed at Caitlin Clark because of the color of her skin.
Let’s face it. The left has been taken over by envious losers looking for an oppressor to blame for their shortcomings.
Its the "progressive's" concept of oppressor vs. oppressed. Hate is bad unless its directed towards whites or Jews. The left rationalizes it because these groups are considered oppressors (despite the fact Jews have been oppressed for decades). Look at all the hate that has been directed at Caitlin Clark because of the color of her skin.
With statements like that how could anyone believe you to be serious. Generalization, fear, partisan angst and extremist propaganda. When you walk out into the world is that really the what you see or is it just, once again, what you are being told?