The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Oh my! More unpaid bills?

Shocked, SHOCKED I say... I was sure the trades he stiffed in Jersey were the only ones... but now even in his mum's homeland! Sad...

"Donald Trump’s family firm is refusing to accept a legal bill worth tens of thousands of pounds after he lost a lengthy court battle against a windfarm near his Aberdeenshire golf course, according to the Scottish government.

A Scottish court ruled in February this year the Trump Organization had to pay the Scottish government’s legal costsafter his attempt to block an 11-turbine windfarm in Aberdeen Bay ended with defeat in the UK supreme court in 2015."
QUOTE="Friesland, post: 292625, member: 1715"

Oh my! More unpaid bills?

Shocked, SHOCKED I say...
I was sure the trades he stiffed in Jersey were the only ones...
but now even in his mum's homeland! Sad...

"Donald Trump’s family firm is refusing to accept a legal bill worth
tens of thousands of pounds after he lost a lengthy court battle
against a windfarm near his Aberdeenshire golf course,
according to the Scottish government.

A Scottish court ruled in February this year the Trump Organization
had to pay the Scottish government’s legal costsafter his attempt to
block an 11-turbine windfarm in Aberdeen Bay ended with
defeat in the UK supreme court in 2015."


My goodness are you so desperate to post anything negative about
Trump and Associates that you dug around in an old trash bin for
a case that will mostly be overturned....

Look out your window......that's blue sky.
It's quite nice...but it won't stop a Schiff's Lie....
I had thought Ambassador Sondland would exonerate t by his testimony to Congress, so why was he blocked? General principles? They asked him what he was actually going to say under oath? ???
This t supporter even looks like a mobster --


"Hey, that's a nice government you got there. Be a shame if the whole thing went up in smoke. You interested in some insurance?"
I doubt Barr will be interested.

New Update In Criminal Referrals Made Against Those Who Made Questionable Claims Against Kavanaugh
By Ryan Saavedra


Nine Republican Senators sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday seeking information on the statuses of four criminal referrals the Senate Judiciary Committee sent to the Department of Justice last year regarding suspicious allegations that were made against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

The letter was sent by Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Mike Lee (R-UT), Ted Cruz (R-TX), John Cornyn (R-TX), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Thom Tillis (R-NC), John Kennedy (R-LA) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN).

“In the process of evaluating claims against the then-nominee, committee investigators collected 25 written statements and spoke with 45 individuals. Those investigations culminated in the nominee’s confirmation and the release of a 414-page committee report concluding that there was no credible evidence to support any of the allegations,” former Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley said in a statement. “Last year, then-Chairman Grassley referred to the Department of Justice four individuals for investigation for potential criminal conduct including the submission of materially false statements to the committee, obstruction of Congress and conspiracy to submit false statements or obstruct Congress.”
BIG: James Clapper Admits He Was Following Orders From His ‘Commander-In-Chief, President Obama’

Posted at 4:00 pm on October 08, 2019 by Elizabeth Vaughn


Mueller Was Pursuing FBI Director Job When He Met With Trump, Contrary to What He Testified to Congress, Admin Officials Say

Posted at 9:30 pm on October 08, 2019 by Nick Arama


Former special counsel Robert Mueller, is sworn in before he testifies before the House Judiciary Committee hearing on his report on Russian election interference, on Capitol Hill, in Washington, Wednesday, July 24, 2019. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

This latest report could spell big trouble for former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Fox is reporting that multiple administration officials are saying that when Mueller met with President Donald Trump in May 2017, he was in fact pursuing the job as FBI Director.

Problem with this?

Mueller denied this under oath when he testified before Congress this year about his investigation. When he testified on July 24, Mueller claimed he thought that he was just being asked by Trump about what was needed in a candidate for the job. “My understanding was I was not applying for the job,” Mueller testified on July 24. “I was asked to give my input on what it would take to do the job.” Mueller had served as FBI Director under Barack Obama and under George W. Bush.

According to the officials talking to Fox, there are government documents, however, showing he was seeking the job.

There’s more.

According to emails obtained by Judicial Watch, it appears that he may have known he was also being considered for the Special Counsel position if he didn’t get the job as the FBI Director.

“The boss and his staff do not know about our discussions,” then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said in an email to Mueller on May 12, 2017. Rosenstein’s boss was then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had recused himself from the Russia probe, meaning the president would not have known either.

A source close to Rosenstein confirmed to Fox News that he had confidential conversations with Mueller about whether he would be willing to serve in the event he needed to appoint a special counsel. These conversations began on May 12, 2017, prior to Mueller’s meeting with the president on May 16, 2017, the source acknowledged.

Trump has said repeatedly that Mueller interviewed for the job, didn’t get it and therefore it was a conflict for him to be Special Counsel.

Democrats Considering Hiding the Identity of Whistleblower From the GOP, Changing His Appearance, Voice

Posted at 12:30 pm on October 08, 2019 by Nick Arama


Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, accompanied by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. and other congress members speaks during a news conference on Trump Putin Helsinki Summit at Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday, July 17, 2018. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Just when you think Democrats can’t be any more manipulative about the process of impeachment against President Donald Trump, they manage to go even lower.

First, Democrats ‘launched’ an impeachment inquiry simply by the proclamation of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) without holding a full floor vote to open an inquiry as has been the process previously. So the process doesn’t even have the sanction of a Congressional vote.

Second, as we reported yesterday, Democrats have been holding hearings, questioning people in secret and they plan on doing that this week as well. So there’s absolutely no transparency to the process and no one can see what is actually being said and Democrats get to frame (read: leak selectively) whatever they want to frame the case. (READ: Democrats Trying to Impeach Trump in Secret Hearings)

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has argued it’s necessary to maintain the identity of the whistleblower. So are they intent upon trying to impeach the president without even identifying who the person is so that the person’s story can be adequately cross-examined?

Apparently so because now the word is that they don’t even intend on telling their Republican colleagues who the person is or even allowing them to question the whistleblower.

From The Hill:

Democrats are going to great lengths to hide the whistleblower’s identity out of fear the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee could leak their identity, according to The Washington Post, which cited three people familiar with the discussions.

Democrats are considering holding testimony outside the Capitol as well as a staff-only session that would bar lawmakers from questioning the whistleblower, according to the Post.

Democrats are also weighing options to distort the whistleblower’s appearance and voice, including through a video camera or audio-only testimony or by placing the person behind a screen, the Post reported.

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) blasted the lack of transparency and secrecy by the Democrats.
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Published 2 hours ago
Document reveals Ukraine had already reopened probe of Hunter Biden-linked firm months before Trump phone call
By Charles Creitz | Fox News
John Solomon claims new document shows 'significant shift' in 'factual timeline' of Ukraine matters
John Solomon claims new document shows 'significant shift' in 'factual timeline' of Ukraine matters

A newly unearthed document shows that Ukrainian officials had opened a new probe into the firm linked to Hunter Biden months before President Trump's phone call with that country's leader, Fox News contributor John Solomon reported late Tuesday.

Solomon said Tuesday on "Hannity" that the U.S. government knew Ukraine was planning to look again into activities at Burisma Holdings, an energy company that employed then-Vice President Joe Biden's son as a member of its board of directors, early this year. The report is noteworthy because President Trump has been accused by Democrats of threatening in July to withhold foreign aid to Ukraine unless its new president pursued an investigation into the company and the younger Biden's role there.

"The U.S. government had open-source intelligence and was aware as early as February of 2019 that the Ukrainian government was planning to reopen the Burisma investigation," he claimed. "This is long before the president ever imagined having a call with President Zelensky," he added, noting Petro Poroshenko was still Ukraine's president at that time.



"This is a significant shift in the factual timeline."

Solomon said the information he obtained, including documents shown on "Hannity" Tuesday, was omitted from a U.S. intelligence community whistleblower's complaint lodged against Trump last month.

More from Media
Solomon said that NABU -- an FBI-like anti-corruption agency in Ukraine -- requested the probe into Burisma and owner Mykola Zlochevsky be reopened earlier this year. The investigation then went forward, Solomon said. The new probe later resulted in a "Notice of Suspicion" being filed, alleging the existence of "illicit funds" running through the firm, Solomon also claimed.
Report: Ukraine ‘Whistleblower’ Had ‘Professional Relationship’ with 2020 Democrat

AP Photo/Eric Gay
JOSHUA CAPLAN8 Oct 20195,029
The intelligence community inspector general testified Friday to congressional investigators that the so-called “whistleblower” who mischaracterized President Donald Trump’s call with the leader of Ukraine had a previous “professional relationship” with a 2020 Democrat candidate, according to the Washington Examiner.

“The IG said [the whistleblower] worked or had some type of professional relationship with one of the Democratic candidates,” one person with knowledge of inspector general Michael Atkinson’s testimony told the Examiner’sByron York.

In another conversation with York, a second source revealed: “What [Atkinson] said was that the whistleblower self-disclosed that he was a registered Democrat and that he had a prior working relationship with a current 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.”

According to York, Atkinson did not reveal the Democrat presidential candidate’s identity or touch on the nature of the working relationship.

The Examiner’s report raises further questions about the so-called “whistleblower” and his complaint, which alleges President Donald Trump pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate allegations of corruption against former Vice President and 2020 White House hopeful Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. In an August 26th letter, Atkinson said the officer was found to have harbored “political bias” in favor of a rival political candidate to President Trump. York’s report contradicts a claim by CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who stated last week that the so-called “whistleblower’s” political bias was that he was a “registered Democrat.”

The officer’s alleged political bias isn’t the only glaring issue with his complaint. Last week, Fox News reported the anonymous Deep Stater concealed his communications with a House Intelligence Committee aide from Atkinson, who told lawmakers he possessed “no knowledge” of the officer’s contacts with the Capitol Hill staffer. As Breitbart News reported, the development suggests the officer failed to follow the law for protecting intelligence community members seeking to report alleged wrongdoing.
Oh my! More unpaid bills?

Shocked, SHOCKED I say... I was sure the trades he stiffed in Jersey were the only ones... but now even in his mum's homeland! Sad...

"Donald Trump’s family firm is refusing to accept a legal bill worth tens of thousands of pounds after he lost a lengthy court battle against a windfarm near his Aberdeenshire golf course, according to the Scottish government.

A Scottish court ruled in February this year the Trump Organization had to pay the Scottish government’s legal costsafter his attempt to block an 11-turbine windfarm in Aberdeen Bay ended with defeat in the UK supreme court in 2015."
Nothing says "Lover of Liberty" like letting the authoritarian theocratic Muslim Brotherhood Party of Turkey bomb allies to own the libs.

Nothing says "Lover of Liberty" like letting the authoritarian theocratic Muslim Brotherhood Party of Turkey bomb allies to own the libs.


T is noble in his effort to protect American economic and financial interests in Turkey. The fact that those interests are also his is just coincidental.