The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

My mom doesn’t like racist ignorant people that spread propaganda on a soccer forum and are afraid to do it out in the open.
Haha !
I’m not certain the good Sheriff is around now. Something seems to have caught in his throat. No idea what news might have frightened him off.
The ignorance, gullibility and straight up stupidity of those who worship t is astounding.

I had something like this discussion with my daughter today. She tentatively invited me to a social hour at a conference her organization is conducting in San Diego next month. She said I could go if I dressed up as I did at my father's memorial service. She also cautioned about being too outspoken. I asked if there were likely to be any t supporters there, and if there were I said I would just ask them questions about their faith without criticizing them.
QUOTE="espola, post: 290693, member: 3"

I had something like this discussion with my daughter today.
She tentatively invited me to a social hour at a conference her
organization is conducting in San Diego next month.
Oh we go....

She said I could go if I dressed up as I did at my father's memorial service.
Bwwhhhhaaaaaaaa.......! Ha...clean up your act dead beat.
Your own family...not only that YOU posted the request..never show
your cards/torn underwear or a booger on your nose...Youuuu geek.

She also cautioned about being too outspoken.
She courteously asked you too NOT BE A DICK.
Bwwwwhaaaaaaaa.....just don't be a dick.

I asked if there were likely to be any t supporters there, and if there were I said
I would just ask them questions about their faith without criticizing them.
Yur such a jackass......try keeping your mouth shut and your eyes/ears open.
You just might learn something....


Yur post made my day.....

Can you just say ....



Thank You.....

Mouth shut...eyes n ears open....

PS: Put some nice clothes on/cut your hair/shave your beard and ......stand up straight.
I had something like this discussion with my daughter today. She tentatively invited me to a social hour at a conference her organization is conducting in San Diego next month. She said I could go if I dressed up as I did at my father's memorial service. She also cautioned about being too outspoken. I asked if there were likely to be any t supporters there, and if there were I said I would just ask them questions about their faith without criticizing them.
Good luck with that and be prepared for a whole lot of contradictions, hypocrisy and a bit of irony.
Good luck with that and be prepared for a whole lot of contradictions, hypocrisy and a bit of irony.

Reading this and other online sources has prepared me, but someone might have a new angle that actually has some merit.

"What has he done for you? What has he done for our culture?"
There is absolutely nothing to see in the transcripts of telephone calls between t and Putin and between t and MBS, so they will not be released.
Question of the hour - (things change too quickly for it to be "of the day") -
will UK get rid of its leader before USA does?

What are you implying here sleaze bag....because if it's what I'll deeply regret the internet trail YOU have left behind.
