The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

. . . and from the weak attempts, or lack thereof, to bolster his credibility in here, it is readily apparent that is what it is all about . . . and you wonder why I call your type anti-American. He's Trump first and so are you.

Awwwww....cry me a river ya " little " insecure rod busting troll.....
Do you think Obama cared more for our military than trump does?
Some got sympathy and solace. Some got silence. One got a promise of cash.

Relatives of people who died in military service have recounted varied interactions with President Donald Trump in the difficult days and weeks after their loved one's death. Despite Trump's boast that he reaches out personally to all families of the fallen, interviews with families members did not support his claim. Some never heard from him at all, and a few who did came away more upset.

It seems the Trump family has been lying about their ancestry for a couple of generations. Donald Trump himself claimed in his book Trump: The Art of the Deal from 1987 that his father came to America as a boy, having emigrated from Sweden.

But it's not true. At least not according to the biographies The Trumps: Three Generations That Built An Empire by Gwenda Blair, and The lost tycoon by Henry Hurt

In their research into the Trump family, both author's have come to the conclusion that the Swedish origins was just a story invented by Trump's father. During the middle of the 19th century, Trump's true decent - German - was simply bad for business.

“In the 1940s, people, especially in the real estate industry in New York, didn't want to hear that somebody was German — so let's get rid of that. Let's be Swedish,” Gwenda Blair said in an inteview with Inside Edition.

According to the New York Times, Donald Trump even asked his father why he had to keep the lie going at the time of writing Trump: the Art of the Deal.
President Donald Trump has come under fire for using the name of a famous Native American as a slur -- at an event honoring Native Americans for their service as code talkers in World War II, no less.

Trump turned to his often-used insult of "Pocahontas" to slam Sen. Elizabeth Warren, whom he claims has embellished her purported Native American heritage. Warren has said she was raised being told that she is part Native American, but has maintained that she never used this aspect of her heritage to advance her career.
Trump's repeated attacks on Warren come despite his own family's past efforts to hide their heritage. According to multiple reports from The New York Times and the Boston Globe and a biography, Trump's father repeatedly sought to conceal the fact that he was the son of German immigrants.

Fred Trump sought to pass himself off as Swedish amid anti-German sentiment sparked by World War II. According to the biography "The Trumps: Three Generations that Built an Empire" by Gwenda Blair, Fred Trump denied knowing German and did not teach it to his children.