The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Still winning!

"The report was issued today by Timothy R. Fiore, CPSM, C.P.M., Chair of the Institute for Supply Management®(ISM®) Manufacturing Business Survey Committee: “The September PMI®registered 47.8 percent, a decrease of 1.3 percentage points from the August reading of 49.1 percent. The New Orders Index registered 47.3 percent, an increase of 0.1 percentage point from the August reading of 47.2 percent. The Production Index registered 47.3 percent, a 2.2-percentage point decrease compared to the August reading of 49.5 percent. The Employment Index registered 46.3 percent, a decrease of 1.1 percentage points from the August reading of 47.4 percent. The Supplier Deliveries Index registered 51.1 percent, a 0.3-percentage point decrease from the August reading of 51.4 percent. The Inventories Index registered 46.9 percent, a decrease of 3 percentage points from the August reading of 49.9 percent. The Prices Index registered 49.7 percent, a 3.7-percentage point increase from the August reading of 46 percent. The New Export Orders Index registered 41 percent, a 2.3-percentage point decrease from the August reading of 43.3 percent. The Imports Index registered 48.1 percent, a 2.1-percentage point increase from the August reading of 46 percent.

“Comments from the panel reflect a continuing decrease in business confidence. September was the second consecutive month of PMI®contraction, at a faster rate compared to August. Demandcontracted, with the New Orders Index contracting at August levels, the Customers’ Inventories Index moving toward ‘about right’ territory and the Backlog of Orders Index contracting for the fifth straight month (and at a faster rate). The New Export Orders Index continued to contract strongly, a negative impact on the New Orders Index. Consumption(measured by the Production and Employment indexes) contracted at faster rates, again primarily driven by a lack of demand, contributing negative numbers (a combined 3.3-percentage point decrease) to the PMI®calculation. Inputs— expressed as supplier deliveries, inventories and imports — were again lower in September, due to inventory tightening for the fourth straight month. This resulted in a combined 3.3-percentage point decline in the Supplier Deliveries and Inventories indexes. Imports contraction slowed. Overall, inputs indicate (1) supply chains are meeting demand and (2) companies are continuing to closely match inventories to new orders. Prices decreased for the fourth consecutive month, but at a slower rate.

“Global trade remains the most significant issue, as demonstrated by the contraction in new export orders that began in July 2019. Overall, sentiment this month remains cautious regarding near-term growth,” says Fiore.

Of the 18 manufacturing industries, three reported growth in September: Miscellaneous Manufacturing; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; and Chemical Products. The 15 industries reporting contraction in September — in the following order — are: Apparel, Leather & Allied Products; Printing & Related Support Activities; Wood Products; Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components; Textile Mills; Paper Products; Fabricated Metal Products; Plastics & Rubber Products; Petroleum & Coal Products; Primary Metals; Transportation Equipment; Nonmetallic Mineral Products; Machinery; Furniture & Related Products; and Computer & Electronic Products."
Still in office, can’t beat him on Election Day? Huh?
Don the Con keeps the Con going on...

1st congressman to endorse Trump pleaded guilty to insider trading today
2nd congressman to endorse Trump is fighting a 60-count corruption indictment
Trump's campaign manager is in jail
Trump's deputy campaign manager will be sentenced in a few weeks
Trump's first National Security Advisor will be sentenced in December
His longtime personal lawyer is serving a three-year prison sentence
At least one former Trump cabinet official is the subject of a possible criminal investigation for actions taken in office
Judge rejects Stone's attempt to suppress search warrant evidence...

“Collins admitted to, among other things, illegally tipping his son while standing on the White House lawn. By virtue of his position, Collins helped write the laws of this country and acted as if the law didn't apply to him.”

Quite a crew... Quite a crew...
Fake news.

Cool. I suggest you lend them some money then. I'm sure it will be fine...

Oh wait, you're racist sterno Joe. You don't have money. Maybe you can head out and see if they need any drywall taped. I'd get paid up front if I was you though... Just a suggestion.
Don the Con keeps the Con going on...

1st congressman to endorse Trump pleaded guilty to insider trading today
2nd congressman to endorse Trump is fighting a 60-count corruption indictment
Trump's campaign manager is in jail
Trump's deputy campaign manager will be sentenced in a few weeks
Trump's first National Security Advisor will be sentenced in December
His longtime personal lawyer is serving a three-year prison sentence
At least one former Trump cabinet official is the subject of a possible criminal investigation for actions taken in office
Judge rejects Stone's attempt to suppress search warrant evidence...

“Collins admitted to, among other things, illegally tipping his son while standing on the White House lawn. By virtue of his position, Collins helped write the laws of this country and acted as if the law didn't apply to him.”

Quite a crew... Quite a crew...
See, Crooked Hillary! Hahahahaha! How stupid are these rubes around here? Trump definitely knows his audience.
Big beautiful steel is back!

As Bankrupt Steelmaker Closes Plant, Governor Points to Tariffs
Jeremy Hill
October 1, 2019, 8:05 AM PDT
The problem, according to Trump, is that the dollar is too strong...which is the Fed's fault. He told us today that they should lower interest rates.
Don the Con keeps the Con going on...

1st congressman to endorse Trump pleaded guilty to insider trading today
2nd congressman to endorse Trump is fighting a 60-count corruption indictment
Trump's campaign manager is in jail
Trump's deputy campaign manager will be sentenced in a few weeks
Trump's first National Security Advisor will be sentenced in December
His longtime personal lawyer is serving a three-year prison sentence
At least one former Trump cabinet official is the subject of a possible criminal investigation for actions taken in office
Judge rejects Stone's attempt to suppress search warrant evidence...

“Collins admitted to, among other things, illegally tipping his son while standing on the White House lawn. By virtue of his position, Collins helped write the laws of this country and acted as if the law didn't apply to him.”

Quite a crew... Quite a crew...
Who cares?
Cool. I suggest you lend them some money then. I'm sure it will be fine...

Oh wait, you're racist sterno Joe. You don't have money. Maybe you can head out and see if they need any drywall taped. I'd get paid up front if I was you though... Just a suggestion.
Fake News.

Liz Cheney to Pelosi: How Did You Get to See Full Ukraine Call Transcript Before White House Authorized Release?

Posted at 9:00 pm on October 01, 2019 by Sister Toldjah


There are some pretty fishy things going on with respect to the Ukraine call transcript, the whistleblower complaint itself, and the how Democrats are conducting the impeachment process – and GOP leaders are demanding answers.

This morning, I wrote about how Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, was on Fox News Monday raising questions about what House Intel Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) knew about the whistleblower complaint and when he knew it. Here’s what he told Fox and Friends host Brian Kilmeade (bolded emphasis added):

Collins: “If you go back, actually the whistleblower complaint was on August 14th I believe. On August the 28th, go back and look at Adam Schiff who is now heading the ramrod investigation. He actually put a tweet out saying basically what the whistleblower complaint said. This is a month ahead of time. I’m beginning to wonder if there was not more communication here.

Collins also said there is a troubling reason why Pelosi has not called for a House vote on a formal impeachment inquiry:

“And this is why I’ve said this week that the Speaker abused her power … she said we’re starting the impeachment inquiry and she gave it to her buddy Adam Schiff who has been dishonest with the American people from the get-go on Russia. And why that is important for everybody in this country to know is a [true] impeachment inquiry would actually afford due process, it would make sure both sides were heard. It would make sure the President and the minority have the rights that are not present in the hearings currently.

Kilmeade pointed out something else during the segment about how Pelosi made “a slip” in an interview she did with 60 Minutes on Sunday about when she read the Ukraine call transcript. Here’s what he said:

Kilmeade: “Nancy Pelosi on 60 Minutes last night was asked ‘Did the President call you?’ She said ‘yes, he called me.’ [This was] before she came out with the impeachment inquiry. [Trump said] ‘the letter was perfect. We’re gonna release the transcript, the call was perfect.’ And she said to him, ‘I knew what was in the letter.’ Then she paused and said ‘it was in the public domain.’ Number one, it was not in the public domain, and the transcript had not been released yet. How could she possibly know?”

Collins isn’t the only GOP leader in the House raising alarm bells about what Democrats knew and when they knew it.

Trump Campaign’s Third-Quarter Fundraising Haul Is Absolutely Mind-Blowing

Posted at 8:30 pm on October 01, 2019 by Bonchie


Amid all the impeachment fever, perhaps Democrats have awoken a sleeping giant?

We have already heard about how much money the Trump campaign was able to bring in post Pelosi’s impeachment inquiry announcement. Over $5 million was raised in just 24 hours. But apparently that wasn’t a fluke or just one emotional day. His campaign just announced their third-quarter fundraising totals and they are absolutely mind-blowing.

By comparison, Barack Obama and the DNC raised around $70 million in the same quarter before his re-elect campaign. Trump nearly doubled that. Hillary Clinton, even with all her huge donors in 2016, didn’t have numbers like this.

Bill Maher Blasts Cancel Culture: SJW’s Don’t Want Justice. They Want Scalps

Posted at 8:27 pm on October 01, 2019 by Alex Parker

In a recent interview with The New York Times Magazine, Real Time host Bill Maher spoke out on the increasing intensity of cancel culture.

To Bill — and, possibly, you — this present generation is weak.

But here’s an oddity: a group known for their fragility has become a muscled monster.

As Bill sees it, a coddled bunch trying to protect their delicate feelings is, to a great degree, controlling the media:

“[The NYT] and The Atlantic had long articles in the last year saying that 80 percent of Americans think this politically correct BS has gone too far. But the people on Twitter are the people who control the media a lot. They’re the millennials who probably grew up with helicopter parents who afforded them a sense of entitlement. They are certainly more fragile than previous generations. Trigger warnings. Safe spaces. Crying rooms. Microaggressions. That crowd feels like anything that upsets their tender sensibilities is completely out of line.”

And Bill said the Democratic Party needs to prune said softies away in order to have a shot at 2020:

“The most important thing that the Democrats can do to win the next election is to broom this element out of their party and stand up to the Twitter mob and the ultrawoke.”

Hey Racist Sterno Joe. That is a map. Not even a 2016 map. Just a, you know, map. (and you stole the meme, you wood-alcohol addled racist.)

Impeachment. It has nothing to do with maps. Nixon won way more "land" than Don the Con did...

Meanwhile.... the Winning continues...

October 1, 2019 / 3:45 PM / Updated an hour ago
North Korea launches at least one more projectile after announcing U.S. talks