The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I guess I would be angry too if I were a cat classless pig.

Nolte: Meghan McCain Trashes Jared and Ivanka for Accepting Invitation to Her Father's Funeral


Mark Wilson/Getty Images
JOHN NOLTE 9 Feb 2019
It was John McCain who started the feud with Donald Trump, and it was John McCain who ensured the feud lived on long after Trump tried, repeatedly, to make peace. The media won’t tell you that, but the late senator from Arizona is the one who drew first blood and kept drawing it.
On June 16, 2015, Trump announced he was running for president, and within two weeks, McCain was smearing Trump as racist. “I just disagree with his comments about the, quote, Mexicans,” he said at a June 30 town hall event.

Trump said nothing in reply.

Ten days later, McCain again smeared Trump as a racist, and this time did so on, of all places, MSNBC.

“I just think that it is offensive to not only Hispanic citizenry, but other citizenry, but he’s entitled to say what he wants to say,” McCain told the far-left news outlet on July 11. “But I guarantee you the overwhelming majority [in Arizona] … do not agree with his attitude, that he has displayed, toward our Hispanic citizens. We love them.”

McCain, of course, is referring to Trump’s announcement speech where the future president referred to the type of people the Mexican government is looking to be rid of through that country’s cynical border policy.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us,” Trump explained. “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Trump was specifically talking about who the Mexican government was looking to be rid of, not the Mexican people or Mexican illegal aliens in general.

But by pretending otherwise, McCain was joining the media by deliberately taking Trump out of context, and on July 11, the day after McCain’s MSNBC appearance, Trump finally hit back.

“We have incompetent politicians, not only the president,” Trump told thousands of his supporters at a rally in Phoenix. “I mean, right here, in your own state, you have John McCain. I’ve supported John McCain, but he’s very weak on immigration… If the right person runs against John McCain, he will lose.”

Pretty tepid stuff from Trump, especially in light of McCain’s dishonest determination to smear him as a racist.

Five days later, on July 16, McCain hit back, this time in the far-left New Yorker, and again he crossed the line by referring to Trump’s supporters as “crazies.”

“This performance with our friend out in Phoenix is very hurtful to me,” McCain said. “Because what he did was he fired up the crazies… Now he galvanized them. He’s really got them activated.”

To recap: At this point, McCain has attacked Trump’s supporters as dangerous racists and smeared Trump as a racist, and did so by deliberately taking him out of context.

It was only at this point that Trump did what Trump does — went for the throat. In a July 16 tweet, Trump demanded an apology from McCain for the “crazies” remark, and in a follow-up tweet wrote, “McCain should be defeated in the primaries. Graduated last in his class at Annapolis–dummy!”

Two days later Trump went for the full ballbreak with his well-publicized remarks referring to McCain’s service record. Trump said, “He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

But the myth fabricated by the establishment media is that Trump started all of this, or at the very least, that it was Trump who first removed the gloves. That myth is a lie, a shameless lie that refused to die even after what happened next.
FEBRUARY 10, 2019
The Ku Klux Krats
By Bruce Walker

The racist antics of Virginia governor Ralph Northam ought not to surprise anyone. The Democratic Party has long been marinated in racist thinking. Today, most of that racism is irrational hatred of white people and the denial of white people through such policies that the Nazis practiced — racial quotas — in the name of that moronic and repulsive goal "social justice," which is to say injustice; all justice is individual.

The Democratic Party was even more deeply committed to racism against blacks, and the Ku Klux Klan was simply the terrorist wing of the Democratic Party, which drove Republicans out of the South and compelled blacks to join the Democratic Party, where they were denied the right to vote in primaries or participate in caucuses to choose the Democrat nominee for offices.

Blacks who gave in to this terrorism and became Democrats were said by disgusted black women to be "crossing the Jordan" and were referred to as "Uncle Tom," which is how that derogatory name from Uncle Tom's Cabinentered the American political lexicon.

The Ku Klux Klan did more than just terrorize Republicans. The Klan was a strong supporter of public schools and a passionate advocate of creating a federal department of education with Cabinet-level status. The Ku Klux Klan also touted itself in many parts of the nation as "progressive" and opposed big business.

The infestation of Klan members in the Democratic Party — an utterly forgotten story — includes not just nebbishes like Northam, but Democrat icons. Woodrow Wilson, though not a Klan member himself, re-segregated the federal civil service. He showed the Klan celebratory film, The Birth of a Nation, in the White House and commented that so much of what was in the film was so true.

FDR won the Democrat presidential nomination in 1932 when, in the later rounds of voting, all the "Solid South" swung to him. FDR never desegregated the military or tried to end the disenfranchisement of blacks in the South or supported the civil rights bills that conservative Republicans repeatedly introduced in Congress. Truman himself applied to join the Ku Klan Klan.

Democrat presidents put several Klansmen on the Supreme Court. Justice Edward White, who had been a Klansman, was put on the Supreme Court by Grover Cleveland. FDR put Hugo Black, a leftist icon and also a Klansman, on the Supreme Court. Harry Truman put Tom Clark, father of the odious radical leftist Ramsay Clark, on the Supreme Court.
FEBRUARY 10, 2019
Acting AG Matthew Whitaker: Football impresario, stomper of Democrats
By Ed Timperlake
The Judiciary Committee hearing on February 8, 2019, held by Chairman Nadler (D-N.Y.) with committee witness Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, became an epic historic failure. Acting A.G. Whitaker's testimony is for the ages.

It is simple: just watch clips from the hearing while taking note of the video of the Iowa Hawkeyes scoring a touchdown on a pass thrown to Number 46, Matt Whitaker. If a person is capable of doing what Number 46 did under tremendous pressure, then the hearing was easily a symbolic walk in the park for the Acting A.G.

The former Iowa varsity Rose Bowl player symbolically ran every play he knew on the Democrats of the committee, while keeping a true Iowa nice style. It was a day of symbolic smash mouth football while at times channeling his brilliant fake punt for a TD.

"Five minutes for lunch"? They did not see that coming.

A moment for the ages is captured in a lasting quote by witness Whitaker in his reminding the chair that if Nadler sets the rules, then he also must play by the rules. "Mr. Chairman, I see that your five minutes is up" will soon be part of congressional legends.

This exchange is equally priceless:

Rep. Eric Swalwell, California Democrat, pressed Mr. Whitaker on his views about Mr. Mueller. The acting attorney general said he thought Mr. Mueller was both honest and not conflicted.

Mr. Swalwell then asked Mr. Whitaker to use the hearing to express that view to Mr. Trump.

"I am not your puppet, to repeat what you are saying," Mr. Whitaker responded.

Mr. Swalwell didn't back down, demanding Mr. Whitaker say that, speaking directly to the president through the hearing.

"I am not here to be a puppet to repeat terms and words that you say," Mr. Whitaker shot back.

In a day of theater, lines were crossed. One specific example in challenging a witness's integrity was demonstrated by Rep. Jeffries (D-N.Y.). Congressman Jeffries made a rhetorical statement that was simply grandstanding against a proud, well educated, and distinguished man from Iowa. His behavior crossed over the line to a personal attack:

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) openly mused to Whitaker that many Americans are "trying figure out who are you, where did you come from and how the heck did you become the head of the Department of Justice."

Whitaker attempted to respond to Jeffries but was cut off by the congressman saying "that was a statement not a question."

Let two years of theatrics begin, and then let the voters decide on election day 2020.
FEBRUARY 10, 2019
Acting AG Matthew Whitaker: Football impresario, stomper of Democrats
By Ed Timperlake
The Judiciary Committee hearing on February 8, 2019, held by Chairman Nadler (D-N.Y.) with committee witness Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, became an epic historic failure. Acting A.G. Whitaker's testimony is for the ages.

It is simple: just watch clips from the hearing while taking note of the video of the Iowa Hawkeyes scoring a touchdown on a pass thrown to Number 46, Matt Whitaker. If a person is capable of doing what Number 46 did under tremendous pressure, then the hearing was easily a symbolic walk in the park for the Acting A.G.

The former Iowa varsity Rose Bowl player symbolically ran every play he knew on the Democrats of the committee, while keeping a true Iowa nice style. It was a day of symbolic smash mouth football while at times channeling his brilliant fake punt for a TD.

"Five minutes for lunch"? They did not see that coming.

A moment for the ages is captured in a lasting quote by witness Whitaker in his reminding the chair that if Nadler sets the rules, then he also must play by the rules. "Mr. Chairman, I see that your five minutes is up" will soon be part of congressional legends.

This exchange is equally priceless:

Rep. Eric Swalwell, California Democrat, pressed Mr. Whitaker on his views about Mr. Mueller. The acting attorney general said he thought Mr. Mueller was both honest and not conflicted.

Mr. Swalwell then asked Mr. Whitaker to use the hearing to express that view to Mr. Trump.

"I am not your puppet, to repeat what you are saying," Mr. Whitaker responded.

Mr. Swalwell didn't back down, demanding Mr. Whitaker say that, speaking directly to the president through the hearing.

"I am not here to be a puppet to repeat terms and words that you say," Mr. Whitaker shot back.

In a day of theater, lines were crossed. One specific example in challenging a witness's integrity was demonstrated by Rep. Jeffries (D-N.Y.). Congressman Jeffries made a rhetorical statement that was simply grandstanding against a proud, well educated, and distinguished man from Iowa. His behavior crossed over the line to a personal attack:

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) openly mused to Whitaker that many Americans are "trying figure out who are you, where did you come from and how the heck did you become the head of the Department of Justice."

Whitaker attempted to respond to Jeffries but was cut off by the congressman saying "that was a statement not a question."

Let two years of theatrics begin, and then let the voters decide on election day 2020.
He is pretty much a short-term joke in the sense that he had zero qualifications, but at least he made sure to point out that Mueller is honest and Whitaker has no reason to believe that Mueller is conflicted.
Good to hear from his “supervisor” and we’ve already heard that from Barr.
He is pretty much a short-term joke in the sense that he had zero qualifications, but at least he made sure to point out that Mueller is honest and Whitaker has no reason to believe that Mueller is conflicted.
Good to hear from his “supervisor” and we’ve already heard that from Barr.
US attorney.
BTW, your 5 minutes are up.
He is pretty much a short-term joke in the sense that he had zero qualifications, but at least he made sure to point out that Mueller is honest and Whitaker has no reason to believe that Mueller is conflicted.
Good to hear from his “supervisor” and we’ve already heard that from Barr.

The only Joke is your attempt at rationalizing Mueller as honest.....

Another example of your " Messy " grey matter.
Iʻve been really nice to them. Iʻve done nothing but help them. I gave them equations and relatively simple answers. Oh well. Fries uncle has been really cool!

"Simple" is the key word to your economical Jeanous.

Did you take my bet yet?

I'm waiting...

You want some huli huli on that leg?

(I'm sure Racist Joe will benefit from your "equations" - after he finds his cardboard box on the "books" at the local bank...)
How does a guy who doesnʻt know anything, is wrong about everything, is really dumb, get two Frienanciers to bet on what they think they know....but only if they can call a financial professional to tell them what it is they think they know, much less understand? What a deal!! You two Friesters crack me up!

You're still a chicken.

If I don't know anything, take the bet.

We're waiting... huli huli man.
You're still a chicken.

If I don't know anything, take the bet.

We're waiting... huli huli man.

Why do you " Friedchickenpants " n " Messypigsticker " keep pursuing a bet you cannot substantiate .....
If your both so secure in what you tout as " Winning " information then post
the results right here on the Forum.....

Post both arguments for all to read and see....

Layout your supposed " Winning " information and the " Counter "
statement you are both disputing.....

Until I see that laid out in an honest compelling format that supports your side, you both
can just rest on the sordid past posting reputations you've BOTH developed and nurtured....

So far the amalgamation of you two Idiots is " Messyfriedchickenpantspigsticker " and holding....