The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

"I will bring the full force & weight of the US Military to eradicate and end HUMAN TRAFFICKING." DJT

"The kids that go missing are runaways." Husker Du Du

"Hunter's laptop from hell is Russin disinformation." espola

"Anyone but Trump." Dumb & Dumber

The little demons on here are about to meet their maker. This is not a time to be stupid.
All major Tech giants say something similar except for "X.". Try typing in Google, "Attempted assassination on Don........." Watty at first jumped off his fence and then retreated with his weak sauce BS, "Let's not jump to conclusions." FBI Director said he's not sure it was a bullet that went whizzing buy his head. What a crock of shit!!! Crooks everywhere!!! Oh, we have Dumb & Dumber on here to share videos of their jealousy for Trump. What a bunch of punks and wimps. Total cheaters and losers who support MAPs and the Pedo Party.


X marks the spot.
The two little shits will pay for their crimes against humanity, trust me everyone. This is the final battle, and they chose to follow darkness.


Classic. I missed this meme. Let me help you out Dumb. You see, for the first time in our 250 year history no political party has gone after their political opponent with this kind of lawfare except your side loser. You guys took it up a notch with the assassination attempt. First, you cheaters spied on Trump because you guys have a lot to hide, especially after Wikki Leaks leaked Pizzagate among other things. MAPs, MTF and PEDO lifestyle is what this is about, right Husker Du? Hunters Laptop from Hell was real and Pedo Joe took showers with his dd. This is the party you and Dumber support. Where is espola? Second, you guys tried to blame everything on Russia Russia Russia and the famous "Sir, were investigating you for taking a pee pee on a Moscow Hooker." Once President Trump said, "Oh ya, well I am bringing the full force & weight of the US Military to END HUMAN TRAFFICKING" in early 2017, you all have been attacking Orange Man Bad Mr. t. Never and I mean never has this happen before. It's not how politics were played until you guys started it. Trump never went after his political opponent with lawfare and never started a war. Gee, who is the peacemaker? Husker Du Du, your TDS & CDS is very severe. Seek medical help ASAP! Thirdly and fourthly, impeach hoax 1 and 2, then Covid 19 and the famous Mask, stay 6 feet away, wash your hands and be fully jabbed to be friends and keep your job. #5, Floyd death and "Summer of Love" riots then the mail-in cheating and the machine cheat. Plumbing issue down in Fulton County and other cheating scams. 11.3 was stollen. J6 was a set up and we all know Nancy was the Director. The Right has actually shown much restraint.
Classic. I missed this meme. Let me help you out Dumb. You see, for the first time in our 250 year history no political party has gone after their political opponent with this kind of lawfare except your side loser. You guys took it up a notch with the assassination attempt. First, you cheaters spied on Trump because you guys have a lot to hide, especially after Wikki Leaks leaked Pizzagate among other things. MAPs, MTF and PEDO lifestyle is what this is about, right Husker Du? Hunters Laptop from Hell was real and Pedo Joe took showers with his dd. This is the party you and Dumber support. Where is espola? Second, you guys tried to blame everything on Russia Russia Russia and the famous "Sir, were investigating you for taking a pee pee on a Moscow Hooker." Once President Trump said, "Oh ya, well I am bringing the full force & weight of the US Military to END HUMAN TRAFFICKING" in early 2017, you all have been attacking Orange Man Bad Mr. t. Never and I mean never has this happen before. It's not how politics were played until you guys started it. Trump never went after his political opponent with lawfare and never started a war. Gee, who is the peacemaker? Husker Du Du, your TDS & CDS is very severe. Seek medical help ASAP! Thirdly and fourthly, impeach hoax 1 and 2, then Covid 19 and the famous Mask, stay 6 feet away, wash your hands and be fully jabbed to be friends and keep your job. #5, Floyd death and "Summer of Love" riots then the mail-in cheating and the machine cheat. Plumbing issue down in Fulton County and other cheating scams. 11.3 was stollen. J6 was a set up and we all know Nancy was the Director. The Right has actually shown much restraint.