The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

In other good news... Check the Austrian elections:

Support for Austria’s Freedom party (FPÖ) has plunged by more than a third as voters punished the far-right group in national elections for a corruption scandal that brought down the government.
The former chancellor Sebastian Kurz, 33, looks certain to reclaim his position as the youngest leader in the world after his conservative People’s party (ÖVP) secured 37.1% of the vote – its best result since 2002.
The Green party was the other big winner on Sunday, achieving its best result at national elections with 14%. The centre-left Social Democratic party (SPÖ) plummeted to a historically low 21.7% but was still the second-biggest party.
The FPÖ – whose former leader Heinz-Christian Strache resigned in Mayafter a covertly filmed video showed the then vice-chancellor offering lucrative public contractsin exchange for campaign support to a woman he believed to be the niece of a Russian oligarch – came third with 16.1%, a drop of about 10 percentage points.

Additionally, Netanyahu failed to form a government...

Trump impeachment...

Boris' troubles...

Been a good day for anti-authoritarianism. Happy New Year!
Threatening a prospective witness to a Congressional committee is in itself an impeachable offense.

Raising threats of a civil war may be also, but even if not, it should be discussed among Pence and the Cabinet whether that is sufficient grounds for them to remove t under their 25th Amendment powers.
Threatening a prospective witness to a Congressional committee is in itself an impeachable offense.

Raising threats of a civil war may be also, but even if not, it should be discussed among Pence and the Cabinet whether that is sufficient grounds for them to remove t under their 25th Amendment powers.
Yes, Trump's meltdown with those comments certainly help prove his lack of fitness and abuse of power.
Another commie hired by Trump...

Thomas P. Bossert, who served as Mr. Trump’s first homeland security adviser, said he told the president there was no basis to the theory that Ukraine, not Russia, intervened in the 2016 election and did so on behalf of the Democrats. Speaking out for the first time, Mr. Bossert said he was “deeply disturbed” that Mr. Trump nonetheless tried to get Ukraine’s president to produce damaging information about Democrats.
QUOTE="Friesland, post: 291042, member: 1715"

In other good news... Check the Austrian elections:

Support for Austria’s Freedom party (FPÖ) has plunged by more than a
third as voters punished the far-right group in national elections for a
corruption scandal that brought down the government.
The former chancellor Sebastian Kurz, 33, looks certain to reclaim his position
as the youngest leader in the world after his conservative People’s party (ÖVP)
secured 37.1% of the vote – its best result since 2002.
The Green party was the other big winner on Sunday, achieving its best
result at national elections with 14%.
The centre-left Social Democratic party (SPÖ) plummeted to a historically
low 21.7% but was still the second-biggest party.
The FPÖ – whose former leader Heinz-Christian Strache resigned in Mayafter a
covertly filmed video showed the then vice-chancellor offering lucrative
public contracts
in exchange for campaign support to a woman he believed to
be the niece of a Russian oligarch – came third with 16.1%, a drop of about 10
percentage points.

Additionally, Netanyahu failed to form a government...

Trump impeachment...

Boris' troubles...

Been a good day for anti-authoritarianism. Happy New Year!


A. Netanyahu is not out.

" In the absence of a viable Likud–Blue and White coalition,
it was the minute numerical advantage of Netanyahu’s
electoral bloc (56 to Gantz’s 55, with 61 needed for a majority)
that convinced Rivlin to approach him first. "

B. Trump is not out.

It's a complete sham and Nancy Pelosi will go down along with
all of the Democrats over this one........

C. Boris is not out.

And Brexit WILL happen...the CITIZENS of the UK voted for it !

Anymore FAKE News you want to present....
T has the NRA on his side.
The Democrats have antifa on their side

I’m tired. Tired of having to stress this point. At least Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was not on the Ukraine call where Trump broke at least three federal laws. If he was, I’m sure he would have said something.
In Japan they are laughing at t saying that Abe beat t badly in the latest trade pact. Also they can see that what t wanted was only something his base would believe, cause t told them to.
Are you equating NRA with Antifa?
NRA is a positive movement for America.
ANTIFA is an EVIL bowl movement on America.

You cut your hair/shave your beard....
You get some decent clothes.....
You keep your mouth shut ......
You stand up straight ..........
Did you do all of the above this weekend..........
Still winning!

"The report was issued today by Timothy R. Fiore, CPSM, C.P.M., Chair of the Institute for Supply Management®(ISM®) Manufacturing Business Survey Committee: “The September PMI®registered 47.8 percent, a decrease of 1.3 percentage points from the August reading of 49.1 percent. The New Orders Index registered 47.3 percent, an increase of 0.1 percentage point from the August reading of 47.2 percent. The Production Index registered 47.3 percent, a 2.2-percentage point decrease compared to the August reading of 49.5 percent. The Employment Index registered 46.3 percent, a decrease of 1.1 percentage points from the August reading of 47.4 percent. The Supplier Deliveries Index registered 51.1 percent, a 0.3-percentage point decrease from the August reading of 51.4 percent. The Inventories Index registered 46.9 percent, a decrease of 3 percentage points from the August reading of 49.9 percent. The Prices Index registered 49.7 percent, a 3.7-percentage point increase from the August reading of 46 percent. The New Export Orders Index registered 41 percent, a 2.3-percentage point decrease from the August reading of 43.3 percent. The Imports Index registered 48.1 percent, a 2.1-percentage point increase from the August reading of 46 percent.

“Comments from the panel reflect a continuing decrease in business confidence. September was the second consecutive month of PMI®contraction, at a faster rate compared to August. Demandcontracted, with the New Orders Index contracting at August levels, the Customers’ Inventories Index moving toward ‘about right’ territory and the Backlog of Orders Index contracting for the fifth straight month (and at a faster rate). The New Export Orders Index continued to contract strongly, a negative impact on the New Orders Index. Consumption(measured by the Production and Employment indexes) contracted at faster rates, again primarily driven by a lack of demand, contributing negative numbers (a combined 3.3-percentage point decrease) to the PMI®calculation. Inputs— expressed as supplier deliveries, inventories and imports — were again lower in September, due to inventory tightening for the fourth straight month. This resulted in a combined 3.3-percentage point decline in the Supplier Deliveries and Inventories indexes. Imports contraction slowed. Overall, inputs indicate (1) supply chains are meeting demand and (2) companies are continuing to closely match inventories to new orders. Prices decreased for the fourth consecutive month, but at a slower rate.

“Global trade remains the most significant issue, as demonstrated by the contraction in new export orders that began in July 2019. Overall, sentiment this month remains cautious regarding near-term growth,” says Fiore.

Of the 18 manufacturing industries, three reported growth in September: Miscellaneous Manufacturing; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; and Chemical Products. The 15 industries reporting contraction in September — in the following order — are: Apparel, Leather & Allied Products; Printing & Related Support Activities; Wood Products; Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components; Textile Mills; Paper Products; Fabricated Metal Products; Plastics & Rubber Products; Petroleum & Coal Products; Primary Metals; Transportation Equipment; Nonmetallic Mineral Products; Machinery; Furniture & Related Products; and Computer & Electronic Products."
Hey, today is shaping up to be a pretty ok day too:

Collins resigns (yesterday) pleads guilty (today)

Drunken Hunger gets a trial date.

Seb Gorka is out of the country.

Everything is a little more lovely, all the way around.