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Report: House Democrats Weigh Concealing Whistleblower’s Identity from Republicans

Scott Olson/Getty Images
JOSHUA CAPLAN7 Oct 2019161
House Democrats are considering masking the identity of a partisan CIA officer behind a so-called “whistleblower” complaint regarding President Donald Trump’s telephone call with Ukraine from Republicans on Capitol Hill, according to a report.

The Washington Post, citing three officials familiar with the matter, said Monday that Democrats are concerned Republicans will leak the so-called “whistleblower’s” identify upon testimony before House and Senate investigators.

The Post states:

Democrats overseeing the logistics of the testimony for the House impeachment inquiry are discussing a location away from the Capitol as well as a staff-only session that would prevent lawmakers from attending and asking questions.

Aides have considered having the whistleblower testify from a separate location via a video hookup in which the camera would obscure the whistleblower’s image and alter his voice, possibly with modification technology. They also are talking about having the whistleblower sit behind a screen or partition. A third option being floated includes audio-only testimony.

One congressional official told the newspaper that House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) does “not want to burn his identity.”

“There are lots of different protocols and procedures we’re looking into to find out what works and doesn’t work to protect the identity of the whistleblower,” said another Post source. “That is paramount.”

Though House Intel Democrats are considering unprecedented measures to conceal the so-called “whistleblower’s” identity, the Senate Intelligence Committee, overseen by Sens. Richard Burr (R-NC) and Mark R. Warner (D-VA), are not mulling similar measures.

The Post continues:

The off-campus meetings probably will be in a secure room provided by the executive branch, according to one of these individuals. The meetings could take place “within the next couple of weeks,” but no date has been set, one official said.

The report comes as House Democrats move expeditiously with their formal impeachment inquiry against the president for suggesting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky look into allegations of corruption against former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

Both Trump and Zelensky have denied the allegations and the White House, in a nod to transparency, released a transcript of the foreign leaders’ call to demonstrate no wrongdoing occurred.
‘Whistleblower’ Attorneys Offered Rate Discount for Trump Informants, Ranted Against President on Social Media

AARON KLEIN7 Oct 201938
The law firm representing the so-called whistleblower at the center of the impeachment movement targeting President Donald Trump as well as multiple other anti-Trump whistleblowers was so desperate to find Trump administration informants that they previously offered those who come forward discounted pricing for legal representation.

A search of the Twitter account for the law firm’s founder and managing partner, Andrew Bakaj, finds rabid anti-Trump posts such as repeated advocacy for Trump cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment of the Constitution over claimed competency issues. The amendment offers a path for the commander-in-chief’s removal if the “president is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

Bakaj founded the Compass Rose Legal Group, which is representing the central so-called whistleblower on the matter of Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president. Bakaj previously interned for Hillary Clinton and did work for other Democrats.

On Sunday, Bakaj confirmed that his law firm is representing “multiple whistleblowers in connection to the underlying August 12, 2019, disclosure to the Intelligence Community Inspector General.”

“No further comment at this time,” he added.

Mark Zaid, senior counsel with the Compass Rose Legal Group, said on Sunday that his firm is representing a second so-called whistleblower in the Ukraine case.

On Feb 15, 2017, toward the start of Trump’s presidency, Bakaj and the firm each tweeted about the discounted pricing for potential Trump administration informants:
Fitton: Judicial Watch Uncovers Rosenstein Email to Mueller: ‘The Boss’ Doesn’t Know We’re Talking

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin
TOM FITTON7 Oct 2019492
Rod Rosenstein, formerly the deputy attorney general, is a key figure in enabling, at a minimum, the Deep State’s seditious attacks on President Trump.

More proof is in new documents uncovered by a Judicial Watch lawsuit. Specifically, we forced the release of 145 pages of Rosenstein’s communications that include a one-line email from Rosenstein to Mueller stating, “The boss and his staff do not know about our discussions.” They also include “off the record” emails with major media outlets around the date of Mueller’s appointment.

We filed a lawsuit to get these documents after the Department of Justice failed to respond to our September 21, 2018, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:19-cv-00481)).

We were seeking any and all e-mails, text messages, or other records of communication addressed to or received by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein between May 8, 2017, and May 22, 2017.

The time period referred to in this suit is critical. On May 9, 2017, Rosenstein wrote a memo to President Trump recommending that FBI Director James Comey be fired. That day, President Trump fired Comey. Just three days later, on May 12, Rosenstein sent an email assuring Robert Mueller that “The boss and his staff do not know about our discussions.” (It is not clear if the “boss” is then-AG Sessions or President Trump.)

In a May 16, 2017, email, sent the day before Mueller’s appointment, Rosenstein emailed former Bush administration Deputy Attorney General and current Kirkland & Ellis Partner Mark Filip stating, “I am with Mueller. He shares my views. Duty Calls. Sometimes the moment chooses us.”

The next day, May 17, Rosenstein appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

During the same period, between May 8 and May 17, Rosenstein met with then-acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe and other senior Justice Department FBI officials to discuss wearing a wire and invoking the 25th  Amendment to remove President Trump.

The documents also show that, again during the same time period, Rod Rosenstein was in direct communication with reporters from 60 Minutes, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. In an email exchange dated May 2017, Rosenstein communicated with New York Times reporter Rebecca Ruiz to provide background for this article about himself. Ruiz emailed Rosenstein a draft of the article, and he responded with off-the-record comments and clarifications.

  • In an email exchange on May 17, 2017, the day of Mueller’s appointment, Rosenstein exchanged emails with 60 Minutes producer Katherine Davis in which he answered off-the-record questions about Mueller’s scope of authority and chain of command:
Rosenstein: “Off the record: This special counsel is a DOJ employee. His status is similar to a US Attorney.”

Davis: “Good call on Mueller. Although I obviously thought you’d be great at leading the investigation too.”

  • On May 17, 2017, in an email exchange with Washington Post journalist Sari Horwitz with the subject line “Special Counsel,” Rosenstein and Horwitz exchanged:
Rosenstein said, “At some point, I owe you a long story. But this is not the right time for me to talk to anybody.”

Horwitz: “Now, I see why you couldn’t talk today! Obviously, we’re writing a big story about this Is there any chance I could talk to you on background about your decision?”

These astonishing emails further confirm the corruption behind Rosenstein’s appointment of Robert Mueller. They also show a shockingly cozy relationship between Mr. Rosenstein and anti-Trump media reporters.

Here’s some more background on the incredible finds from this one Judicial Watch lawsuit.

On September 11, we released 14 pages of records from the Department of Justice showing officials’ efforts in responding to media inquiries about DOJ/FBI talks allegedly invoking the 25th Amendment to “remove” President Donald Trump from office and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein offering to wear a “wire” to record his conversations with the president.

On September 23, we released a two-page memo, dated May 16, 2017, by then-Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe detailing how then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein proposed wearing a wire into the Oval Office “to collect additional evidence on the president’s true intentions.” McCabe writes that Rosenstein said he thought it was possible because “he was not searched when he entered the White House.”

As the “coup” targeting President Trump continues through the House impeachment abuse, it is important to remember that its origins are in the Deep State agencies – especially the FBI and DOJ.
‘Whistleblower’ Attorneys Offered Rate Discount for Trump Informants, Ranted Against President on Social Media

AARON KLEIN7 Oct 201938
The law firm representing the so-called whistleblower at the center of the impeachment movement targeting President Donald Trump as well as multiple other anti-Trump whistleblowers was so desperate to find Trump administration informants that they previously offered those who come forward discounted pricing for legal representation.

A search of the Twitter account for the law firm’s founder and managing partner, Andrew Bakaj, finds rabid anti-Trump posts such as repeated advocacy for Trump cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment of the Constitution over claimed competency issues. The amendment offers a path for the commander-in-chief’s removal if the “president is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”
Bakaj founded the Compass Rose Legal Group, which is representing the central so-called whistleblower on the matter of Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president. Bakaj previously interned for Hillary Clinton and did work for other Democrats.

On Sunday, Bakaj confirmed that his law firm is representing “multiple whistleblowers in connection to the underlying August 12, 2019, disclosure to the Intelligence Community Inspector General.”

“No further comment at this time,” he added.

Mark Zaid, senior counsel with the Compass Rose Legal Group, said on Sunday that his firm is representing a second so-called whistleblower in the Ukraine case.

On Feb 15, 2017, toward the start of Trump’s presidency, Bakaj and the firm each tweeted about the discounted pricing for potential Trump administration informants:
Not bad.
It is fine, like a baby's, but full and magnificent.

The Kurds have been helpful, and we have also helped them.
I wish them the best.
You have posted some amazingly ignorant things lately, but the above post truly highlights your astounding level of naivete. You know nothing beyond what you have been told to believe.
Any updates on the whole mandate from heaven thing? I'm a little nervous... I mean, once that goes... we're circling the drain!

Did Don the Con get an extension or nah?
Democrats in Red States Having a Rough Time Defending Impeachment Back Home

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
KRISTINA WONG7 Oct 20193,796
House Democrats in red states who have come out in support of impeachment are having a rough time defending their decision back home.

Democrats who are back home for two weeks in districts that supported President Trump in 2016 are having to answer questions on impeachment – whether they like it or not.

At one town hall, Illinois, Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL) was confronted by a woman who “tore into” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), accusing them of “lying their little butts off,” according to a report by Politico.

Breitbart TV


Cruz: Democrats ‘Not Even Pretending’ They’ll Allow Private Healthcare Insurance

She said the whistleblower complaint “looks like a bunch of 13-year-old girls gossiping.”

At another event, another constituent asked Casten why he was not condemning former Vice President Joe Biden’s actions. Trump has said Biden and his son Hunter Biden should be investigated for their actions in Ukraine. Biden pressured Ukraine to fire the chief prosecutor, who had opened a corruption investigation on a Ukrainian gas company that employed his son for over $50,000 a month. The Bidens have denied any wrongdoing.

Casten has told his constituents that there’s “no there thereon the Biden story,” and that a voter who asked him about Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election was espousing a “deep-down-the-rabbit-hole, crazy conspiracy theory,” according to Politico.
Why his fans think Trump has “great and unmatched wisdom”
The definition of genius has never been stable.


A man holds a sign during a protest against President Trump on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York on Sept. 23. (Mark Kauzlarich/Reuters)
By Ittai Orr
Ittai Orr is a doctoral candidate in American studies at Yale University studying the history of intelligence.
October 8, 2019 at 6:00 AM EDT

President Trump’s strange obsession with IQ and intellectual superiority was on display again Monday when he referred to his “great and unmatched wisdom.” That adds to his previous claim that he was a “very stable genius,” with a “very high IQ.” In addition to boasting about his own intellectual superiority, he derides his opponents for their lack of smarts: He called Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) an “extraordinarily low IQ person” and called Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, “Dummy Beto.”