Why officials aren't alarmed by spiking coronavirus cases ...
www.latimes.com › california › story › alarmed-by-spi...
1 day ago - (Gary Coronado / Los Angeles
Times) ... The
county, a hotbed of
COVID-19 in California, now has reported more than 3,000 deaths and 80,000 confirmed cases. ... relatively steady, while average daily deaths have declined,
L.A. officials said.
" But health officials continue to discount those concerns, saying total new cases is not the best measure of community spread because of aggressive levels of new testing.
They point to other metrics they say show that the local outbreak has stabilized — even though the number of new cases increased by nearly 20,000 in the last two weeks and by more than 3,600 just over the weekend.
Two key indicators — the positivity rate and average number of daily hospitalizations —
have continued to remain relatively steady, while average daily deaths have declined,
L.A. officials said. Officials said they are monitoring the metrics closely and could impose new restrictions if needed.
“The most important data continues to be looking at our death data and our hospitalization data and our rate of positivity, and ... all of the indicators really point to the fact that we are fairly stable and that we in fact continue to slow the spread of COVID-19,”
Barbara Ferrer, the county’s health director, said Friday.
The average daily number of hospitalizations has been decreasing since late April,
Ferrer said Friday, although she did note there has been a slight increase over the past three days. That could be because most hospitals are now testing all patients for COVID-19, even those who are being treated for unrelated issues, she said.
The seven-day average of daily deaths has also been trending downward since April 12,
Ferrer said. The average reached its highest peak in early May, when 45 to 46 people were dying each day. In early June, the rate had slowed to 20 to 30 deaths a day, she said.."