The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I thought trade was going to destroy our economy?
Only when you boy

Yet the risks from tariff wars and afading effect from tax cuts are among reasons analysts see difficulty keeping the economy growing at such a robust pace.
Foreign, Anti American bloomberg lefty kook.
No wonder you follow him.
Chicken little.
Not sure how reporting on the economy makes you anti American? Do you dry clean your hood and robes or do you need to do that at home? Just curious...

Post more pictures of your boy.....makes me laugh!
Have you heard this one, no balz?
GDP 4.1%
View attachment 3002
Still riding that wave.

— President Donald Trump relentlessly congratulates himself for the healthy state of the U.S. economy, with its steady growth, low unemployment, busier factories and confident consumers.

But in the year since Trump’s inauguration, most analysts tend to agree on this: The economy remains essentially the same sturdy one he inherited from Barack Obama.

So the bullish outlook is not entirely without basis. The economy is doing well in most respects, and Trump’s policies have contributed. Tax cuts are good for business, everything else being equal, and so is deregulation — though either may also have damaging consequences in the future.

But presidents don’t have nearly as much to do with our economic fortunes as Trump’s supporters believe. And if they do, those people owe Barack Obama a big fat groveling apology.

Trump is the classic example of a man born on third base who thinks he hit a triple.
Only when you boy

Yet the risks from tariff wars and afading effect from tax cuts are among reasons analysts see difficulty keeping the economy growing at such a robust pace.

Not sure how reporting on the economy makes you anti American? Do you dry clean your hood and robes or do you need to do that at home? Just curious...

Post more pictures of your boy.....makes me laugh!
Still riding that wave.

— President Donald Trump relentlessly congratulates himself for the healthy state of the U.S. economy, with its steady growth, low unemployment, busier factories and confident consumers.

But in the year since Trump’s inauguration, most analysts tend to agree on this: The economy remains essentially the same sturdy one he inherited from Barack Obama.

So the bullish outlook is not entirely without basis. The economy is doing well in most respects, and Trump’s policies have contributed. Tax cuts are good for business, everything else being equal, and so is deregulation — though either may also have damaging consequences in the future.

But presidents don’t have nearly as much to do with our economic fortunes as Trump’s supporters believe. And if they do, those people owe Barack Obama a big fat groveling apology.

Trump is the classic example of a man born on third base who thinks he hit a triple.
You are truly a coward.
Great pic. Not sure which one is better...Super Tool or I'm a tool.

Have you read this, genius.

I wouldn't want to overstate the underlying strength in GDP growth based on Friday's numbers,” Omair Sharif, senior U.S.economist at Societe Generale, said before the report. “There was a big boost from trade, but that'll go away.” Going forward, “it's highly unlikely we'll get 4 percent growth, or even 3 percent on a sustained basis.”

Highly unlikely Trump gets elected prez...hmmmm
Still riding that wave.

— President Donald Trump relentlessly congratulates himself for the healthy state of the U.S. economy, with its steady growth, low unemployment, busier factories and confident consumers.

But in the year since Trump’s inauguration, most analysts tend to agree on this: The economy remains essentially the same sturdy one he inherited from Barack Obama.

So the bullish outlook is not entirely without basis. The economy is doing well in most respects, and Trump’s policies have contributed. Tax cuts are good for business, everything else being equal, and so is deregulation — though either may also have damaging consequences in the future.

But presidents don’t have nearly as much to do with our economic fortunes as Trump’s supporters believe. And if they do, those people owe Barack Obama a big fat groveling apology.

Trump is the classic example of a man born on third base who thinks he hit a triple.

Top Obama Economist: GDP Even Stronger Than It Looks
14 hours ago
Should be a slam dunk --

Trump does not have the "good character" required to hold a DC liquor license.
Effing hilarious . . . the lying, welching, pussy grabbing buffoon in chief! I know an Iraqi family that owns liquor stores from OB to Lakeside that get harassed on occasion for being, "TERRORIST!" and told to go home (most likely from the type that cheer for Trump). But then again they are a good, humble, law abiding, Christian family that pays their bills, in full.
Effing hilarious . . . the lying, welching, pussy grabbing buffoon in chief! I know an Iraqi family that owns liquor stores from OB to Lakeside that get harassed on occasion for being, "TERRORIST!" and told to go home (most likely from the type that cheer for Trump). But then again they are a good, humble, law abiding, Christian family that pays their bills, in full.

You look for these type of narratives....nothing else.

I know good upstanding American Businessmen who have been
Violently harassed for wearing Red Baseball Caps with four letters on it.

Now what Beotch....

Like I've told you many times before, be careful what side you pick
when the Civil unrest occurs.....You are a Huge target at present....
You look for these type of narratives....nothing else.

I know good upstanding American Businessmen who have been
Violently harassed for wearing Red Baseball Caps with four letters on it.

Now what Beotch....

Like I've told you many times before, be careful what side you pick
when the Civil unrest occurs.....You are a Huge target at present....
The war of the States aka The Civil War or as your type call it, "The War of Northern Aggression" is over your type lost and will continue to lose. You got lucky this time with Trump, but the people of the USA won't let that happen again. The South will not rise again.
The war of the States aka The Civil War or as your type call it, "The War of Northern Aggression" is over your type lost and will continue to lose. You got lucky this time with Trump, but the people of the USA won't let that happen again. The South will not rise again.

The term " Civil War " has many uses in the English language, you might
want to look it up before stepping out on the plank once again.....

The " People " of the United States elected Donald J Trump....
One rogue State ( California ) rigged the election votes by
3.5 + million to try and sway the popular vote for the filthy
Criminal you supported ....named Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The same lady who stole the donated funds from Haiti that
was to help rebuild the island...
The same lady who stole the primary from Bernie Sanders....
The same lady who attempted to steal the election thru
spying via the Steele Dossier...
The same lady who stole the lives of FOUR Americans in
The same lady who stole 20 % of America's Uranium and
sold it to RUSSIA....
The same lady who stole over 100 + lives of Americans who
were set to testify against her and that filthy bent dick
husband of hers....

You support a Criminal Enterprise operated under the
auspices of a Political Party...

Do you EVER wonder why YOUR parties symbol is
a " Jackass "....stop and think about that for a while...!