The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

The steady list toward socialism.
Or your apparent preferred system:

  • Centralized, authoritarian, and often dictatorial government
  • Strong and charismatic leader
  • Strict governmental control over opposition, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly
  • Severe social regulations
  • Strong attachment to moral, nationalistic values
  • In some instances, international trade is opposed (because of the primacy of the nationalist feeling)
Or your apparent preferred system:

  • Centralized, authoritarian, and often dictatorial government
  • Strong and charismatic leader
  • Strict governmental control over opposition, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly
  • Severe social regulations
  • Strong attachment to moral, nationalistic values
  • In some instances, international trade is opposed (because of the primacy of the nationalist feeling)
Apparently copied from the Democrat Platform & handbook...
You mean like your water meter?
More like this comrade Magoo....

WASHINGTON (Circa) — Self-declared socialists are fueling the energy of the Democratic Party, marked by the rise of figures like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the mainstream of the party is embracing their agenda.

Last week, a group of roughly 60 Democrats established a Medicare for All Caucus to rally support for a government-sponsored single-payer health care system, an issue that is fast becoming a priority for almost every 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful.

On Tuesday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California and Rep. Bobby Scott of Virginia unveiled a plan for debt-free higher education and free tuition for two-year community colleges. The bill stopped short of more far-reaching proposals for free in-state college tuition, with the authors explaining they wanted to keep the plan "within a reasonable budget."

As the November midterms approach, the mainstream of the party is championing economic-populist policies that will shift the cost of services, like health and education, from individuals to the federal government.

According to recent polls, the majority of Americans support proposals for universal health care, free college tuition and an increasing number (46 percent) support the idea of a government job guarantee.

The policies may be popular, but the cost and potential size of the new federeal programs have raised doubts about whether the agenda is feasible or if politicians are adopting the message to rally Democratic turnout in November.

"Each and every Democrat is serious about our agenda," insisted Rep. Barbara Lee of California, a member of the Progressive Caucus running to replace Rep. Joe Crowley of New York as the next Democratic Caucus Chair.

"When you talk about universal, accessible health care, debt-free college education, good paying jobs, the living wage, a better standard of living, that's a serious agenda, it's not just messaging," she told Circa.

entire article:
More like this comrade Magoo....

WASHINGTON (Circa) — Self-declared socialists are fueling the energy of the Democratic Party, marked by the rise of figures like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the mainstream of the party is embracing their agenda.

Last week, a group of roughly 60 Democrats established a Medicare for All Caucus to rally support for a government-sponsored single-payer health care system, an issue that is fast becoming a priority for almost every 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful.

On Tuesday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California and Rep. Bobby Scott of Virginia unveiled a plan for debt-free higher education and free tuition for two-year community colleges. The bill stopped short of more far-reaching proposals for free in-state college tuition, with the authors explaining they wanted to keep the plan "within a reasonable budget."

As the November midterms approach, the mainstream of the party is championing economic-populist policies that will shift the cost of services, like health and education, from individuals to the federal government.

According to recent polls, the majority of Americans support proposals for universal health care, free college tuition and an increasing number (46 percent) support the idea of a government job guarantee.

The policies may be popular, but the cost and potential size of the new federeal programs have raised doubts about whether the agenda is feasible or if politicians are adopting the message to rally Democratic turnout in November.

"Each and every Democrat is serious about our agenda," insisted Rep. Barbara Lee of California, a member of the Progressive Caucus running to replace Rep. Joe Crowley of New York as the next Democratic Caucus Chair.

"When you talk about universal, accessible health care, debt-free college education, good paying jobs, the living wage, a better standard of living, that's a serious agenda, it's not just messaging," she told Circa.

entire article:

What tortured search string led you to a DC TV station?

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A federal judge ruled Wednesday that Maryland and the District of Columbia can proceed with their lawsuit accusing President Donald Trump of unconstitutionally accepting payments from foreign and state interests through his Washington hotel. The decision clears the way for the plaintiffs to seek financial records and other materials from the president's company.
I googled 'democrats socialist agenda' it popped right up...
About 7,460,000 results (0.34 seconds)
You should check all those results for "water meter"

The only person who has complained about the creeping socialism of water meters was our friend the plumber, who should know, right, based on professional qualifications.
Or your apparent preferred system:

  • Centralized, authoritarian, and often dictatorial government
  • Strong and charismatic leader
  • Strict governmental control over opposition, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly
  • Severe social regulations
  • Strong attachment to moral, nationalistic values
  • In some instances, international trade is opposed (because of the primacy of the nationalist feeling)
I thought you liked the above under Obama?