Today in Fascism

Apparently that is one who believes what they have been told to believe. Cult orthodoxy demands the demonization of others.
"Demonization of others"? You mean like everytime Biden opens his mouth? Remember his speech from the gates of Hell?

- "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic."
- "MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live... in the shadow of lies."
- "There's no question the Republican party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Trump and that is a threat to our country."

"Demonization of others"? You mean like everytime Biden opens his mouth? Remember his speech from the gates of Hell?

- "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic."
- "MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live... in the shadow of lies."
- "There's no question the Republican party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Trump and that is a threat to our country."

You can't handle the truth?
My opinion has always been that it is not my business. It's up to the woman, with appropriate advice from her doctor, and consideration of the opinion of her mate, to make that decision.

Sounds like you ignored the position I stated earlier in the thread. I have no regrets that I don't fit the mold you had ready for me.
convenient of you to reference something buried somewhere and then cowardly insinuate I'm not who I say I am....tough being a girl these days, especially around people like you who claim to set us free. You hide behind "choice" and use words such as reproductive rights.
convenient of you to reference something buried somewhere and then cowardly insinuate I'm not who I say I am....tough being a girl these days, especially around people like you who claim to set us free. You hide behind "choice" and use words such as reproductive rights.
Buried? It was posted in this thread yesterday. You're not one of those people who jumps into an online conversation without checking to see what people are talking about, are you?
so weak - let's itemize your opinion a bit more. When for you is abortion ok? Like whenever? Are there conditions? Should there be limits? Do we just hack up babies because their mere presence is inconvenient to the mother and father? Do tell.
I shared this photo with a friend who is all for abortion anytime you want, and he said that this baby has no chance because of the mother and should have been killed in the womb. It's really sad. Were all brought here to learn from what life throws at us. It's the job for the adults to make this place better for each precious life that is born. Each baby (soul) is born in all sorts of challenges. That's the whole point. You have to live with what life throws at you. My adopted mother made the most of her situation and came out on top. What started out as abuse for her first 3 years, she turned around and loved children and lived until she was 90.

Buried? It was posted in this thread yesterday. You're not one of those people who jumps into an online conversation without checking to see what people are talking about, are you?
yes, that's true, I do that, no biggie. Doesn't impede my ability to express my opinion. You could graciously and quickly summarize. Aint nobody got time to dig through all of this stuff. Isn't it enough that I have to hike up my skirt? Or should I just rely on pronouns to carry the day?

So let me guess your abortion position: You will leave it up to the woman, her doctor and her partner to decide whether or not to terminate a pregnancy, regardless of situation. We can figure out a graded scale for what's considered illegal possession of drugs but yet let a small group of people decide whether or not and when to kill a child? Isn't that insane. Don't you think there is a better way. cray cray.

‘The entire country went red’: Grant Cardone slams Biden's 44.6% capital gains tax proposal, pointing to consequences faced by ‘the last guy who tried it’

Idealistic fools only see what they want to.
Yep..the ones that support the likes of Che and Cuba.

My wife is from Mexico and grew up very pro Cuba.

Through marriage she has relatives in Cuba and so she has visited a number of times. Those experiences changed her views.

Cubans get ration cards to get what they need. On paper sounds great. The reality is there isn't much available. Very limited.

Speech? One has to be very careful of what they say. People watch other people and turn them in based on what is said. So people live in fear.

It isn't a free society. Tourists have fun and are treated well...but that isn't how the population lives.

Chile on the other hand is a prosperous country where you can do what you want.

And yet when I travel... especially on the west Coast or in Europe I still hear a lot of support for Cuba....they have free health care you know.
so weak - let's itemize your opinion a bit more. When for you is abortion ok? Like whenever? Are there conditions? Should there be limits? Do we just hack up babies because their mere presence is inconvenient to the mother and father? Do tell.
The biggest problem the Democrats are having is that they have a very vocal, and growing, part of their party that has gotten on a bridge too far when it comes things like abortion, immigration, transgender, diversity and Israel, to name a few. The seed of the idea may be OK. but they take it to an illogical extreme. This hurts everyone, but in particular, tends to hurt women and children the most.
The biggest problem the Democrats are having is that they have a very vocal, and growing, part of their party that has gotten on a bridge too far when it comes things like abortion, immigration, transgender, diversity and Israel, to name a few. The seed of the idea may be OK. but they take it to an illogical extreme. This hurts everyone, but in particular, tends to hurt women and children the most.
yes, that's true, I do that, no biggie. Doesn't impede my ability to express my opinion. You could graciously and quickly summarize. Aint nobody got time to dig through all of this stuff. Isn't it enough that I have to hike up my skirt? Or should I just rely on pronouns to carry the day?

So let me guess your abortion position: You will leave it up to the woman, her doctor and her partner to decide whether or not to terminate a pregnancy, regardless of situation. We can figure out a graded scale for what's considered illegal possession of drugs but yet let a small group of people decide whether or not and when to kill a child? Isn't that insane. Don't you think there is a better way. cray cray.
Your time would have been better spent reading back up the thread rather than guessing. That's not my position.
The biggest problem the Democrats are having is that they have a very vocal, and growing, part of their party that has gotten on a bridge too far when it comes things like abortion, immigration, transgender, diversity and Israel, to name a few. The seed of the idea may be OK. but they take it to an illogical extreme. This hurts everyone, but in particular, tends to hurt women and children the most.
Watty, this ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ is your best take. It's why I truly came to earth.
The biggest problem the Democrats are having is that they have a very vocal, and growing, part of their party that has gotten on a bridge too far when it comes things like abortion, immigration, transgender, diversity and Israel, to name a few. The seed of the idea may be OK. but they take it to an illogical extreme. This hurts everyone, but in particular, tends to hurt women and children the most.
I agree with some of this and I have had some difficult conversations with friends who assumed I would wholeheartedly agree with them.
I agree with some of this and I have had some difficult conversations with friends who assumed I would wholeheartedly agree with them.
"Some" to me means more than 2. If you agreed with four, then you would say, "I agree with all except one." I am curious to know which of these 5 you don't agree with, and I assume at least two. Also, I want you to know how proud I am of you for being more open with us. Trust me espola, you will move away from Joe when you see the truth. I have a very dear liberal friend (not independent) who has 100% left he Dems. LT left and you can come back as well and vote for Trump to redeem yourself. I believe in you.

1) Abortion
2) Immigration
3) Transgender
4) Diversity
5) Israel

I look forward to reading your answer. Today I have more hope than ever that we will all come together to save America and make her great again.