The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Roll Call: House Dems may have to vote for barrier funding after all
Ed Morrissey Feb 08, 2019 12:01 PM

“No appetite on either side of the aisle … for another partial government shutdown.”
Acting is right. What a doofus.
Get Barr in there and we have Justice and the courts and the military all acting appropriately so Trump goes nowhere.
The voters told him to get bit a couple of months ago and the system is winning.
All good.
Funniest thing I have seen for some time.
Acting is right. What a doofus.
Get Barr in there and we have Justice and the courts and the military all acting appropriately so Trump goes nowhere.
The voters told him to get bit a couple of months ago and the system is winning.
All good.

Barr ain't gunna do squat...

" Messy " " Messy " " Messy ".....really, go do some research....

The whole thing is Kabuki Theater......

If I was in Matt's position at this moment I would get up and walk out, but not
before going over to Nader and Jefferies and slapping the shit out of them....
Those two meatballs are worse than Sheila Jackson Lee, and that is hard to accomplish.

We all know Whitaker isn't going to roll on " Gomer " Pyle ( Rod Rosenstein ) or
" The Dirty Cop " Robert this whole thing is to kick dirt at the POTUS....
Nothing else....

America will be righting the ship when about 50 + individuals from Barry Soetoro's
administration are perp walked on Public/Cable TV.....until then PDJT can only
do what is humanly possible with one hand tied behind his back....and he's sure
accomplishing a lot with that handicap !!!
What is Whitaker afraid of? Why won't he answer the simplest of questions? He appears to be auditioning for future gig. Does he realize that he is not tangerine man's personal lawyer?