The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

t likens himself to Christ and retweets of the second coming (of which Jews never recognized the first)? Does this simply get past the supposed "religious leaders" of the evangelicals? These people are so truly desperate for something to call their own they have chosen their antithesis, who refers to himself as the chosen one. As he mockingly looks to the heavens.
The tensions and drama behind the scenes of Trump's campaign to free rapper A$AP Rocky
WASHINGTON — When rapper A$AP Rocky was freed from detention in Sweden and returned to the United States earlier this month, it marked the end of a bizarre saga that at one point involved the president; his son-in-law, Jared Kushner; and the State Department’s top hostage negotiator. Though President Trump’s campaign to free Rocky appeared to end well, a behind-the-scenes battle provides a unique glimpse into the unusual characters and fraught tensions involved in Trump’s outreach efforts to the black community.

According to new details provided by sources involved, Trump’s role in pushing for Rocky’s release started with a reality television megastar calling the West Wing, a mysterious entertainment industry “fixer” and two Trump supporters. The president’s allies who connected Rocky’s team with the White House hoped to facilitate a scene that would bolster Trump’s image among African-Americans. Instead, they say they were left angry when Rocky failed to thank Trump or those around him.
I'm back!
Did Huli Huli Boi find his house yet?
Did we win the trade war?
Did Kim get rid of all his missiles?

So many questions!! Meanwhile... a souvenir...
Oh my... I'm shocked! SHOCKED!! to discover we have not yet won the easy trade war... And tax cuts didn't pay for themselves? Oh my. Who could have guessed. Next thing you'll tell me that corporate leverage, falling buyback rates and the shrinking manufacturing sector is suggesting a slowdown in the coming year... Who could have seen that coming? It's all a huge surprise. No one expected any of this...
QUOTE="Friesland, post: 283194, member: 1715"

I'm back! *
Did Huli Huli Boi find his house yet?
Did we win the trade war?
Did Kim get rid of all his missiles?

So many questions!! Meanwhile... a souvenir...

View attachment 5246


* No one caaaareees....!

PS : Go get checked Fried hands, those weren't " women " you shacked up with....
Wittle donny doesn't wanna go to the G7! He just wants to go pway! The other kids at the G7 might pick on wittle donny!

. . . they had to give wittle donny a treat to get him to go, a spot after the summit so he can lie . . . errr I mean brag about his accomplishments. Will there be laughter like at the UN?
Wittle donny doesn't wanna go to the G7!
He just wants to go pway!
The other kids at the G7 might pick on wittle donny!

. . . they had to give wittle donny a treat to get him to go,
a spot after the summit so he can lie . . .
errr I mean brag about his accomplishments.
Will there be laughter like at the UN?

You have it pretty bad....

Mel-Jealousy/'ll always be able to " Fantasize "....
Can you imagine?

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Treated Again For Cancer


"Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg today completed a three-week course of stereotactic ablative radiation therapy at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City," a statement from the Supreme Court read. "The focused radiation treatment began on August 5 and was administered on an outpatient basis to treat a tumor on her pancreas. The abnormality was first detected after a routine blood test in early July, and a biopsy performed on July 31 at Sloan Kettering confirmed a localized malignant tumor.

"As part of her treatment, a bile duct stent was placed. The Justice tolerated treatment well. She cancelled her annual summer visit to Santa Fe, but has otherwise maintained an active schedule. The tumor was treated definitively and there is no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body. Justice Ginsburg will continue to have periodic blood tests and scans. No further treatment is needed at this time."
David Axelrod On RBG Health Scare: Empty SCOTUS Seat Could ‘Tear This Country Apart’
"It will tear this country apart."

JOSE LUIS MAGANA / Contributor / Getty Images

August 23, 2019
Former Obama adviser David Axelrod is worried that another empty Supreme Court seat in the age of President Trump could "tear the country apart." His prediction came shortly after news broke that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had recently completed radiation treatment for cancer on her pancreas.
Poor old girl, just like espola.
Michael Moore Goes Ballistic Over RBG Cancer Scare: ‘Work Nonstop...’

Franco Origlia / Contributor / Getty Images

August 23, 2019

The news that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent radiation treatment for a tumor on her pancreas has scared the living daylights out of leftists, many of whom fear that President Trump may get a second judicial pick before the 2020 election.
David Axelrod On RBG Health Scare: Empty SCOTUS Seat Could ‘Tear This Country Apart’
"It will tear this country apart."

JOSE LUIS MAGANA / Contributor / Getty Images

August 23, 2019
Former Obama adviser David Axelrod is worried that another empty Supreme Court seat in the age of President Trump could "tear the country apart." His prediction came shortly after news broke that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had recently completed radiation treatment for cancer on her pancreas.
Drama queen.