The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

  • Frederick Trump (1869-1918) m. 1902; Age (1898) 29
  • Fred Trump (1905-1999) m. 1936 c 1937, 1938; Age (1940) 35
  • Donald Trump (6/14/1046-present) m. 1977; Age (1964) 18
  • Military Service: Frederick (None), Fred (None), Donald (None)
We have just celebrated Memorial Day for 2016, so military service to our country is freshly relevant.* In honoring America’s war dead on Memorial Day, we also honor the service of recent veterans and our family members who served to ensure freedom and liberty for all of us. Sort of a family investment in America. Trump has continued to make support for veteran’s a prime topic in the political debate.

Grandfather Frederick, though an immigrant from Germany, was an American citizen in 1898. There was no draft imposed for the Spanish American War, but we have some guidance from the Civil War draft and World War I draft standards to judge his eligibility for service, if not a strict obligation. In 1898 he was 29 years old, single, unmarried, with no dependents, not engaged in any critical war related occupation, and with no religious objections. Thus, he was a prime candidate for service, or induction had there been a draft.

In the spring of 1898 he moved to Canada (until 1901), when he returned briefly to Germany and married in 1902, and then returned to NY. When he attempted to return to Germany on a permanent basis again in 1904, he was expelled from the country because of an official finding that he had evaded his military service obligation (active to age 35) when he originally left the country in 1885. He did not serve in the military in either country. He had no legal military service obligation in the US, but was found to be in violation of his mandatory German 3-year military service duty.

Father Fred was born in 1905. At the time of World War II and the imposition of a draft in 1940, at age 35 he was married and had 2 small children. He was subject to the draft. He was not engaged in any occupation subject to service exemption, such as war related production, public health and safety jobs, or agricultural employment. In truth, even with the expansive induction criteria in 1942, he still would have been lower on the priority list of men to be drafted because of his marriage and 3 dependent children. By 1943 he would have aged out of the high risk draft pool. He was subject to the draft in World War II, but was never called to serve.

In 1964 Donald turned 18 and had to register. He was unmarried, with no dependents, and not engaged in any employment which carried occupational exemptions (war related work, health and safety occupations, farm work). He was prime draft material during the years from 1964-1972. He had typical college student deferments from 1964-1968, but they expired on graduation. He was then classified as 1-A, then 1-Y, and finally 4-F. His high lottery number (.350) was for 1970. So, from June1968 until January 1970 (18 months) he was at high risk to be drafted. He obtained a medical deferment (1-Y) for a minor condition (except in wartime), which was later converted to a permanently disqualifying illness in 1971.

There is another special feature in Donald’s draft history. He graduated high school from the New York Military Academy in 1964, and while a cadet there was an officer in an official established junior R.O.T.C. command. As such, he would have received special considerations had he volunteered for military service (choice of military specialty, officer training school). He declined to take advantage.

For three generations, Trump’s paternal line has not offered or performed any military service for America, voluntary or through the draft. His father and grandfather played by the rules in America, but Donald bent them to advantage.

The Trump men were all eligible for military service to America. Millions of their fellow Americans volunteered or were drafted into service for their country during wartime. The Trumps all chose not to contribute in the most personal way one can to defend America’s freedom of speech, and to preserve the bounties of our economic and political system. They didn’t think the discounted value of their American citizenship, and the bounties our country provides, were worth enough to merit Trump military service.

What they did is not illegal, but it is not admirable or generous. Not even once in 100 years (1885-1980). Through five major military conflicts: Spanish American, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Viet Nam (which were contested for 30 years of that time period).

Why does this family history (or, rather lack thereof) matter? Because it means that Trump has no personal experience to learn from and appreciate military sacrifice, and no authentic family history stories to share with the tens of millions of family members of proud Veterans, living and dead who served their country honorably in times of war during the past century.
During my 29-year Army career, I must have stood or walked in dozens of parades. I hated all of them except one. A group of us from the 101st Airborne Division (Assault) marched in a ticker tape parade that reminded me of those black and white clips of the World War II victory celebrations. We had just gotten back from Iraq and Desert Storm where we helped liberate Kuwait from Saddam Hussein’s army. I was proud to endure that July heat because I knew what we had accomplished — we had won.

So, what exactly are we celebrating with President Donald Trump’s proposed military parade?

There has been a lot of news and social media discussion about the financial cost and how that the money could be better used in other, more important, ways. That’s true; there’s no doubt about it. Others balk that it’s all about Trump’s ego. I don’t know about that. I don’t live in the man’s mind.

However, as a veteran and someone who has led men and women in combat, I do know this: The parade flies in the face of our military values and our warrior ethos. This parade does not recognize the military — it embarrasses it.
Rik Andino, Former Sgt US Marine Corps. Recruiter Liaison NCO, DOD Administration Management
Updated Mar 19

It’s a ridiculous waste of money. A pointless endeavor to benefit who?

Worse of all it’s insensitive to the junior members who’ll have to give up their free time and holiday to participate in this spectacle.

Thank you for your service Marine, Sailor, or Soldier. The President loves you so much he wants you to cancel the plans you made for 4th of July to go stand and march around Washington D.C. for a few hours.”

Can you feel the collective groan growing amongst the units that’ll be tasked with this parade?

The ultimate question however, is for what? What purpose does this massive spectacle aspire to serve?

To honor our troops? As it’s been posit. Why can’t we find other ways to honor them? Are we so bereft of ideas that the only way we know to honor service-member is to force them to parade around the national mall with all the pomp and pageantry of a 19th Century Monarchy?

I’m sure if we put our best minds to work (here’s a newsflash you won’t find those best minds at the White House) we can find a better way to celebrate and honor veterans and service-members than just giving them an expensive parade. But from whee I stand, it seems as though no one is really trying to find a better option.

If you want to celebrate the troops and have a parade. Why don’t we propose smaller local parades at many US cities and towns? You know like Veteran's Day Parades. Where local veterans, service-members, and citizens can celebrate and participate, and allow thousands of Americans across the country to watch and enjoy a parade from the comforts of their own towns.

Instead of one big elaborate and expensive national monstrosity that will mostly serve to please a Childish President, whom like Nero wants more wine, more sport, more entertainment, and more blood. Can we have hundreds of small parades where service-members and veterans can interact with the citizens of their communities. Isn't that more American?
During my 29-year Army career, I must have stood or walked in dozens of parades. I hated all of them except one. A group of us from the 101st Airborne Division (Assault) marched in a ticker tape parade that reminded me of those black and white clips of the World War II victory celebrations. We had just gotten back from Iraq and Desert Storm where we helped liberate Kuwait from Saddam Hussein’s army. I was proud to endure that July heat because I knew what we had accomplished — we had won.

So, what exactly are we celebrating with President Donald Trump’s proposed military parade?

There has been a lot of news and social media discussion about the financial cost and how that the money could be better used in other, more important, ways. That’s true; there’s no doubt about it. Others balk that it’s all about Trump’s ego. I don’t know about that. I don’t live in the man’s mind.

However, as a veteran and someone who has led men and women in combat, I do know this: The parade flies in the face of our military values and our warrior ethos. This parade does not recognize the military — it embarrasses it.
Fake News.
Do you suppose any of Cohen's other clients are worried now that they know he has a habit of recording his meetings with clients, and some of those recordings are in the hands of the FBI?
Do you suppose any of Cohen's other clients are worried now that they know he has a habit of recording his meetings with clients, and some of those recordings are in the hands of the FBI?
Did he have any other clients? From what I have read he isn't a lawyer of any high renown, he is the dirty secrets kinda of lawyer* and probably works cheap . . . that and Trump has stiffed so many lawyers (and many others) in his time he can't get any good legal help.

*Better Call Saul