The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

He asked a foreign power to investigate his political opponent.
“It’s all a hoax, folks.”
Too good.
It does. If a guy gets impeached in his first term and has to be saved by the Senate, lotsa luck to him and lotsa luck to GOP 2020. Trump is just a caricature and because of that the idiots will still vote for him.

I can fantasize the conspiracy now -- "We'll make you President and protect you from impeachment if you promise not to do anything stupid and not to run in 2020."
As Democrats Prepare For Impeachment, Senate GOP Tees Up More Judicial Confirmations
September 25th, 2019

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), speaks during a hearing on June 11, 2019. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
  • As House Democrats moved forward with an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee convened confirmation hearings for five judicial nominees.
  • Wednesday’s candidates include two appeals court nominees and three trial court nominees.
  • Sarah Pitlyk, a trial court nominee who litigated for pro-life groups and clerked for Justice Brett Kavanaugh, bore the brunt of Democratic criticism at the hearing.
When t said yesterday that Pelosi was no longer Speaker of the House, was he trying to predict the future? If both he and Pence are fatally implicated in this thing, she is next on the list of succession, according to the Presidential Succession Act of 1947.
I like the cover-up of the call. That's always the best part.

Negotiating with foreign leaders is one of the things Americans expect their Presidents to do. They have often gotten away with breaking American law while doing it (see FDR and Churchill before the war) because the people and Congress realize that there might be greater good from giving him/her a little room to play with.

However, lying about it and covering it up are different things - see Nixon.
It only takes a majority of the House to deliver a Bill of Impeachment to the Senate. I think at this point that is a foregone conclusion.

Impeachment requires 2/3 of the Senate, which for practical matters means at least 20 out of the 53 Republicans. It is interesting to note that in both previous attempts to impeach a President, the vote to impeach was more than the majority of the Senate but less than 2/3.

Also yet to be tested is what power Mitch has to blockade or delay any Senate action on a House Bill of Impeachment.