The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

So the Mt. Carmel kid drew up his manifesto knowing that the NYT would someday publish an offensive cartoon?


You old geriatric fool, you know exactly what was implied......
Go out back and eat some dog shit, your about a quart
APRIL 29, 2019
Judge Nap -- the Mendacious Magistrate
By Russ Vaughn
I’m not a daytime watcher of Fox News, but as an always-on television is within earshot I do tend to be a bit of a detached daytime listener. As such, I have been mystified by the one-eighty degree turn of Fox legal analyst, Judge Andrew Napolitano, away from being an ardent Trump supporter to a constant critic of the president. It was one of those mysteries that we must sometimes wait years for an explanation of what led to such a sudden, inexplicable political reversal. But thanks to that titan of tweeting, our nation’s chief executive, (Dems would prefer that to be Titanic) we now know what inspired this sudden onset of anti-Trump hostility from Judge Nap.

Following his hugely successful Wisconsin rally Saturday night, Donald Trump tweeted this:

“....Ever since Andrew came to my office to ask that I appoint him to the U.S. Supreme Court, and I said NO, he has been very hostile! Also asked for pardon for his friend. A good “pal” of low ratings Shepard Smith.”

Aha! Sorry couldn’t resist that -- it’s so seldom one gets to use aha, and for once, it actually applies. But seriously, folks, (as a certain comedian used to say, who by the way, like our president, could never get any respect either) if true, Trump’s tweet does certainly provide motive for Judge Nap’s mysterious morphing from a Fox News fan of the president to a continually carping critic, without even a hint of explanation from the network. This is another example of how all these so-called “expert” observations we’re continually fed by the media are far too dependent on the personal feelings and attitudes of the so-called experts rather than being objective and fact-based. Moreover, Trump’s tweet shows the entire nation that Napolitano’s good will, even his on-air legal opinions, can be bought -- not exactly a quality most presidents would look for in a Supreme Court appointee is it?

What is even more mystifying is this: Whatever made Napolitano think that he, an on-air legal “analyst” for Fox News Network, was of sufficient juristic eminence to be appointed to the highest court in the land? True, he was a New Jersey Superior Court judge and that is a statewide bench, but it’s an intermediate court, not the New Jersey Supreme Court, which service upon would have lent a bit more heft to Napolitano’s national ambitions. You can bet the farm that had Trump made the appointment the media would have immediately and endlessly denounced Judge Nap as judicially unqualified and appointed only due to his on-air support of Trump.

And for a top-level legal analyst, Judge Nap has to be politically tone deaf to not realize what a field day the media would have with a Trump pardon for a friend of two Fox personalities. Those liberal headhunters would hang a cronyism-corruption charge around Trump’s neck that would create a political stench worse than a long-dead albatross. Trump wisely recognized the hazard and declined to put himself in such jeopardy, correctly calculating that Nap going negative was the lesser of two bad options. Like so many of us, Trump has to be aware that far too many of Judge Nap’s past on-air, judicial prognostications have turned out to be decidedly wrong -- pure cr@p from Nap.

Analyst indeed -- Fox News needs to replace this mendacious magistrate.
Sounds like you people.

APRIL 29, 2019
Now we know for sure that Trump is the better man
By Patricia McCarthy
Those of us who live in solid Democrat strongholds amidst single-minded leftists will know what it is like to attempt a civil conversation about President Trump. This is especially true if one encounters those true-blue Dems in the wealthiest areas of California, NY or DC. Because they are wealthy, successful, often educated at one of the prestige colleges, they know, with every fiber of their being, that they are smarter, wiser and better than any of us lowly, deplorable Trump supporters.


Inauguration Day 2016 (Photo credit: Jack from Leesport PA)

If they are Jewish and you ask them if they appreciate Trump's support of Israel, they will look at you, roll their eyes as if you are even more yclept than they thought. They hate Trump more than they love Israel. If you ask them if they are bothered by the open acceptance of anti-Semitism by the Democrat Party, they will shrug at the lunacy of your question and say something like "anti-Semitism has always been with us." They will deny to their death its escalation across the world at this moment in time, despite the obvious overt escalation and implicit approval of and by the global left. Their identities since the 2016 election are defined by their opposition to Trump. They have sold their souls because their candidate lost the election.

Ask them if they are not pleased with his phenomenal success regarding the economy. Are not the economic developments under Trump great for them, their 401ks, their stock portfolios? Have not his foreign policy maneuvers been successful? Are we not immeasurably better off overall than under Obama? Again, they will regard your question with disgust and disdain. As many others have observed, they hate the President more than they love this country, this country that made their privilege, wealth and safety possible.

These are arrogant people who, like most leftists today, see nothing good in America worth preserving. They are supremely confident that none of the nonsense policies being promulgated by the crazy gaggle of Democrat presidential candidates will ever affect them. The widespread contamination of San Francisco's streets with human feces and discarded needles does not seem to bother Nancy Pelosi one bit, as she has opposed every possible solution. She continues to encourage migrants from Central America to make their way to her sanctuary city.

As long as the border remains a thorn in Trump's side, the Democrats are willing to see the country invaded. So what if the criminals among them maim and kill innocent Americans? They won't likely be roaming about in their neighborhoods. There is a quote of Ben Carson's that perfectly describes such people: "What you're saying is that 'I, the superior elite, will take care of you.' Why? Because, you see, that superior, elite group needs to feel superior and elite. And they can't be superior and elite unless you have a whole lot of people down there groveling around. So you keep them down there by feeding them." This sums up our disagreeable left to a T.

Dennis Prager has written at length in six columns about the Left, (Explaining the Left, Parts 1 - 6) all of which are worth reading, but his most succinct essay on the subject is "Whatever the Left Touches in Ruins." He rightly calls leftism, as opposed to liberalism, a nihilistic force. He addresses the damage done by the Left to university educations, the arts, sports, late-night comedy, religion, gender confusion, and America's once-sacrosanct reverence for the First Amendment; there will be no more free speech if the left gets its way.

Karin McQuillan has written an excellent column that nails this single-minded, blinkered crowd to the cross. It is a must-read. She writes: "The Democrats don't believe in our two-party system anymore. They utterly reject American civic norms of treating the president with a modicum of respect and cooperation.... They think theirs is the only party that deserves to be elected." That fact should be crystal clear to every Trump supporter by now who has tried to have a friendly discussion with a sanctimonious Trump hater. They now favor voter fraud, the invasion of the country by illegal migrants for obvious reasons, late-term and post-birth abortion, no citizenship question on the census, etc. They absolutely believe the ends justify the means; they will cheat any and every way they can (vote harvesting) and project onto republicans what they in fact do as a matter of course. The last line of McQuillan's column: "The Democrats are into the dismantling of America for the long haul. It is a national tragedy and it must be stopped." Read the whole thing.

The nation is virulently divided, but all the virulence is coming from the left. They have become so desperate, especially in the wake of the betrayal of the Mueller Report. They were so sure it would be the nail in Trump's presidential coffin. As it turns out, Trump is perhaps the most investigated President in US history and thus the one with the cleanest bill of political health! As has now been proven, the whole Russia-collusion meme was a set-up from the outset, an attempt to bait the President into obstructing a trumped-up investigation. Their grand plan has backfired and hopefully the schemers, so sure of their own moral supremacy, will be indicted and tried for their many crimes against the President, the Constitution and the American people.

May this long nightmare of their invention soon be over and may all those parochial people who for over two years have been willing to sacrifice everything Americans once held dear to unseat a President who simply offends their sensibilities be shamed for their bigotry for that is what characterizes them; sheer, unmitigated contempt for no reason other than Trump is not one of them. No, he is not. He is by far the better man.
t tops 10,000!!! Lies and mistruths that is . . . but a lot of scared white people don't care, he's gonna make everything alright again! At least that's what he says to them, and they believe!
t tops 10,000!!! Lies and mistruths that is . . . but a lot of scared white people don't care, he's gonna make everything alright again! At least that's what he says to them, and they believe!

I don't see scared " White " people.....

I see scared Democratic " Lemming " such as YOU !
Democrats Demand End of Trump Tax Cuts -- or Else No Infrastructure Funding
Unless you make over $250,000 a year you paid more this year. Changing the withholding rate didn't change the tax rate, it just deferred payment and caused many people to owe instead of get a return (not everyone was aware their withholding had been changed to make it 'appear' they were getting more).

WARNING: Flip-flop in progress! Rep. Steve Cohen has REALLY changed his tune about Rod Rosenstein

Posted at 10:47 pm on April 29, 2019 by Doug P.

Last year, in a post to his site titled “Congressman Cohen Condemns Effort to Impeach Rosenstein,” Rep. Cohen said the following in defense of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein:

Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-09) condemned in the strongest terms the groundless Articles of Impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein introduced last night by members of the Freedom Caucus, and made the following statement:

“Rod Rosenstein is the guardian of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. The sham pretext for this move is Rosenstein’s completely reasonable resistance to turning over certain documents in an ongoing criminal investigation, something that is never done and that would be a breach of his sworn duties. It’s obvious that the ulterior motive for this effort to impugn the reputation of Mr. Rosenstein is a desperate plan to hobble a probe that is getting too close to President Trump’s inner circle. It is critical that we prevent this impeachment effort from going further and it’s essential that we pass the Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act (H.R. 5476) immediately.”

Rosenstein was “the guardian of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation” and a “completely reasonable” man whose reputation had to be protected while the special counsel closed in on Trump. But that was while the Mueller investigation was ongoing. Now that the redacted report is out and has torpedoed the two-year Democrat narrative surrounding Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss to Donald Trump, Cohen is speaking in a less than flattering fashion about Rosenstein in the wake of news that he’s tendered his resignation effective May 11th:
Rosenstein Criticizes FBI, Obama Administration For Choosing ‘Not to Publicize the Full Story’ on Russian Election Interference
With the Mueller report’s public release on April 18, 2018, Rosenstein made his first public comments, delivered during a speech at the Armenian Bar Association’s public servants dinner in New York on April 25.

Rosenstein stated that our “our nation is safer, elections are more secure, and citizens are better informed about covert foreign influence schemes” and pointed out that “there was overwhelming evidence that Russian operatives hacked American computers and defrauded American citizens, and that is only the tip of the iceberg of a comprehensive Russian strategy to influence elections, promote social discord, and undermine America, just like they do in many other countries.”

Furthermore, Rosenstein criticized the Obama administration for its overall decision “not to publicize the full story about Russian computer hackers and social media trolls, and how they relate to a broader strategy to undermine America.”

Rosenstein also criticized decisions made at the FBI by its former director, saying, “FBI disclosed classified evidence about the investigation to ranking legislators and their staffers. Someone selectively leaked details to the news media. The FBI Director announced at a congressional hearing that there was a counterintelligence investigation that might result in criminal charges. Then the former FBI Director alleged that the President pressured him to close the investigation, and the President denied that the conversation occurred.”
APRIL 29, 2019
Judge Nap -- the Mendacious Magistrate
By Russ Vaughn
I’m not a daytime watcher of Fox News, but as an always-on television is within earshot I do tend to be a bit of a detached daytime listener. As such, I have been mystified by the one-eighty degree turn of Fox legal analyst, Judge Andrew Napolitano, away from being an ardent Trump supporter to a constant critic of the president. It was one of those mysteries that we must sometimes wait years for an explanation of what led to such a sudden, inexplicable political reversal. But thanks to that titan of tweeting, our nation’s chief executive, (Dems would prefer that to be Titanic) we now know what inspired this sudden onset of anti-Trump hostility from Judge Nap.

Following his hugely successful Wisconsin rally Saturday night, Donald Trump tweeted this:

“....Ever since Andrew came to my office to ask that I appoint him to the U.S. Supreme Court, and I said NO, he has been very hostile! Also asked for pardon for his friend. A good “pal” of low ratings Shepard Smith.”

Aha! Sorry couldn’t resist that -- it’s so seldom one gets to use aha, and for once, it actually applies. But seriously, folks, (as a certain comedian used to say, who by the way, like our president, could never get any respect either) if true, Trump’s tweet does certainly provide motive for Judge Nap’s mysterious morphing from a Fox News fan of the president to a continually carping critic, without even a hint of explanation from the network. This is another example of how all these so-called “expert” observations we’re continually fed by the media are far too dependent on the personal feelings and attitudes of the so-called experts rather than being objective and fact-based. Moreover, Trump’s tweet shows the entire nation that Napolitano’s good will, even his on-air legal opinions, can be bought -- not exactly a quality most presidents would look for in a Supreme Court appointee is it?

What is even more mystifying is this: Whatever made Napolitano think that he, an on-air legal “analyst” for Fox News Network, was of sufficient juristic eminence to be appointed to the highest court in the land? True, he was a New Jersey Superior Court judge and that is a statewide bench, but it’s an intermediate court, not the New Jersey Supreme Court, which service upon would have lent a bit more heft to Napolitano’s national ambitions. You can bet the farm that had Trump made the appointment the media would have immediately and endlessly denounced Judge Nap as judicially unqualified and appointed only due to his on-air support of Trump.

And for a top-level legal analyst, Judge Nap has to be politically tone deaf to not realize what a field day the media would have with a Trump pardon for a friend of two Fox personalities. Those liberal headhunters would hang a cronyism-corruption charge around Trump’s neck that would create a political stench worse than a long-dead albatross. Trump wisely recognized the hazard and declined to put himself in such jeopardy, correctly calculating that Nap going negative was the lesser of two bad options. Like so many of us, Trump has to be aware that far too many of Judge Nap’s past on-air, judicial prognostications have turned out to be decidedly wrong -- pure cr@p from Nap.

Analyst indeed -- Fox News needs to replace this mendacious magistrate.
Biting ones own tail it appears.
Last living photo of the Poway Chabad Synagogue victim with her daughter, apparently taken in the ladies' room a few minutes before the shooting occurred. The daughter has asked that the photo be shared as widely as possible as a memorial to her mother.

Don't you hate Jews?
Rosenstein Criticizes FBI, Obama Administration For Choosing ‘Not to Publicize the Full Story’ on Russian Election Interference
With the Mueller report’s public release on April 18, 2018, Rosenstein made his first public comments, delivered during a speech at the Armenian Bar Association’s public servants dinner in New York on April 25.

Rosenstein stated that our “our nation is safer, elections are more secure, and citizens are better informed about covert foreign influence schemes” and pointed out that “there was overwhelming evidence that Russian operatives hacked American computers and defrauded American citizens, and that is only the tip of the iceberg of a comprehensive Russian strategy to influence elections, promote social discord, and undermine America, just like they do in many other countries.”

Furthermore, Rosenstein criticized the Obama administration for its overall decision “not to publicize the full story about Russian computer hackers and social media trolls, and how they relate to a broader strategy to undermine America.”

Rosenstein also criticized decisions made at the FBI by its former director, saying, “FBI disclosed classified evidence about the investigation to ranking legislators and their staffers. Someone selectively leaked details to the news media. The FBI Director announced at a congressional hearing that there was a counterintelligence investigation that might result in criminal charges. Then the former FBI Director alleged that the President pressured him to close the investigation, and the President denied that the conversation occurred.”
Nothing undermines a country like 6 straight years of QE.