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Planned Parenthood Defunds Itself by Withdrawing as Title X Recipient

Drew Angerer/Getty Images
PENNY STARR19 Aug 2019277
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit rejected efforts to stop the Trump administration from banning abortion referrals at federally funded health clinics on Friday, and on Monday, Planned Parenthood Federation of America made good on its threat to withdraw as a Title X family planning recipient rather than comply with the new rule.

Planned Parenthood receives millions of dollars every year from Title X family planning reimbursements and grants.

Although federal law prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion, until now the nation’s largest abortion provider (332,757 abortions reported in its latest annual report) has been able to claim federal funding did not fall under the abortion services side of the organization.

Politico reported the development will mean low-income women might not have access to abortion and provided Planned Parenthood’s defiant reaction:

“We will not be bullied into withholding abortion information from our patients,” said acting President Alexis McGill Johnson on a call with reporters.

The decision marks a partial victory for Republican lawmakers who have been trying to defund the organization. But while Planned Parenthood gets about $60 million a year under Title X, it receives far more from Medicaid. It also gets funding from other federal and state programs to combat HIV and provide sexual education to teenagers.

The organization has said for months it wouldn’t operate under the Trump rule, which also requires clinics to refer pregnant patients for pre-natal care, regardless of the woman’s wishes. And while it’s been illegal for decades to use any federal funding for abortions, the new rule also bars clinics that get Title X money from providing abortions using other funding sources.

But pro-life groups are hailing Planned Parenthood’s and other abortion providers’ withdrawal from Title X, administered through Heath and Human Services (HHS).

“It’s a great day for women’s health in America,” Catherine Glenn Foster, president and CEO of Americans United for Life, said in a statement. “Planned Parenthood is America’s deadliest nonprofit, and the news that they’re refusing to accept taxpayer funds to target vulnerable women is a good thing for women’s health.”

“Women deserve the chance to live empowered, full lives that are free from the harm that Planned Parenthood poses through abortion and abortion-focused services,” Glenn Foster said. “Women who need true health care will have their needs met by authentic and eager healthcare providers across America.”

“Planned Parenthood, our nation’s largest abortion provider, today made a choice not to separate its abortion operation from Title X services, and in doing declined Title X funding, which makes up approximately four percent of their annual budget,” Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, said in a statement.

“Abortion is neither health care nor family planning and taxpayer dollars should not support abortion,” Mancini said. “Leana Wen’s recent firing and Planned Parenthood’s decision today doubles down on their ultimate goal, which is political abortion advocacy, not health care.”

“Planned Parenthood—which reported nearly $245 million in excess revenue for 2017-2018—has unsurprisingly chosen abortion over participating in the federal family planning program,” Melanie Israel, a research associate at the Heritage Foundation said in a statement. “The abortion giant is willing to forgo approximately $60 million in federal funds.”

“Meanwhile, the qualified grantees who are willing to comply with provisions that ensure statutory and programmatic integrity will continue offering Americans with health care services they need,” Israel said.
T's health plan --

“So, we have a great plan coming out, It’s going to be — if we can take back the House because we’re not going to get the Democrats to vote for it, because they’re doing Medicare for all, which is going to take away your freedom, take away your doctors, take away everything that you should be able to have, and most importantly, it’s going to take away — we have 180 million people right now that have private insurance and they love it, and all of that’s going to be taken away. It’s absolute craziness.”​
QUOTE="Hüsker Dü, post: 282700, member: 1707"

Yes, quite, lets ignore it as it's something only
'they' experience so, like them,
it's really not legitimate.


For the " Record " ...If YOU have the BALLS !

Describe " Racism " in your OWN words for the
Forum and the World....

Go on now....let's here it ...
"t is a fraud and a failure" that fact has been obvious to all since long before he was president* and is still readily apparent to all but morons.
We have had anti-semitic Presidents before (although they were usually more subtle about it) but never have we had an anti-semitic President with a Jewish daughter.
“This is a trade war that should have taken place a long time ago,” Trump told reporters at the White House. He added: “Somebody had to do it. I am the chosen one.”
We have had anti-semitic Presidents before (although they were usually more subtle about it) but never have we had an anti-semitic President with a Jewish daughter.
Knowing 'one', having 'one' as a friend, having 'one' in the family, being married to 'one' has nothing to do with ones bias towards similar groups of people.
Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.
Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.
After 6 straight years of QE working why wouldn’t we continue interest rate cuts?
Twitter top trending topic today -- 25thAmendmentNow

Section 4—Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Twitter top trending topic today -- 25thAmendmentNow

Section 4—Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
If you need 6 straight years of QE to prop up your terms and double the nations debt section 4 should have applied as well.
The "chosen one"?
The "second coming"?
The "least racist"?
Who says these things, our idiot in chief. Only fools and the fully indoctrinated would deny the absurdity of statements like that.