The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Wagers are for chickens that have to call a professional to tell them what they don’t know and werenʻt taught at Fries U. Kek! What a deal?!!

Fries. U?
I love that your jokes are so insider that only you understand them my friend.
Imagine if it was optimism about personal finances and pride in their country...
Just saying, sometimes it feels like we should be aiming a little higher.

Well... I feel like I'll admit that during the last presidential election I felt confident that Hillary would win and I was wrong. Rasmussen on the other hand got that one right as I recall. Although don't think it went so well for them this past November. So we will see; I would comment that I read Trumps tweets and these days it sure seems like losing the election has been on his mind.

You know, like he doesn't quite trust the 52% from Rasmussen either.

Rasmussen has a history since they first started publishing poll results of being way over to the right - and they are not embarrassed about it at all. I'll have to remember that one next time you ding me for using CNN as my source...
Anyway, I think a lot of people want to see where this Russian investigation goes, and it's not just dems. Yes voters want to see Trumps tax return. Yes they want to know if he borrowed dirty Russian funds to save his company. And I doubt that seeing the newly empowered dems clamoring to deliver is a surprise to anyone.

Trumps problem is his dog whistles aren't working anymore. He's cried wolf too many times and his credibility has been used up on things like "Tax Cuts" that raise taxes on places like Orange County to pay for tax cuts to his conservative base of support in the South East of the country. Huff and puff, but Trump's got to track back to the middle or Dems will just keep racking up easy wins dinging a low popularity president.

Source the LA Times on Adam Schiff for Brains Tiny " T "....then get back to us.
Report: CIA, Mossad, MI6 Smuggle Iranian Nuclear Scientist to UK on a Dinghy


11 Feb 201957

TEL AVIV – An Iranian nuclear scientist was reportedly smuggled out of the Islamic Republic to the UK in a dinghy in a joint operation conducted by the CIA, Mossad and Britain’s MI6, the UK’s Sunday Express reported.

Citing unnamed sources, the British paper said the nuclear technician has information on Iran’s nuclear program. He also helped plan the assassination of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, a nuclear scientist who died in a car bombing in Tehran in 2012, the newspaper alleged.

The migrant crisis was used as a cover to get the Iranian to safety in the town of Lydd, the report said