The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Do they have indoor plumbing there?

You're in luck! They do. And with Brexit looming and the pound crashing a lot of the British trades are having to head home, so there could be an opportunity. I struck up a nice friendship with the manager. Do you want me to do an intro?
Let's see... one gets millions of people illegal health insurance for a small price, the other bankrupts farmers and increases our socialized agri-business payments...


I don't mind tariffs done correctly, but Don the Con has no plan and no endgame. He thinks cratering the market is a good way to get the spigot turned on, I guess.

So after 2.5 years we got... more national debt, record-breaking corp leverage, shrinking manufacturing, nothing in the larder for a rainy day... Fine by me, I'm in a position to take advantage of a slow-down. Hopefully, everyone else is too.
“Tariffs done correctly” you say? Lol!! Do tell. You’ve been talking to messpola it sounds like.
Let's see... one gets millions of people illegal health insurance for a small price, the other bankrupts farmers and increases our socialized agri-business payments...

Your uncle was right about you. You’re easily confused by your own lack of understanding. What is illegal is legal insurance which should always sit on a market and be priced according to risk pools like all other types of insurance. Our health insurance is combined with health care which is like having car insurance that you could use to buy 4 new tires. How are we bankrupting farmers by subsidizing them?
You're in luck! They do. And with Brexit looming and the pound crashing a lot of the British trades are having to head home, so there could be an opportunity. I struck up a nice friendship with the manager. Do you want me to do an intro?
Thank you, but no thank you.
I'm too deplorable to travel abroad.
Let's see... one gets millions of people illegal health insurance for a small price, the other bankrupts farmers and increases our socialized agri-business payments...


I don't mind tariffs done correctly, but Don the Con has no plan and no endgame. He thinks cratering the market is a good way to get the spigot turned on, I guess.

So after 2.5 years we got... more national debt, record-breaking corp leverage, shrinking manufacturing, nothing in the larder for a rainy day... Fine by me, I'm in a position to take advantage of a slow-down. Hopefully, everyone else is too.

My income is mostly SS and Medicare, which is guaranteed as strongly as the US economy.

Ummmm - wait a minute---
Do they have indoor plumbing there?

It's still not too late to perform a few years of national service in the Peace Corps. There is no age limit as long as you can pass a simple physical and background check. You could go to a shithole country and teach them to build proper shitholes.
Thank you, but no thank you.
I'm too deplorable to travel abroad.

Don't sell yourself short. They love a good head of hair on the Iberian. Just look at Crissy R. And besides, deplorable travel... unless you're worried about your status. You're not undocumented are you?

But you should stick around for a bit longer. I hear today is the day they're locking Killary and O'Bummer up! Finally!!! Justice at last!
Your uncle was right about you. You’re easily confused by your own lack of understanding. What is illegal is legal insurance which should always sit on a market and be priced according to risk pools like all other types of insurance. Our health insurance is combined with health care which is like having car insurance that you could use to buy 4 new tires. How are we bankrupting farmers by subsidizing them?

Ask the farmers.

My suggestion might be that the subsidies are not enough to offset the decrease in demand... And perhaps that single-payer crop insurance is not doing it for them either... Wait... single-payer insurance? That's gol-darn socialismic!
BREAKING: Trump Tariffs Tank Asian Equities, Chinese Yuan. China Ready To Negotiate.


August 25, 2019
President Donald Trump's latest trade war escalation against China appears to have had an immediate effect on Asian markets and the Chinese Yuan, sending both tumbling early on Monday morning.
Trump’s Response To China’s Trade War On The U.S. Is Working

Posted at 7:00 am on August 26, 2019 by Mike Ford


In a story entitled “Investors are pulling billions out of Chinese stocks and the bleeding is unlikely to stop anytime soon,”Business Insider touts yet another indicator that President Trump’s tariff response to China’s Trade War against the U.S. is working.

The Critical Bullet Points

* Investors are pulling billions from China’s stock market as political turmoil weighs on economic growth and tariffs hurt Chinese shares.
* Just shy of $6 billion has flowed out of funds invested in Chinese stocks since the start of the year, the Financial Times reported, citing EPFR Global data.
* Economists expect the bleeding to continue as China’s economy is set to slow down.

Investors are pulling out of Chinese Markets. This will exacerbate the harmful effects of U.S tariffs on Chinese goods and services and their overall economy. Coupled with the stories I’ve reported earlier, here, here and here, regarding the increasing departure of U.S. companies from China, this appears to show an accelerating effect on a wider part of the Chinese economy.

Where might these investors go? Well folks, in times of economic uncertainty, whenever investors want to hide, they tend to turn to the U.S. Bond market. Where does that leave us right now? We have U.S. companies moving there manufacturing operations out of China to countries more aligned with the United States. We have investors in the Chinese stock market abandoning it at an increasing clip…and buying “stock in America,” as the old U.S. Savings Bond commercials used to tout.

Advantage, Trump. Golf Clap.

Stephen Miller: Trump Exploring ‘All Legal Options’ to End ‘Crazy’ Anchor Baby Policy

JOHN BINDER25 Aug 20198,902
White House senior adviser Stephen Miller says President Trump is currently reviewing “all legal options” to end the country’s birthright citizenship policy which has allowed millions of illegal aliens to secure American citizenship for their U.S.-born children.

Last week, Trump told the media is he “very seriously” looking at signing an executive order that will end birthright citizenship in the U.S., calling the policy “frankly ridiculous.”
China blinks on trade, wants ‘calm’ talks
By Thomas Lifson
The corporate media will never admit it, but President Trump has masterfully lined-up support for America’s pressure on China, and China has blinked and now wants “calm” talks. Reuters reports:

China is willing to resolve its trade dispute with the United States through “calm” negotiations and resolutely opposes the escalation of the conflict, Vice Premier Liu He, who has been leading the talks with Washington, said on Monday. (snip)

Liu, speaking at a tech conference in southwest China’s Chongqing, said nobody benefited from a trade war.

“We are willing to resolve the issue through consultations and cooperation in a calm attitude and resolutely oppose the escalation of the trade war,” Liu, who is President Xi Jinping’s top economic adviser, said, according to a government transcript.

“We believe that the escalation of the trade war is not beneficial for China, the United States, nor to the interests of the people of the world,” he added.

U.S. companies are especially welcome in China, and will be treated well, Liu said.

Now that supply chains are rapidly shifting out of China, throwing millions out of work there, China sees the wisdom of “welcoming” US companies. But it is not Chinese hospitality that is at issue, it is the intellectual property theft, currency manipulation, and barriers to US exports that US tariff and trade policy are now retaliating against. Those will not go away until China takes enforceable steps to play by the same rules other OECD members observe.

Speaking to reporters at the G-7 conference in France, President Trump acknowledged the Chinese move:

"We've got two calls, very, very good calls, very productive calls," Trump told reporters. "They mean business."

Using his habitual technique, Trump once again lauded Xi personally as he turns the screw tighter on the Chinese economy:

“I have great respect for the fact that China called and they want to make a deal," Trump said, during a G-7 meeting in which allies have pressured the U.S. to ease up on the trade war with China. "I have great respect for President Xi.”


US State Department Photo (cropped)

Now, Xi has to sell concessions to his own hardliners in the Chinese Politburo. Dictator though he is, Xi knows well that his hold on power is not absolute. Trump is playing him like a fiddle.

The corporate media will never admit it, but President Trump has masterfully lined-up support for America’s pressure on China, and China has blinked and now wants “calm” talks. Reuters reports:

China is willing to resolve its trade dispute with the United States through “calm” negotiations and resolutely opposes the escalation of the conflict, Vice Premier Liu He, who has been leading the talks with Washington, said on Monday. (snip)

Liu, speaking at a tech conference in southwest China’s Chongqing, said nobody benefited from a trade war.

“We are willing to resolve the issue through consultations and cooperation in a calm attitude and resolutely oppose the escalation of the trade war,” Liu, who is President Xi Jinping’s top economic adviser, said, according to a government transcript.

“We believe that the escalation of the trade war is not beneficial for China, the United States, nor to the interests of the people of the world,” he added.
AUGUST 26, 2019
Smart diplomacy: Japan steps up to help U.S. farmers, Vietnam blocks China from flouting U.S. trade quotas
By Monica Showalter
See also Thomas Lifson's "China blinks on trade, wants 'calm' talks."

Want to know what smart diplomacy looks like, courtesy of President Trump?

Take a look at how America's East Asian allies and partners are positively rallying to support President Trump in his bid to put some boundaries on China's trade practices. Far from being a bull in a China shop, as his political opponents claim, he's managed to magnify U.S. pressure on the region's leading bully through the force-multiplier of alliances. Here's what the Wall Street Journal reports:

BIARRITZ, France—President Trump said Sunday the U.S. and Japan had reached a trade deal “in principle” that would pave the way for more U.S. farm exports to Japan, while dropping the threat of increased U.S. tariffs on Japanese cars.

“We’ve been working on a deal with Japan for a long time,” Mr. Trump said at an impromptu event at the Group of Seven world leaders summit, where he was joined for a second time that day by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. He said as part of the deal, Japan had agreed to buy a significant portion of the U.S.’s corn surplus.

So Japan's going to buy U.S. corn that China has tried to make unbuyable through retaliatory draconian tariffs, in a bid to punish President Trump's political base in rural America? Japan just squashed that. Thanks, Japan. China just lost a big one.

Here's another one:

Hanoi has vowed to crack down on manufacturers illegally using "Made in Vietnam" labels on items destined for America to dodge punishing tariffs as the US-China trade spat drags on.

Exporters have started shifting production from China to Vietnam to avoid 25 percent levies imposed by US President Donald Trump on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods.

But Hanoi said some manufacturers are illegally claiming their goods -- including textiles, seafood and agricultural products -- are from Vietnam when in fact they originate in China.

There have been more recent stories on this I saw yesterday (can't find now), signaling that it's game on. Implication? Vietnam has just closed a side-door escape route from tariffs for China. Reputation of Vietnam-made goods, you see. In reality, this is Vietnam stepping up to the plate, supporting President Trump.