The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Team espola and Husker Du voted for curruption at the higfhest level. Total cheaters, liars, losers, MAP supporters, MTF supporters, Pedo supporters and the biggest dummies ever on the forum.

"Anyone but Trump."
"Kids that go missing are runaways."
"I have Illegal Nanny."
"Trump bad."
"Crush is the biggest liar at the socal soccer forum."
"Dom, please band crush forever."

Mama earth is not happy with the men who want kids killed. Mama not happy with the losers on here WHO wanted children jabbed and forced to wear a mask. Mama not happy you want kids killed up to 9 months. Get ready for serious karma losers!! God wins and God wants life created, not destroyed you little monster men. Same guys want a man to replace a woman. MAP millstones are being made as I write this.

"Anyone but Trump." The losers

Every single thing trump claims he’s responsible for gets quickly and easily refuted. No, those were on the Republican wish list for years. He’s cheated on everyone of his wives. He speaks in glowing terms of murderous, brutal dictators. He’s bragged of sexually assaulting women. He continues to portray his political rivals as evil and out to destroy the nation while he leads chants of fight, fight, fight. At what point do we ALL see him for what he is?
Every single thing trump claims he’s responsible for gets quickly and easily refuted. No, those were on the Republican wish list for years. He’s cheated on everyone of his wives. He speaks in glowing terms of murderous, brutal dictators. He’s bragged of sexually assaulting women. He continues to portray his political rivals as evil and out to destroy the nation while he leads chants of fight, fight, fight. At what point do we ALL see him for what he is?

"I will bring the full force & weight of the US Military to END HUMAN TRAFFICKING." Trump said this

"Anyone but Trump." Dumb said this

"Kids that go missing are runaways." Dumb said this

"We are done talking about the debate. Time to put a bullseye on Trump." Pedo Joe said this
Time is running out for Dumb & Dumber. Also, to you losers WHO supported mask, 6 feet stay away from me and the jabs and kiss my ass. Also, you WHO support killing children can also kiss my ass.

Demons love death and destruction. They don't care who wins, only that humans suffer. Demons want babies and children to suffer so they and them can inflict pain on humans and God. We have a few demons on the forum.

Hillary the Witch, WHO is also a little Bitch like Husker Du wanted millions to die.

Watch this👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

This is classic. Husker Du Du is upset that Trump cheated on his wife(s) and he wants to help us see his Truth. Now that's a man WHO cares. This from a guy WHO supports Pedos, MAPs, Abortion up to 9 months and Open Borders. This guy has already said, "anyone but Trump." He loves Hillary and supports evil wars. This guy and his evil twin have TDS. They support Trump being taken out because Joe put a bullseye on him.
Where is Pedo Joe? Creepy espola and crooked Husker Du think Joe is the Truth, a man who took showers with his dd. A man whose brother owned or still owns land on Little Saint James Island of Horrors for little children. A man whose son has a laptop from hell that espola and his gang of liars said was false. The dam is breaking folks. Husker Du will continue his bullshit until he is no more.


"With your vote, I will cut taxes even further, and that includes NO TAX ON TIPS. If you are a restaurant worker, bartender, hospitality worker, caddy, barber, mover, driver, or anyone else who relies on tip income, your tips will be 100% YOURS!" DJT
He's creepy across the board.

Not a fan of plastic surgery. I think people see themselves with imperfections that no one else sees and then have plastic surgery and they look worse (to me).
Natural. No ink, no piercings, no colors or work. I won’t even use a plastic golf tee.
. . . but after the Nixon/Kennedy debate makeup is a thing . . . some more than others.
The only people who think Trump has any ideology or ideas of his own have never truly listened to him. Aka his devoted followers. He’s a salesman, a closer for his small family business. He’s not the idea guy . . . unless you give a sharpie or a nuclear bomb. He convinces people to trust him, hence the term ‘confidence man’.
you are truly lost