How much does Trump own you?No need to pretend. It used to be the Democrats who were the dysfunctional party before the nominating conventions. Now the Republicans have proudly taken the opportunity while they spiral into trumpism.
How much does Trump own you?No need to pretend. It used to be the Democrats who were the dysfunctional party before the nominating conventions. Now the Republicans have proudly taken the opportunity while they spiral into trumpism.
Another power hungry puke feeding off fear and ignorance.Latest mess --
LGBTQ Republicans Feel Alienated After Colorado GOP Says "God Hates Pride"
"It is pushing people away from our party. We need new leadership."
People just need to be gay and get on with their lives. They can't do that, though, can they? They need lots of attention. Lots of rainbows. Lots of days, weeks, months and parades. That's not wanting to be "free and equal" like everyone else, that's making sure you piss people off so they reject your bullshit and you can play victim.Latest mess --
LGBTQ Republicans Feel Alienated After Colorado GOP Says "God Hates Pride"
"It is pushing people away from our party. We need new leadership."
I was going to respond with "I think you missed the point", but on further reflection, I think you actually made the point.People just need to be gay and get on with their lives. They can't do that, though, can they? They need lots of attention. Lots of rainbows. Lots of days, weeks, months and parades. That's not wanting to be "free and equal" like everyone else, that's making sure you piss people off so they reject your bullshit and you can play victim.
I like how your coward cheerleader doesn't have the guts to respond to me anymore but he/she/it is always here to polish your knob.I was going to respond with "I think you missed the point", but on further reflection, I think you actually made the point.
How much does t own you?I like how your coward cheerleader doesn't have the guts to respond to me anymore but he/she/it is always here to polish your knob.
I didn't "miss" the point, I made it for you. Perhaps you missed it. People that "just want to be accepted and allowed to live" don't do nude parades and try to sexually offend or shock others. They also don't like to groom kids. So let's not pretend that's what they're really after.
As far as republicans being the "dysfunctional" party, can you explain to me what's functional about inviting illegal aliens here, giving them our tax dollars to live, canceling debt of college deadbeats and dumping their debt on tax payers (while letting them keep their degrees) or being the largest financial donor, do a war we're not in, and dumping THAT debt on taxpayers when we're $34T in debt?
Can you rationalize the functionality of that for us?
He doesn't. Unlike you, I will bash both candidates and have here. You don't have the courage to do it because you're infected with TDS.How much does t own you?
Can you read, coward?Another power hungry puke feeding off fear and ignorance.
Did we BOTH miss this?Big donor?
Back in 2020, Biden was giving a speech to the military and said, "clap... stupid bastards." Oh wait, the 'tato said it was all a joke.When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, near Paris, in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true.
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’
The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades, multiple sources tell The
Another fine mess for the GOP --Latest mess --
LGBTQ Republicans Feel Alienated After Colorado GOP Says "God Hates Pride"
"It is pushing people away from our party. We need new leadership."
Still waiting for you to rationalize the functionality of what Biden has done. Are you just going to keep hitting and running? Just keep hiding? Or are you going to prove you're "in the middle" and actually be critical of anything Biden has done?How much does t own you?
using the atlantic as a reputable source? All of this is murky at best. Please do better - you are no better than all of the vultures who hang out in the left and right trees. The US president always travels with codes...the Secret Service will ALWAYS recommend to not travel when there is a small risk of something happening on bad roadways...the same goes for weather and aircraft. These are facts silly, not a conspiracy. Could he over ride , of course he could, he's the prez. Was he in a bad mood during that time period, stuff not going trumpy's way...probably. But leave it up to you and your ilk to pounce on this situation and make it bigger than it really was. His buddy John Bolton couldn't even bring himself to take advantage of this situation. Much like yesterday's JB poopin his pants scenario. Did it it look like it since we have a grumpy grandpa in office who can barely get out two words coherently without yelling...yes.When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, near Paris, in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true.
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’
The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades, multiple sources tell The
Here's one officer I will never "support". Based on nothing but wild-ass speculation, one might express the opinion that he likes his little power trips because he realizes that he got an overdose of the ugly stick before being born.I'm dumb on some things I'll admit..but I'm nowhere near as ignorant as you and HD still are.
Thin Blue Line was around long before a bunch of white supremacists started using it.
And like didn't answer the previous questions?
No support for LE? And..are all the other people of various color that are LE and have that sticker on their cars..are they white supremacists too?
** I notice you and your boy HD are both up around the same time. How ironic. How cute the two of you wake up together to start your day posting your usual BS on here.
How uninformed are you? As if The Atlantic is the only one that reported that. It’s the story not the messenger . . . but those of you wearing the maga knee pads don’t care what daddy says anyways as long as he keeps telling what you want to hear and making you feel like finally, at last, that you are “winning!”.using the atlantic as a reputable source? All of this is murky at best. Please do better - you are no better than all of the vultures who hang out in the left and right trees. The US president always travels with codes...the Secret Service will ALWAYS recommend to not travel when there is a small risk of something happening on bad roadways...the same goes for weather and aircraft. These are facts silly, not a conspiracy. Could he over ride , of course he could, he's the prez. Was he in a bad mood during that time period, stuff not going trumpy's way...probably. But leave it up to you and your ilk to pounce on this situation and make it bigger than it really was. His buddy John Bolton couldn't even bring himself to take advantage of this situation. Much like yesterday's JB poopin his pants scenario. Did it it look like it since we have a grumpy grandpa in office who can barely get out two words coherently without yelling...yes.
We care. Trump is winning. Every single day his margin of victory gets higher and higher.How uninformed are you? As if The Atlantic is the only one that reported that. It’s the story not the messenger . . . but those of you wearing the maga knee pads don’t care what daddy says anyways as long as he keeps telling what you want to hear and making you feel like finally, at last, that you are “winning!”.sucker.
Doing donuts with drunk in the car? Trying to git’em hurl?Here's one officer I will never "support". Based on nothing but wild-ass speculation, one might express the opinion that he likes his little power trips because he realizes that he got an overdose of the ugly stick before being born.