The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Do you have your nose so thoroughly buried in t's buttcheeks that you don't realize he has led you into a position of supporting an anti-American dictator? I remember the good old days when you used to call people like what you have become "commies".
If he reads Orwell, he may understand the relationship between totalitarian states and totalitarian leaders. So far, he doesn't understand it at all.
I admire that you unashamedly lick the boots of the rich. You know your place, which is good.

Meanwhile, did you see this? Do the crime, do the time...

Prosecutors are recommending as much as a year in jail for members of the Proud Boys extremist gang, two of whom have pleaded guilty so far to charges stemming from a vicious attack outside a GOP event in Manhattan late last year.

Ten members of the Proud Boys appeared in New York Supreme Court on Friday, having initially faced charges of assault and rioting after they were caught on video ruthlessly beating protesters outside the Metropolitan Republican Club on the Upper East Side in October.

Initially, the Proud Boys ― a gang of right-wing extremists founded by Gavin McInnes, known for attacking protesters across the country ― blamed anti-fascists for starting the fight that night. But in December, surveillance video from a nearby building, along with footage taken by journalist Sandi Bachom, made it clear that the Proud Boys were the aggressors.

Two of them have taken plea deals in the case. Jake Freijo and Eryk Kacznyski pleaded guilty Friday to a lesser charge of disorderly conduct in exchange for their freedom and five days of community service. Another two ― Irvin Antillon and David Jacob ― are due back in court later this month.

The Manhattan District Attorney’s office recommended a variety of sentences for an additional six men, from probation up to a year in jail. Each was offered a plea deal to various assault and rioting charges.

The following recommended sentences will be decided by a judge in April:

  • John Kinsman: one year in jail on a plea to attempted assault in the second degree and riot in the second degree
  • Geoffrey Young: six months in jail on a plea to riot in the second degree and attempted assault in the third degree
  • David Kuriakose: 30-day jail/probation split on a plea to riot in the second degree and attempted assault in the third degree
  • Kyle Borello: three years’ probation on a plea to riot in the second degree and attempted assault in the third degree
  • Douglas Lennan: three years’ probation on a plea to riot in the second degree and attempted assault in the third degree
  • Maxwell Hare: one year in jail on a plea to attempted assault in the second degree and riot in the second degree
Fake News mostly.
Actually, they don't torture and kill captured Americans. When they do, the boss knows about it.
If you like dictators, though, such as Kim, Putin and the Saudi king, you pretend to take them at their word.
Some people need a "daddy" figure in their lives.
Do you have your nose so thoroughly buried in t's buttcheeks that you don't realize he has led you into a position of supporting an anti-American dictator? I remember the good old days when you used to call people like what you have become "commies".
He and many others use to support America first now it's t first and nothing else.