The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

So, is this the one? Again?

Nobody knows when the GOP will decide to dump him. But I do know he won't stop stuffing his pockets until he has to...

But the real question is Why, why, why isn't Killary in Jail?!! and what about O'Bummer!!!!

Life isn't fair!!!!!!!!! Whaaaaa!!!!!
Nobody knows when the GOP will decide to dump him. But I do know he won't stop stuffing his pockets until he has to...

But the real question is Why, why, why isn't Killary in Jail?!! and what about O'Bummer!!!!

Life isn't fair!!!!!!!!! Whaaaaa!!!!!
Hillary was bad news. Look at all the crooks around her that are in jail! Cohen, Manafort, Flynn. Many more. How did she escape?
Hillary was bad news. Look at all the crooks around her that are in jail! Cohen, Manafort, Flynn. Many more. How did she escape?
Everyone around her is a criminal . . .
Flashback: Watch When Dems Scorned Impeaching a President “For Political Battles”

Posted at 6:00 pm on September 28, 2019 by Nick Arama


Democrats have been pushing impeachment pretty much since President Donald Trump was elected.

Then there’s Mad Maxine, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA). Now she’s been on a hate-filled rant even before Trump won in 2016. Everyone recalls how she even encouraged people to “get up in” the faces of Trump officials and “push back” wherever her minions might see those officials, which was then followed by a number of officials being harassed. Waters preached against impeachment and hatred, and not being oblivious to what the people say.

— Rich Weinstein (@phillyrich1) December 17, 2018

Thanks to Rich Weinstein for digging up some of these great videos.

Perhaps the best was Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) who warned about “impeaching over politics,” that Democrats might demand payback and try to impeach a Republican president if the GOP dared go after Clinton. You think?

Let’s talk about impeachment

— Rich Weinstein (@phillyrich1) December 17, 2018

But here Democrats are now, doing everything they can to push impeachment over politics, even knowing they will fail to convict in the Senate if they were to manage to impeach in the House. And even knowing that about 60% of America is against it, against them overturning the results of an election.

From NY Post:

That the Democrats have been talking impeachment since before Trump was even sworn in has made the voters a bit cynical about them. “I’m like, yeah, boy who cried wolf,” Donna Burgraff, a Tennessee independent who voted for Barack Obama and Donald Trump, told the Times. “You’ve got to have something big, and I haven’t seen something big.” One Times reporter said she spoke to six middle-of-the-road voters, and all of them vehemently opposed impeachment.

The Clinton impeachment saga lasted six months. If it takes six months this time, it’ll wrap up just seven months before the next election. Why bother? The voters will have their say soon enough. And impeachment will eat Washington. Nothing else will get done. This should matter to Democrats, because it looked as if they might get at least some of their gun-control ideas passed into law. Not anymore. Gun control has been pushed off the back burner and disappeared behind the stove.

If impeachment goes on for the next several months, Democrats will hardly be able to go to the voters and claim they delivered anything for them. Republicans in swing districts where gun control is popular might well say, “Look, we may have had a consensus to do something on this, but the Democrats decided to waste all of our time playing politics.”

And if all they get out of all this, Democratic voters will eat them alive and Trump will sail into office in 2020.
“To me the striking thing — what’s so revealing is what it reveals about Trump. Almost astonishing gullibility on Trump’s part. This is someone who, I think, believes this tin foil hat stuff that Giuliani is feeding to him, the idea that Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server is in the basement in the Ukraine. The idea that it wasn’t the Russians attacking the election in 2016, it was Ukrainians trying to elect Hillary Clinton. To me that is astonishing, and it would be amusing if not for the fact that this person is president of the United States.” -- Presidential historian Chris Whipple
It's almost cute how little Don the Con knows about US laws and criminal procedure, if he weren't president and all...

Maybe he should have taken a Poli Sci course or two at Penn. Alvin Rubinstein taught a good one - and he would have gotten to read Camp of the Saints so he could do book-club with his buddy Steve "Acid Washed" Bannon.

Oh well. I'm sure he'll do plenty of reading when he's done with all this international conning.
I was reading a book on a totally unrelated topic, and in that book they related the way that Prussian General Staff used to rate upcoming young officers.

Type 1 - Smart and energetic
Type 2 - Smart and lazy
Type 3 - Stupid and energetic
Type 4 - Stupid and lazy

Type 1 officers were groomed for the General Staff someday. Type 2 officers would be routed into mid-level commands where they could be trusted to be competent and would not upset the established order. Type 4 officers would be frozen at the lower ranks until they were let go for some inexcusable action or evenually left on their own. Type 3 officers were the problem - they didn't know what they were doing but went ahead and did it anyway.

T is a Type 3 --


You " were " the enlisted type .....

E-0 Lying fuck who can do repetitive work....
Apparently Don the Con thinks we are headed for Civil War,

But, due to his bone spurs, he will not be able to participate. Sad.
I told my wife when he was elected that him leaving, via the next election or otherwise, could be a question of which side the military takes.
Joint Chiefs. They spoke up after Charlottesville and that’s when we knew that the service branches were for America and not Trump.

All the Joint Chiefs during this period will have best-selling biographies coming out soon, I imagine, with themes like "How I saved America".