The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Says the gal who talked about violent French revolutions
when they had some street demonstrations a few months ago...

I knew you were an Idiot.....


Are you also the Idiot off in the " Soccer " threads ruining
a teams credibility by posting crap about " Benched " players....

You can post Idiocy here all day long, but stay out of those threads..
Let the Coach Coach, let the Team play .......but first and foremost
you should NEVER EVER comment about any youth player at ALL !

I do hope you are not that Idiot....!
QUOTE="Hüsker Dü, post: 283389, member: 1707"

No one, even you, reads your links.
So cal soccer off topic forum where
the deepest darkest right wing fever swamp
conspiracy theories actually see the light of day . . .
only to be ignored.
You're such a poor LIAR....You read everyone, just look at
how YOU construct your responses....
You're like an open book, your brain is exposed for the
whole world to evaluate....


Poor Poor Rodent .....running around with his pants hanging
off his ass, trying to fit in with the Dumbed Down Democratic Crowd...
I knew you were an Idiot.....


Are you also the Idiot off in the " Soccer " threads ruining
a teams credibility by posting crap about " Benched " players....

You can post Idiocy here all day long, but stay out of those threads..
Let the Coach Coach, let the Team play .......but first and foremost
you should NEVER EVER comment about any youth player at ALL !

I do hope you are not that Idiot....!
What are you talking about? The troller who claimed he was mad because his 8-year-old’s team plays bench players?
Why would you think that was me?
Do you just live in some weirdo conspiracy world?
QUOTE="messy, post: 283432, member: 3299"

What are you talking about?
You know what I'm referencing, don't play dumb AND comment.

The troller who claimed he was mad because
his 8-year-old’s team plays bench players?
Seee...You DO Know what I was referencing....

Why would you think that was me?
Hmmmm..............let's " Ponder " that for awhile !

Do you just live in some weirdo conspiracy world?
Reality Wez ( " Messy " ).....
If the shoe fits, and that shoe sure appears to fit YOU.


You seem a little perturbed at the notion that your
posting " History " matches the format that Idiot
has presented " Over There ! ".....

QUOTE="messy, post: 283432, member: 3299"

What are you talking about?
You know what I'm referencing, don't play dumb AND comment.

The troller who claimed he was mad because
his 8-year-old’s team plays bench players?
Seee...You DO Know what I was referencing....

Why would you think that was me?
Hmmmm..............let's " Ponder " that for awhile !

Do you just live in some weirdo conspiracy world?
Reality Wez ( " Messy " ).....
If the shoe fits, and that shoe sure appears to fit YOU.


You seem a little perturbed at the notion that your
posting " History " matches the format that Idiot
has presented " Over There ! ".....
Busted. I am the guy who started a post expressing his serious concern that his 8-year-old’s team gets hurt by playing bench players.
Good sleuthing, nimrod.
Oh my... I'm shocked! SHOCKED!! to discover we have not yet won the easy trade war... And tax cuts didn't pay for themselves? Oh my. Who could have guessed. Next thing you'll tell me that corporate leverage, falling buyback rates and the shrinking manufacturing sector is suggesting a slowdown in the coming year... Who could have seen that coming? It's all a huge surprise. No one expected any of this...
You people are okay with Obama care tariffs but not chinese tariffs? Hmmm?
G7 Surprise: Donald Trump Announces Trade Deal In Principle Agreement with Japan

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
CHARLIE SPIERING25 Aug 20192,599
President Donald Trump announced a new trade deal in principal with Japan on Sunday, during the G7 summit of world leaders in France.

“This is a tremendous deal for the United States,” Trump saidafter announcing the deal with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. “It’s a, really, tremendous deal for our farmers and agricultural ranchers, and also involves other things.”

The two leaders agreed on a deal in principle, which they expected would be signed during the United Nations General Assembly in New York in September.

Breitbart TV


Donald Trump Jr.: 'Joe's Got a Little Vested Interest in China'

After withdrawing from the proposed Trans-Pacific partnership, Trump pursued a bi-lateral deal with Japan since becoming president. The president developed a close personal friendship with Abe and continued pressing for a better deal for the United States.

Trump hailed the deal as a big step for American farmers, as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the private sector would likely purchase new volumes of corn from the United States. Japan is also expected to cut tariffs on American beef, pork and agricultural products

“We believe that there is a need for us to implement emergency support measures for the Japanese private sector to have the early purchase of the American corn,” Abe said via a translator, noting that Japan was experiencing pests in their crops.

United States Trade Representative Robert Lightgizer said the deal included agriculture products, industrial tariffs, and digital trade, but did not share additional details.

“We look forward to finishing the additional work and having it be implemented as soon as possible in Japan and the United States,” he said.
You people are okay with Obama care tariffs but not chinese tariffs? Hmmm?

Let's see... one gets millions of people illegal health insurance for a small price, the other bankrupts farmers and increases our socialized agri-business payments...


I don't mind tariffs done correctly, but Don the Con has no plan and no endgame. He thinks cratering the market is a good way to get the spigot turned on, I guess.

So after 2.5 years we got... more national debt, record-breaking corp leverage, shrinking manufacturing, nothing in the larder for a rainy day... Fine by me, I'm in a position to take advantage of a slow-down. Hopefully, everyone else is too.