The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

T is noble in his effort to protect American economic and financial interests in Turkey. The fact that those interests are also his is just coincidental.

Trump is the only American with interests in Turkey? Interesting
Nothing says "Lover of Liberty" like letting the authoritarian theocratic Muslim Brotherhood Party of Turkey bomb allies to own the libs.

At least 22 vets will attempt suicide today. If their lucky, they’ll fuck it up so they can re-enlist and make their way back to world conflicts in which people refuse to get along. Their death will mean more there as they fight to liberate both our allies and themselves.
You can always be counted on to respond to that which you wish to as opposed to the true meaning of a post . . . "if you squint your eyes, turn your head sideways and scream . . . ."
You can always be counted on to interrupt, butt in and add absolutely nothing to the conversation....good job ass wipe.
Three STDs reach all-time highs in the US, new CDC report says

Finally an issue where Trump can provide some expertise.

Trump Boasted of Avoiding STDs While Dating: Vaginas Are 'Landmines ... It Is My Personal Vietnam'

In an unearthed interview from 1997, Donald Trump claimed he was a “brave soldier” for avoiding STDs during his single years in the late ’90s.

“It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider,” Trump said in the interview when Howard Stern asked how he handled making sure he wasn’t contracting STDs from the women he was sleeping with.

The business-mogul-turned-politician elaborated on the fact in the interview, calling women’s vaginas “potential landmines” and saying “there’s some real danger there.”

Also appearing on Stern’s show in 1993, Trump bragged about his promiscuous lifestyle while single and stated that men who didn’t go to Vietnam didn’t need to feel guilty because dating during the AIDS epidemic in the ’80s was also dangerous.

“You know, if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam, we have our own Vietnam — it’s called the dating game,” Trump said to Stern in a 1993 interview. “Dating is like being in Vietnam. You’re the equivalent of a soldier going over to Vietnam.”
Trump Boasted of Avoiding STDs While Dating: Vaginas Are 'Landmines ... It Is My Personal Vietnam'

In an unearthed interview from 1997, Donald Trump claimed he was a “brave soldier” for avoiding STDs during his single years in the late ’90s.

“It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider,” Trump said in the interview when Howard Stern asked how he handled making sure he wasn’t contracting STDs from the women he was sleeping with.

The business-mogul-turned-politician elaborated on the fact in the interview, calling women’s vaginas “potential landmines” and saying “there’s some real danger there.”

Also appearing on Stern’s show in 1993, Trump bragged about his promiscuous lifestyle while single and stated that men who didn’t go to Vietnam didn’t need to feel guilty because dating during the AIDS epidemic in the ’80s was also dangerous.

“You know, if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam, we have our own Vietnam — it’s called the dating game,” Trump said to Stern in a 1993 interview. “Dating is like being in Vietnam. You’re the equivalent of a soldier going over to Vietnam.”
Such a brave, brave man, he deserves a medal.
Now it all makes sense. There were no Kurds on the beaches of Normandy, so sure they deserve to get some post-Ottoman bombs dropped on their head for helping us fight Isis and take Raqqa. I knew Don the Con would have a clear and logical explanation.
At least 22 vets will attempt suicide today. If their lucky, they’ll fuck it up so they can re-enlist and make their way back to world conflicts in which people refuse to get along. Their death will mean more there as they fight to liberate both our allies and themselves.

Huli Huli Boi, with his chicken-shit command of logic, think that telling the Turks to go ahead and bomb the Kurds in Syria is helping suicidal American vets.

What a freaking pecker.

There were plenty of ways to bring the ~2000 US servicemen out of north Syria without getting on the phone and telling Muslim Brotherhood member Erdogan (so interesting that no one ever brings that up when they get all insane about "radical Islam...") a free hand to bomb the Kurds - who actually fought Isis (and the cowardly Turk mercenaries who tried to race them to Raqa and could barely take Manbij cause the Syria Arabs actually hate the Turks for the most part - at least the Turkish gov't. Plenty of awesome Turkish people but Erdogan and his thugs are vicious as anyone who has spent time in Turkey will tell you.) But the idea that letting Turkey bomb Kurdish positions in north east Turkey is saving American service personnel from suicide, which is a very real and serious problem, is just too f*king stupid for words.

Not to mention the refugee wave it has set off. Really smart, our stable genius. Belongs in a stable, like any tired old ass.

When Don the Con does something so stupid that even Senate Republicans gonna push back, you know he's an asshat.
Trump lies while Kurds die . . . 50,000 ISIS fighters will escape as t loses his "mandate from heaven".

The world will want more than impeachment.
Huli Huli Boi, with his chicken-shit command of logic, think that telling the Turks to go ahead and bomb the Kurds in Syria is helping suicidal American vets.

What a freaking pecker.

There were plenty of ways to bring the ~2000 US servicemen out of north Syria without getting on the phone and telling Muslim Brotherhood member Erdogan (so interesting that no one ever brings that up when they get all insane about "radical Islam...") a free hand to bomb the Kurds - who actually fought Isis (and the cowardly Turk mercenaries who tried to race them to Raqa and could barely take Manbij cause the Syria Arabs actually hate the Turks for the most part - at least the Turkish gov't. Plenty of awesome Turkish people but Erdogan and his thugs are vicious as anyone who has spent time in Turkey will tell you.) But the idea that letting Turkey bomb Kurdish positions in north east Turkey is saving American service personnel from suicide, which is a very real and serious problem, is just too f*king stupid for words.

Not to mention the refugee wave it has set off. Really smart, our stable genius. Belongs in a stable, like any tired old ass.

When Don the Con does something so stupid that even Senate Republicans gonna push back, you know he's an asshat.
This is the most disgusting period in modern American history. We have an ignorant lunatic setting policy. It may take decades to repair the damage and our reputation.
Trump dismisses concerns about leaving Kurds at the mercy of Turkey

Trump explains again why he pulled troops out of Syria


Scroll back up to restore default view.
As Turkey began its assault against America’s Kurdish allies on Wednesday, sending troops and warplanes across the border with Syria, President Trump dismissed concerns about what is widely characterized as a betrayal of the fighters who bore the brunt of the battle against ISIS.

“Alliances are very easy” to establish, Trump said in response to a question about whether pulling American troops out of the region — leaving the field clear for Turkey to attack its historic enemies — would make it harder to enlist allies in the future.

Trump spoke at a White House event where he signed an executive order on transparency in instituting new federal regulations.

After a phone call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday, Trump ordered the immediate withdrawal of the token American force that had been stationed in northern Syria, serving as a tripwire against Turkey’s long-standing desire to eliminate the Kurdish presence on its border. The Kurds, an ethnic group in a region that spans Turkey, northern Syria and Iraq, have fought alongside Americans in the war on ISIS for years. But their goal of carving out a national state in the region is strongly opposed by Turkey, which regards at least some of their forces as terrorists.

Within a day of the American redeployment, Turkey began mobilizing for the attack.

Echoing a point raised earlier in a blog post by a right-wing commentator, Trump dismissed the Kurdish alliance with an inexplicable reference to World War II, and suggested that the Kurds are pursuing their own interests in the Mideast, not necessarily America’s:

“Now, the Kurds are fighting for their land, just so you understand, they are fighting for their land. And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy as an example, they mentioned the names of different battles, but they’re there to help us with their land, and that’s a different thing.

“In addition to that, we have spent tremendous amounts of money in helping the Kurds,” Trump continued. “With all of that being said, we like the Kurds.”

He repeated his threat from Monday to “obliterate” the economy of Turkey with sanctions if — as some fear — it perpetrates a massacre of the Kurds.

The U.S. pullback, a sudden reversal of years of American policy, was met with unusually harsh and bipartisan criticism in Washington, including by Trump’s frequent defender Sen. Lindsey Graham, who said the Kurds had been “shamelessly abandoned by the Trump administration.”

Asked about the fate of thousands of captured ISIS fighters who have been held prisoner by the Kurds, Trump said it wouldn’t be America’s problem:

“Well, they’re going to be escaping to Europe, that’s where they want to go. They want to go back to their homes, but Europe didn’t want them from us, we could have given it to them, they could have had trials, they could have done whatever they wanted. But as usual, it’s not reciprocal. You know, my favorite word, ‘reciprocal.’ That’s all I want. I don’t want an edge, I just want reciprocal, it’s not a fair deal for the United States.”

Trump reminded reporters that scaling back America’s overseas commitments was one of his campaign promises.

“I campaigned on ending the endless wars. We’re all over the world fighting wars,” he said. “People are saying, ‘You’re doing the right thing.’”

He ended his comments by invoking the American casualties of the ongoing fighting in the Mideast, with an implied rebuke to Graham, who he said “would like to stay there for the next 200 years.”

“It’s easy to talk tough, tough guys, all these tough guys, ‘let’s keep fighting, let’s keep fighting.’ If they had to go to Walter Reed, where they do unbelievable work…” Trump said, before trailing off into an anecdote about an injured soldier who had surgery to rebuild his nose.
Fries U! What a deal! Coward. You chicken Hawks like hooking your anti-Trump trailer to whatever issue rattles your cage.

And you'll pucker up to put your lips to whatever turd slips out of that incontinent orange sphincter.

Meanwhile, all the good Christians around here who pissed on Otto Wambier can now piss on the Syriac Christians killed in north east Syria - not to mention the ancient Christian sites there... the hypocrisy (and cowardice) of the cult around here is strong. I'll give you all that.

You'll swallow any little thing Don the Con dangles in front of you.