The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

It's really nice that you have each other to tell lies to in some attempt to comfort one another from the cruel factual world. You certainly have fabricated a world all your own where you can be relevant and hopefully heal . . . a "Welcome to Marwen" kinda story of your own making.
Itʻs really nice that Fries U grads have professionals to rely on when a dumb guy comes along. Kek!
Joe ain’t no dummy. He watched and watched as his hallucinatory buddy couldn’t stand up to making a wager on his delusions. Didn’t say squat. None of em did. They’re smarter than he is.
Except youʻre not wagering. Youʻre relying on someone else my egg laying friend. You don’t want to really know because youʻre afraid that if you do the equation you lose. Nobody buys an asset for it not to create cashflow at some point.
Nothing. We're good. A guy comes on a blog like he knows anything, we back him off, all good. He's a phony. I knew it and it was fun to nail him.
Kek! I can just hear the finance guy on the phone laughing at you two poached Phrienancies. “Wait what? Just do the 3rd grade math giveʻum your ROA and you win! No we canʻt do the math for you! Or we could. Thatʻll be $1000 consulting fee”. Kek!!
It looked like t was claiming credit for the record-breaking number of women in Congress, which was the most honest statement in the whole speech.
Kek! I can just hear the finance guy on the phone laughing at you two poached Phrienancies. “Wait what? Just do the 3rd grade math giveʻum your ROA and you win! No we canʻt do the math for you! Or we could. Thatʻll be $1000 consulting fee”. Kek!!
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