The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

It's your story Magoo, now cite something that proves your point.
Again take your're looking for a post of mine that contains right wing rhetoric.
Perhaps get with Daffy as he has a plethora of extreme right wing rhetoric I've posted...
I can hardly wait...

It appears you didn't understand what I asked for, so you just pushed the "angry rant" button.
It appears you didn't understand what I asked for, so you just pushed the "angry rant" button.

It appears you have a deep double standard...

You posted images and backed up those images with confirming
rhetoric that states YOU TOOK Golf Balls from the local Golf
Course near your residence while walking in the am in the past.
A multitude of Golf Balls which you proudly displayed in photos
you posted on this Forum, then you engaged in a conversation with another
poster on this forum regarding the sale and transportation of the
Stolen Golf Balls ....

This is just one incident of your Blatant Hypocrisy on this Forum that
has earned you the " Moniker " of Liar and Thief.

Then there is Filthy Filner.....

We won't even touch on the disgusting comments that were repulsive from
the deleted/hacked sites from two Forums ago....

Your moral compass is in need of a DEEP Cleaning.........
Joe ain’t no dummy. He watched and watched as his hallucinatory buddy couldn’t stand up to making a wager on his delusions. Didn’t say squat. None of em did. They’re smarter than he is.

Please elaborate with specific examples to support your blatantly false accusations.....
It appears you have a deep double standard...

You posted images and backed up those images with confirming
rhetoric that states YOU TOOK Golf Balls from the local Golf
Course near your residence while walking in the am in the past.
A multitude of Golf Balls which you proudly displayed in photos
you posted on this Forum, then you engaged in a conversation with another
poster on this forum regarding the sale and transportation of the
Stolen Golf Balls ....

This is just one incident of your Blatant Hypocrisy on this Forum that
has earned you the " Moniker " of Liar and Thief.

Then there is Filthy Filner.....

We won't even touch on the disgusting comments that were repulsive from
the deleted/hacked sites from two Forums ago....

Your moral compass is in need of a DEEP Cleaning.........
Do you possess any kind of thought process beyond displays of emotion?
About that statistic of “immigrants” committing fewer crimes than citizens
Jazz Shaw Feb 06, 2019 1:31 PM
Top Pick

Non-urban legends
Please elaborate with specific examples to support your blatantly false accusations.....
It is over, but if you want to pretend to help your friend from fantasyland, explain to me his “equation” and how it relates to the definition of an “asset.” (Hint—it’s all nonsense cuz he’s cuckoo, but try).

And do it now, please.
It is over, but if you want to pretend to help your friend from fantasyland, explain to me his “equation” and how it relates to the definition of an “asset.” (Hint—it’s all nonsense cuz he’s cuckoo, but try).

And do it now, please.
Are you still in simulation mode?
Joe ain’t no dummy. He watched and watched as his hallucinatory buddy couldn’t stand up to making a wager on his delusions. Didn’t say squat. None of em did. They’re smarter than he is.

Please elaborate with specific examples to support your blatantly false accusations.....

Hey nono, wanna help out here? Describe Chicken Iz's equation and its relationship to asset? Or maybe you don't, because you know it's cuckoo.
So now we know what Mueller has.

House intelligence chair announces sweeping investigation into Trump's finances and Russia



    How Mueller is investigating the Russians
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sent one transcript to Mueller in December after the special counsel's office requested Roger Stone's interview. Federal prosecutors accused Stone of lying to the committee in his seven-count indictment last month.
Schiff has said that he wanted to send the transcripts to Mueller for review to see whether any other witnesses who appeared before the committee committed perjury. The transcripts are likely to be transmitted by the end of the day, Schiff said.
In addition to the accusations against Stone, which he pleaded not guilty to last week, former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in his 2017 testimony about how long discussions surrounding a Trump Tower Moscow project extended into the 2016 campaign.
When the committee was controlled by Republicans in the last Congress, Schiff tried to send the un-redacted transcripts to Mueller, but Republicans blocked his motion, arguing that Mueller had not requested them.
The other interviews that will now be sent to the special counsel include Trump's eldest son Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and senior campaign aides Corey Lewandowski, Steve Bannon and Hope Hicks. They also include numerous Obama administration officials and others in Trump's orbit who were interviewed during the committee's yearlong probe.
The committee already voted in November under former Chairman Devin Nunes, a California Republican, to make its interview transcripts public. But they are currently being reviewed for classified material by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence ahead of a public release.
Republicans on the committee, led by Nunes, made several motions on Wednesday that were rejected by Democrats.
They sought to immediately make public the committee's interview transcripts conducted in an unclassified setting, which includes most of the panel's Russia interviews. Nunes in a statement slammed an "unacceptable delay" in the executive branch's declassification process.
And Republicans sought to issue subpoenas to a dozen officials, including former FBI Director James Comey, according to Republican Rep. Chris Stewart of Utah.
Schiff said that the Democrats rejected the GOP motions because there was personally identifiable and some classified material contained in the unclassified transcripts, and the committee wouldn't issue subpoenas before offering to bring in witnesses voluntarily.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence estimated that the transcripts would be ready for public release in May or June, Schiff said, and he hoped to speed up that process by releasing some of the transcripts that were already ready first.
The Republican motions underscored the role-reversal for Schiff and Nunes in the Democratic-led Congress when it comes to the Russia investigation: In the last Congress, Schiff made numerous requests for subpoenas and committee actions that were rejected by the Republican majority.

As he left the committee's secure spaces, Nunes was asked whether he voted to release the transcripts to Mueller. "You guys are an embarrassment to yourselves," Nunes responded.
This story has been updated with additional developments Wednesday.


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