The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

7C7569FD-D5DC-4363-9F62-A57DFDD84D76.jpeg Nothing says you’re in a happy and loving marriage than your husband’s office issuing an official announcement along with a photo of you sitting alone on a couch with three dozen photographers crowded behind you. Happy Birthday Honey!

CNN’s Tapper: Trump Didn’t Say ‘White Supremacists Are Very Fine People’
April 27th, 2019

Sam Nunberg Jake Tapper CNN screenshot

CNN’s Jake Tapper acknowledged Friday that President Donald Trump was not, in fact, referring to the neo-Nazis who demonstrated 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia, when he said, “There were good people on both sides.”

The comments have resurfaced after former Vice President Joe Biden used the president’s comments in a video announcing his presidential campaign the day before. (RELATED: Joe Biden Launches 2020 Presidential Campaign)

Tapper brought up Trump’s comments earlier in the day during his show and addressed them with his panel, which consisted of Seung Min Kim, Tara Setmayer, Paul Begala and Jeff Zeleny.


“Now elsewhere in those remarks the president did condemn neo-Nazis and white supremacists. So he’s not saying that the neo-Nazis and white supremacists are very fine people,” Tapper stated. “But he is saying people protesting alongside those neo-Nazis and white supremacists are very fine people. Who are they?”


Lest anyone forget, the whole Charlottesvilles " Racist " fiasco was initiated and implemented
by a former Democratic Hillary Clinton 2016 Election staffer......
Endorsed by a Democrat Mayor of Charlottesville...
Endorsed by a Democrat Vice Mayor of Charlottesville...
Endorsed by a Democrat Governor Terry McAuliffe who was/is deeply tied to HRC...
Protestors from both sides ( ALL were Democrat operatives ) were bused in with funding
from the DNC and it's affiliates....

Not to mention the quote by POTUS was manipulated and left out key statements....

The whole agenda was to create a stain on the Presidents administration.....
That didn't work out so well now did it !