Today in Fascism


Team espola and other agents like Agent Smith finally served Rudy on his 80th bday. Good job espola, go get Trump, Peter, Steve, Rudy, Sydney, Flynn and all the rest. Good luck loser!!!

“It’s unfortunate that they chose to barge up and startle guests during a celebration of this man’s 80th birthday,” Goodman told the outlet. “They could’ve shown a little more respect for the man who comforted the nation following September 11th and who stands up for law enforcement and the men and women in blue.”

Arizona Attorney General (D) Kris Mayes said “nobody is above the law,” (except for Joe, Uncle James and Hunter) in response to Giuliani being served.
That's really trying to reshape an entire narrative. At its core, this is about Palestinians have a right to self determination in their own land. That has been coopted by Hamas in Gaza. Returning the hostages will not end the current conflict. The Israeli minister for finance (I think) who is an extreme right pol has stated that the IDF will go into Rafah irrespective and if Netanyahu doesn't the gov will fall, hostage return or not.

Hamas literally accepted a ceasefire last week, only for Netanyahu to say it wasn't enough. Neither side, to my mind, want a ceasefire, for different reasons, as they both see winning in different terms. The leader of Hamas in Gaza (don't recall the name) is reportedly saying that they have already won, irrespective of whether he and every Hamas fighter in Gaza dies, i.e. they have achieved their objective. Netanyahu knows that once the war stops he's probably done, so he must "defeat" Hamas to have any political future, and even then its doubtful. His minimum must be that Hamas is defeated, not that the hostages have been returned.
Guess we know why Hamas didn’t want an invasion of Rafah. I wonder if this also explains Biden’s lack of support.

50 Rafah Tunnels to Egypt Unearthed. Everyone in Israel suspected and knew that all along. This proof is for the rest of the world to see.

Which explains why Egypt joins the ICJ against Israel and opposed Rafah operation.

Between this and finding the bodies of hostages, it's becoming obvious why pro-Hamas folks were so opposed to a Rafah operation.

All questions, how Hamas keeps on getting weapons, where are the hostages, where are the terrorists hiding, it's all buried in Rafah and Hamas was counting on using refugees as human shields. We all knew it. Let's finish it, no more waiting.

The real question is whether Egypt is collaborating, whether they have traitors, or if they've lost so much control over their country that even their best intentions can't prevent it. All possibilities are horrifying for different reasons.

Most probably they're collaborating. The peace treaty is a farce for Egypt to obtain American military aid. Egypt are never Israel's friends and regardless if they hate the Palestinians, they hate Jews more.

Hostages who are still alive numbering 33 and Hamas military leaders like Yahya Sinwar are in all probability in Egypt now or may have even been transferred to Turkey by now.

Sinwar's son is involved in cross-border permits.
Marxists are fine with that - as long as everyone is poor.
As long as espola and his pals can have under the table Nanny, then life is good for them. That's why the replacements are here. espola and his twin hate MAGA. We think with our minds, and we can't be told want to do and they & them just hate that about the MAGAs. If you're ADHD, oh boy, they will try and medicate you and tell you to STFU. If you have any intuition on the truth and call out liars, forget it. They will ruin you and destroy your ability to make a living. It's takes $200,000 a year now to buy a house in the wonderful OC.
"I recently became aware that certain news outlets are alleging that I had a sexual and/or romantic affair with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago," Daniels said on Jan. 10, 2018, "I am stating with complete clarity that this is absolutely false," she added. "My involvement with Donald Trump was limited to a few public appearances and nothing more. When I met Donald Trump, he was gracious, professional and a complete gentleman to me and EVERYONE in my presence," Daniels wrote. "Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false. If indeed I did have a relationship with Donald Trump, trust me, you wouldn't be reading about it in the news, you would be reading about it in my book. But the fact of the matter is, these stories are not true," Daniels added.

I told you all I had a very beautiful neighbor that used to work at the Playboy Mansion. This lady was as liberal as one could be and let me know 100%, she did not like his politics. However, she said she met him at the Mansion, and he was a complete gentleman and treated her with respect. I didn't ask what her job was, but this goes with what Stormy had to say. Stormy is being forced to lie and make up stories. The 80-year-old twin of espola who claims she was raped by t, is full of poop! They & them are all liars and sex addicts. This is the party of liars and the party espola supports. Don't let espola fool you.
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The decision of the jury is the point and the American legal system.

Shocking that once again you fail to answer a direct question..but rather sidestep it and respond with some bs line.
So what happens if you don't make it to see that scenario play out because you failed to act?

Man it must really suck to be a family member that has to depend on you to keep them safe.
Chocolate pie for Harrison Butker!

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I disagree with a lot of Butker had to say, but what he said is consistent with Catholic beliefs and he said it at a Catholic school. I'm not sure why everyone's knickers are in a wad for expressing his Catholic faith. Now I'm no fan of the Catholic church, and they certainly should be taking care of their own house before telling others how to run theirs.

He mentioned he is against IVF. Not many people are aware, but the Catholic Church considers IVF as "gravely immoral" whereas I think most people consider IVF a miracle. My wife and I would be childless without IVF.
I disagree with a lot of Butker had to say, but what he said is consistent with Catholic beliefs and he said it at a Catholic school. I'm not sure why everyone's knickers are in a wad for expressing his Catholic faith. Now I'm no fan of the Catholic church, and they certainly should be taking care of their own house before telling others how to run theirs.

He mentioned he is against IVF. Not many people are aware, but the Catholic Church considers IVF as "gravely immoral" whereas I think most people consider IVF a miracle. My wife and I would be childless without IVF.
Plus, he was talking about the fake one's like Joe and Nancy. So many people are triggered by free speech. We need a great reset and big start over.
We have become a country of big babies and wimpy men like espola. No free speech and the hate speech is only the speech that you hate. I actually want to know the truth about someone so I can make my own decision. I agree with watty, so many have their kickers in a hissy fit. espola the loser tried to ban me from the forum because I talked about Jesus trying to help a woman caught in adultery. The loser men didn't bring the man that was caught with her in adultery to meet Jesus, only the lady with zero rights!! Jesus was the first woman liberator and espola just hates Jesus. He did go to church camp as a youth in the 60s for motives that were not pure. What a bunch of punks. Jesus wrote on the ground and these snitches went away one at a time because their freaking hypocrites. We're dealing with the same crew today, just a little different.

I disagree with a lot of Butker had to say, but what he said is consistent with Catholic beliefs and he said it at a Catholic school. I'm not sure why everyone's knickers are in a wad for expressing his Catholic faith. Now I'm no fan of the Catholic church, and they certainly should be taking care of their own house before telling others how to run theirs.

He mentioned he is against IVF. Not many people are aware, but the Catholic Church considers IVF as "gravely immoral" whereas I think most people consider IVF a miracle. My wife and I would be childless without IVF.
One of my wife's friends is married to IVF man and he's one of the most amazing men I have ever met.

We have become a country of big babies and wimpy men like espola. No free speech and the hate speech is only the speech that you hate. I actually want to know the truth about someone so I can make my own decision. I agree with watty, so many have their kickers in a hissy fit. espola the loser tried to ban me from the forum because I talked about Jesus trying to help a woman caught in adultery. The loser men didn't bring the man that was caught with her in adultery to meet Jesus, only the lady with zero rights!! Jesus was the first woman liberator and espola just hates Jesus. He did go to church camp as a youth in the 60s for motives that were not pure. What a bunch of punks. Jesus wrote on the ground and these snitches went away one at a time because their freaking hypocrites. We're dealing with the same crew today, just a little different.
"espola just hates Jesus. He did go to church camp as a youth in the 60s for motives that were not pure."

"espola just hates Jesus. He did go to church camp as a youth in the 60s for motives that were not pure."

"Espola just loves Jesus😍 He went to church camp and found the Christ in the 60s. His motives were so pure, God Bless him."
"espola just hates Jesus. He did go to church camp as a youth in the 60s for motives that were not pure."

The part about trying to get me banned and ignored happen that day." You got you panties in a bunch after my post that day and the rest is history.
"Espola just loves Jesus😍 He went to church camp and found the Christ in the 60s. His motives were so pure, God Bless him."
That's closer to the truth, but it was the '50s, for one obvious thing.

I love the Jesus of the Bible, and not the fake Christians who excuse their evil behavior by invoking His name.