The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Trump's SOTU reveals the angry ladies of the left, especially the men.
FEBRUARY 6, 2019

A bunch of sour women sitting on their hands because the president doesn't want to kill full-term babies.
These angry women could not have better demonstrated who and what the Democratic Party is today. As many have observed, this is not the party of JFK. It is the party of Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler. Those women could not even stand to oppose late-term, post-birth abortion. As Planned Parenthood has been for years, these Democrat women are now in Hitler territory. Next they will be supporting the euthanasia of the elderly. Obamacare tried to do exactly that. That is the slippery slope they have willingly created for themselves. Trump's speech forced them to reveal their callous, murderous agenda for all to see.

It was a pathetic, un-American spectacle, those women. In the end, they are about one thing, one thing only: rage. Rage at whom and what? Who knows? But it cannot be the country. Look at where they are, the success they've attained. Each of them is an example of the opportunity, freedom, and equality that only this nation provides, and still they are angry. They still want to abort fully formed infants, tax the rich into oblivion, and impose Venezuelan-style socialism on us all.
These angry women could not have better demonstrated who and what the Democratic Party is today. As many have observed, this is not the party of JFK. It is the party of Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler. Those women could not even stand to oppose late-term, post-birth abortion. As Planned Parenthood has been for years, these Democrat women are now in Hitler territory. Next they will be supporting the euthanasia of the elderly. Obamacare tried to do exactly that. That is the slippery slope they have willingly created for themselves. Trump's speech forced them to reveal their callous, murderous agenda for all to see.

It was a pathetic, un-American spectacle, those women. In the end, they are about one thing, one thing only: rage. Rage at whom and what? Who knows? But it cannot be the country. Look at where they are, the success they've attained. Each of them is an example of the opportunity, freedom, and equality that only this nation provides, and still they are angry. They still want to abort fully formed infants, tax the rich into oblivion, and impose Venezuelan-style socialism on us all.
Ah yes, dizzy, one of the aforementioned idiots.
Ah yes one of the many conspiracy theories brought up in t's horribly delivered speech, talk about low energy, disjointed and unaware of one topic ending and another beginning!

Bernie looks to Northern Europe while you idiots keep screaming Venezuela.
Speaking of idiots Duck, you are parroting the left's talking points almost verbatim...
I'm searching my memory for a time when you did not parrot the right's talking points almost verbatim. Help me out here...

Post 'em if you got 'em Magoo.
Take your time....
By the way conservative, is not the same as the right...but you should know that...
Ah yes one of the many conspiracy theories brought up in t's horribly delivered speech, talk about low energy, disjointed and unaware of one topic ending and another beginning!

Bernie looks to Northern Europe while you idiots keep screaming Venezuela.
I hate when you and Joe spat so early in the mornʻ. Are you still wearing your white rage dress from last night?
You should of saw the look on his face and his eyes bug out when I lost control, I just couldn't help myself, but I said I was sorry and I would not do it again.
He mad.
Post 'em if you got 'em Magoo.
Take your time....
Everything you post proves his point, extreme right wing fever swamp talking points and anger is all you ever post. You and nono are the worst, the others go human from time to time posting about gardens, BBQ, rifle purchases or something useful . . . all you have is piss and vinegar.
You should of saw the look on his face and his eyes bug out when I lost control, I just couldn't help myself, but I said I was sorry and I would not do it again.
He mad.
Your real life must be a miserable one as you are always in here trying to escape it with a made up fantasy world all of your own making.
Everything you post proves his point, extreme right wing fever swamp talking points and anger is all you ever post. You and nono are the worst, the others go human from time to time posting about gardens, BBQ, rifle purchases or something useful . . . all you have is piss and vinegar.
There you go again with terms like "everything" which is a bald face lie due to your comprehension problems and ignorance.
Post anything ANYTHING that proves everything I post is extreme right wing...
I'll make it easy for you ratshit, simply post one (1) of my posts that proves your point.
Take your time Daffy...
That's no help.
It's your story Magoo, now cite something that proves your point.
Again take your're looking for a post of mine that contains right wing rhetoric.
Perhaps get with Daffy as he has a plethora of extreme right wing rhetoric I've posted...
I can hardly wait...