The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Will Trump 'Put You In Prison?'



Olivier Knox, president of the White House Correspondents’ Association, decried President Donald Trump’s criticism of the establishment media in his remarks at the annual event and recalled an episode in which his worried son asked if the president will imprison him.
Knox said Saturday evening of President Trump.:

I don’t want to dwell on the president. This is not his dinner. It’s ours, and it should stay ours. But I do want to say this. In nearly 23 years as a reporter, I’ve been physically assaulted by Republicans and Democrats, spat on, shoved, had crap thrown at me. I’ve been told by senior administration officials of both major parties that I will never work in Washington again.

And yet, I still separate my career into the period before February 2017 and what came after. That’s because February 2017 is when the President of the United States called us the ‘enemies of the people.’ A few days later I was driving my then-11-year-old son somewhere, probably soccer practice, when he burst into tears and asked me, ‘Is Donald Trump going to put you in prison?’ At the end of a family trip to Mexico he mused if the president tried to keep me out of the country, at ‘least Uncle Josh is a good lawyer and will get you home.’

He then said the terms “fake news” and “enemy of the people” are not “pet names, punch lines, or presidential,” before adding, “We should reject politically expedient assaults on men and women whose hard work helps make it possible to hold the power to account.”

The remarks came at the organization’s annual Washington dinner on Saturday night. President Trump and members of his staff, including Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, skipped the dinner to attend a Greenbay, Wisconsin rally. Sanders was the target of several attacks during last year’s speech by comedian Michelle Wolf.

Instead of a comic, historian and author Ron Chernow was the main speaker at the dinner.

Knox also read aloud a letter from Austin Tice’s family urging dinner guests to advocate for his release. Tice is a freelance journalist who was kidnapped while reporting in Syria in 2012.
Japanese Car Plants Coming to U.S.


AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
President Donald Trump revealed at a Saturday night rally in Wisconsin that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told him earlier that Japanese auto manufacturers are investing $40 billion in U.S. manufacturing facilities.

“Prime Minister [Shinzo] Abe, we’re negotiating trade deals because every country has been ripping us off for years, and I really like the prime minister, he’s a friend of mine, but I said, ‘Mr. prime minister, we gotta do something’,” the president told the crowd of thousands. “For so many decades we’ve been losing tens of billions of dollars to China, and Japan, and Indiana, and name any country and we lost, but we’re not losing anymore.”

Abe has been meeting with President Trump this Friday and Saturday.

Trump recounted the conversation with Abe, “I said listen, we gotta do something. $68 billion in trade losses over the last four or five years, a year. So we’re renegotiating and I think he’ll be fair. I think he’ll be fair.”

“By the way, he started by saying he’s putting $40 billion into the United States for new car factories,” President Trump said, summarizing Abe’s commitment. “Toyota is coming in with $14 billion dollars. Many, many companies are coming in. And they’re coming in, frankly, to Michigan. They’re coming back, they want to be back, to Ohio, to Pennsylvania, to North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and what’s the name of this special place – it’s called Wisconsin.”

“So they’ll be investing shortly and it’s started already, $40 billion with a b, $40 billion dollars, and it’ll be a lot more than that,” Trump said. He added, “The poverty rate for Wisconsin families has reached the lowest rate in 22 years. The unemployment rate for Wisconsin workers has reached historic lows, has never been this low before, ever, ever, ever. Think of that.”


“We’re now the number one economy in the world and it’s not even close.”

The crowd began chanting, “USA, USA, USA.”

The president then asked the crowd if there is any place more fun on a Saturday night than a Trump rally.

Trump later revisited the issue of trade, reiterating previous comments that America has rebuilt China.

“Prime Minister Abe said to me today, ‘Nobody’s ever talked to me this way’ from our country, it’s true. No, he said it friendly,” said Trump, repeating that Abe is a friend of his.

The president commented that in all fairness, the bad trade deals go back further than Barack Obama’s presidency. He said America is the piggy bank that everyone else is robbing from and taking advantage of.

Trump promised that at the end of the next six years, Americans will be left with the strongest country they’ve ever had.
APRIL 28, 2019
Canada’s version of Medicare for All executes thousands of patients a year
By Thomas Lifson
When governments take charge of medical care and expenditures on prolonging life come out of the same pool of money used for the military, road-building, schools and all the other functions of government, the bureaucrats who are the decision-makers have every incentive to encourage a rapid death, if not insist upon it.

Our northern neighbor Canada offers an example of the slippery slope. Wesley J. Smith writes on National Review Online:

Canadian doctors committed thousands of homicides in 2018. According to an interim report published by the government, in the first ten months of last year, doctors lethally injected 2, 613 patients (with one assisted suicide) — and that doesn’t include the homicides committed by doctors in Quebec, Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut.

This means well over 3,000 people are killed by their doctors each year in Canada, which — if my math is correct — is more than 250 a month, more than 58 a week, and more than eight per day. Heck, that’s about one every three hours.


This won't hurt much, and it will soon be over, anyway
APRIL 28, 2019
Universities now requiring loyalty oaths taken to ‘diversity’
By Thomas Lifson
I am so old that I can remember when Democrats and the progressive Left regarded forcing college faculty to sign loyalty oaths as abhorrent. Of course, that was when Communist infiltration of colleges, the media, and government bureaucracy was both genuine and a real threat. President Harry S. Truman signed Executive Order 9835 requiring federal employees to sign a loyalty oath and the state of California passed a law, the “Levering Act,” requiring the same of state employees.

The University of California has published a loving, celebratory timelinedescribing the reaction among faculty and the ultimate repeal of the loyalty oath. Loyalty oaths were very, very bad, back then.

But loyalty oaths are back again, and this time, according to the progressive deep thinkers, they are good. Because it is not loyalty to the United States, but rather loyalty to the ideology of “diversity” that is being demanded. Christian Schneider writes in the New York Post:

Consider the University of California, Los Angeles. To be considered for tenure-track positions, applicants are required to write a full statement outlining their commitment to diversity. According to UCLA guidelines, the extent to which a professor promotes equity, diversity and inclusion is a key factor in making progress on the tenure track.

Promoting these ideals “is inseparable from how the University of California conceives of ‘merit,’ ” the school says. UC Riverside, UC San Diego and UC Berkeley all require similar diversity statements.

I cannot interpret this as anything other than an elevation of loyalty to the same or higher level than merit in making decisions about faculty careers. “Diversity” as an ideology requires subordinating excellence to identity group status in making decisions about a person’s fate. This is why Asian-American organizations are suing Harvard.

China, under Mao Tse-tung, faced exactly this question, phrased at the time as “Red vs. expert.” In the Cultural Revolution, it was decreed that “Red” – meaning ideological loyalty to Mao’s Little Red Book – was more important than expertise, in other words, actual professional competence, in appointing officials to be in charge of important public matters.

Blind loyalty to "Mao Tse-tung thought" was elevated to the sole important criterion for judging the merit of anyone. Mobs of Red Gurads brandisihing the Little Red Book containing Mao's thoughts were used to intimidate skepticsinto conformity.


That worked out terribly for China, keeping its talented and hard-working population mired in poverty for decades that followed.

For American universities, it will also work out badly, as any diversion from the path of Truth and excellence undermines the legitimacy of the higher education project. It is more than clear to me that higher education in the United States is headed for a huge crash, dictated by over-expansion, tuition inflation, and ideological slavery.
APRIL 28, 2019
Universities now requiring loyalty oaths taken to ‘diversity’
By Thomas Lifson
I am so old that I can remember when Democrats and the progressive Left regarded forcing college faculty to sign loyalty oaths as abhorrent. Of course, that was when Communist infiltration of colleges, the media, and government bureaucracy was both genuine and a real threat. President Harry S. Truman signed Executive Order 9835 requiring federal employees to sign a loyalty oath and the state of California passed a law, the “Levering Act,” requiring the same of state employees.

The University of California has published a loving, celebratory timelinedescribing the reaction among faculty and the ultimate repeal of the loyalty oath. Loyalty oaths were very, very bad, back then.

But loyalty oaths are back again, and this time, according to the progressive deep thinkers, they are good. Because it is not loyalty to the United States, but rather loyalty to the ideology of “diversity” that is being demanded. Christian Schneider writes in the New York Post:

Consider the University of California, Los Angeles. To be considered for tenure-track positions, applicants are required to write a full statement outlining their commitment to diversity. According to UCLA guidelines, the extent to which a professor promotes equity, diversity and inclusion is a key factor in making progress on the tenure track.

Promoting these ideals “is inseparable from how the University of California conceives of ‘merit,’ ” the school says. UC Riverside, UC San Diego and UC Berkeley all require similar diversity statements.

I cannot interpret this as anything other than an elevation of loyalty to the same or higher level than merit in making decisions about faculty careers. “Diversity” as an ideology requires subordinating excellence to identity group status in making decisions about a person’s fate. This is why Asian-American organizations are suing Harvard.

China, under Mao Tse-tung, faced exactly this question, phrased at the time as “Red vs. expert.” In the Cultural Revolution, it was decreed that “Red” – meaning ideological loyalty to Mao’s Little Red Book – was more important than expertise, in other words, actual professional competence, in appointing officials to be in charge of important public matters.

Blind loyalty to "Mao Tse-tung thought" was elevated to the sole important criterion for judging the merit of anyone. Mobs of Red Gurads brandisihing the Little Red Book containing Mao's thoughts were used to intimidate skepticsinto conformity.


That worked out terribly for China, keeping its talented and hard-working population mired in poverty for decades that followed.

For American universities, it will also work out badly, as any diversion from the path of Truth and excellence undermines the legitimacy of the higher education project. It is more than clear to me that higher education in the United States is headed for a huge crash, dictated by over-expansion, tuition inflation, and ideological slavery.
APRIL 28, 2019
Canada’s version of Medicare for All executes thousands of patients a year
By Thomas Lifson
When governments take charge of medical care and expenditures on prolonging life come out of the same pool of money used for the military, road-building, schools and all the other functions of government, the bureaucrats who are the decision-makers have every incentive to encourage a rapid death, if not insist upon it.

Our northern neighbor Canada offers an example of the slippery slope. Wesley J. Smith writes on National Review Online:

Canadian doctors committed thousands of homicides in 2018. According to an interim report published by the government, in the first ten months of last year, doctors lethally injected 2, 613 patients (with one assisted suicide) — and that doesn’t include the homicides committed by doctors in Quebec, Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut.

This means well over 3,000 people are killed by their doctors each year in Canada, which — if my math is correct — is more than 250 a month, more than 58 a week, and more than eight per day. Heck, that’s about one every three hours.


This won't hurt much, and it will soon be over, anyway
So we abort on the front end and they on the back end? Talk about late term.