The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

So do you believe Russia did not interject themselves into our election process?
Do you think people being murdered in the name of white supremacy is not a problem?
I know this is a lot to ask, but don’t be a fucking idiot.
Trump-Hater Rosanna Arquette: My Being Born White And Privileged Disgusts Me

Photo by Emma McIntyre/FilmMagic/GettyImages

August 7, 2019
On Wednesday, Hollywood actress Rosanna Arquette, who bills herself as “resisting fascism on a daily basis” on Twitter, apparently decided to respond to the national conversation revolving around the evils of white supremacy by airing her profound guilt over being born as a white person, tweeting, “I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame.”


Report: White House Working On Executive Order In Wake Of Trump's Social Media Bias Claim

Three hours before that, Arquette pronounced her verdict regarding President Trump, tweeting, “The president of the United States of America incites racist violence. The end.”

Between the time she issued the first tweet and the time she issued the second, Arquette had time to retweet a TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) tweet from fellow Trump-hating actress Ellen Barkin, who barked, “There will be no ban on assault weapons because our govt is using them against us. #TrumpRaceWar#White Supremacist Terrorism.”


On Tuesday, Arquette decried American patriotism, tweeting, “I’ll never stand for the flag again” accompanied by a picture of her kneeling before a number of American flags.
Trump-Hater Rosanna Arquette: My Being Born White And Privileged Disgusts Me

Photo by Emma McIntyre/FilmMagic/GettyImages

August 7, 2019
On Wednesday, Hollywood actress Rosanna Arquette, who bills herself as “resisting fascism on a daily basis” on Twitter, apparently decided to respond to the national conversation revolving around the evils of white supremacy by airing her profound guilt over being born as a white person, tweeting, “I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame.”


Report: White House Working On Executive Order In Wake Of Trump's Social Media Bias Claim

Three hours before that, Arquette pronounced her verdict regarding President Trump, tweeting, “The president of the United States of America incites racist violence. The end.”

Between the time she issued the first tweet and the time she issued the second, Arquette had time to retweet a TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) tweet from fellow Trump-hating actress Ellen Barkin, who barked, “There will be no ban on assault weapons because our govt is using them against us. #TrumpRaceWar#White Supremacist Terrorism.”


On Tuesday, Arquette decried American patriotism, tweeting, “I’ll never stand for the flag again” accompanied by a picture of her kneeling before a number of American flags.

An Open Letter to “Democratic Socialists” Visiting Atlanta

Tacking on the word “democratic” doesn’t change things. Socialism has never been democratic.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Dear democratic socialists coming to town,

The Democratic Socialists of America is holding its annual conference in Atlanta at the beginning of August. As a newly minted Atlantan (by way of Lithuania), I welcome you. But I also want to ask you a favor.

Defining Terms

If you want to argue for single-payer healthcare, high taxes, or any other big government policies—fine, do that. Just don’t call it “democratic socialism.”

For those of you who have not experienced socialism, the term “democratic socialism” might seem innocent or perhaps even idealistic. As someone who has lived under it, for me, socialism is oppression, occupation, mass murder, severe material deprivation, and complete lack of freedom.

Yet, in a spirit of freedom, I would wholeheartedly defend your right to use the term “democratic socialism.” I simply ask you not to. Using that term is not merely adopting the latest politically “woke” branding. It is to rehabilitate an ideology responsible for some of history’s greatest atrocities (and many of today’s as well).
Trump-Hater Rosanna Arquette: My Being Born White And Privileged Disgusts Me

Photo by Emma McIntyre/FilmMagic/GettyImages

August 7, 2019
On Wednesday, Hollywood actress Rosanna Arquette, who bills herself as “resisting fascism on a daily basis” on Twitter, apparently decided to respond to the national conversation revolving around the evils of white supremacy by airing her profound guilt over being born as a white person, tweeting, “I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame.”


Report: White House Working On Executive Order In Wake Of Trump's Social Media Bias Claim

Three hours before that, Arquette pronounced her verdict regarding President Trump, tweeting, “The president of the United States of America incites racist violence. The end.”

Between the time she issued the first tweet and the time she issued the second, Arquette had time to retweet a TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) tweet from fellow Trump-hating actress Ellen Barkin, who barked, “There will be no ban on assault weapons because our govt is using them against us. #TrumpRaceWar#White Supremacist Terrorism.”


On Tuesday, Arquette decried American patriotism, tweeting, “I’ll never stand for the flag again” accompanied by a picture of her kneeling before a number of American flags.
WALSH: Yes, We Need To ‘Do Something’ About Mass Shootings. But That ‘Something’ Starts In The Home, Not Washington.

Photo by Rebecca Nelson/GettyImages

August 7, 2019
The least shocking revelation about the El Paso mass shooting is that the culprit's parents divorced eight years ago. He is yet another mass shooter among that many who did not live full time with his dad — a trend that appears to be especially strong among school shooters. If you expand the "mass shooter" category to include drug and gang-related violence in the inner city, the fatherless connection becomes even clearer. In Baltimore, where violence is infamously rampant, fewer than 20 percent of all teens are being raised by married parents.


Ocasio-Cortez To Media On White Supremacy And Mass Shootings: Hire More People Of Color

I got in trouble with Media Matters yesterday for making this point, but it bears repeating. "Do something" seems to be the universal refrain this week. Well, here's something we can do. It doesn't involve laws or policies or any other form of input from bureaucrats in Washington. We can address the problem ourselves in a very straightforward way: by raising our own kids. This plan will not be enough to prevent every potential act of brutality or terrorism, but it will have a much wider and deeper impact than any piece of legislation ever could. The negative consequences of fatherlessness are well established. The solution, on an individual level, doesn't get much simpler. Stay married. Be present. Raise your kids. Love your kids.

Would the El Paso shooter have still committed his terrible act even if his parents stayed together? What about the Sandy Hook or Christchurch shooter? What about any of the hundreds of killers and gangbangers in the inner city? Would they all have ended up on a different and better path had they been raised in a home with a present and active father? We can't say for sure, but the chances seem pretty good. If I could go back in time and make only one change in the lives of any of these people in the hopes that it might prevent them from becoming mass murderers in the future, this is certainly the change I would make. Can you think of a better one?

It's not hard to see why this connection between violent young men and fatherlessness exists. A boy who grows up without a dad will inevitably experience profound feelings of abandonment and confusion. Over time, those feelings can calcify into a deep, simmering anger that the boy doesn't quite understand. The problem is compounded because fathers are precisely the ones best suited to teach their sons how to channel anger and aggression in a constructive way. A boy without a father in the home will have more anger, more aggression, and less of an idea about what he's supposed to do with it.

A father also teaches his son how to take healthy risks. A father teaches his son how to fight back and stand up to bullies. A father teaches his son how to respect women and protect those who are weaker. Mothers can pass along these same life lessons, but something will be lost in translation. A mother can tell a boy how to be a man but only a father can show a boy how to be a man. Spoken commands are always less effective than demonstrations.

None of this should be considered an excuse for mass murderers. They are responsible for their actions, regardless of these disadvantages. But it's better if our kids don't have the disadvantages to begin with. And that's where parents, especially fathers, come in. We should focus on this step before we worry about passing new laws.
ICE Arrests 680 Illegal Aliens in Largest Single-State Raid in U.S. History

ICE, Public Domain
JOHN BINDER7 Aug 20193,291
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency arrested 680 illegal aliens who had been working at seven Mississippi food processing plants, federal officials confirmed on Wednesday.

ICE agents conducted the largest single-state raid in United States history and the largest workplace raid in the last 11 years when they arrested 680 illegal aliens at seven food processing plants across six cities in Mississippi, including plants in Bay Springs, Carthage, Canton, Morton, Pelahatchie, and Sebastapol.

Not since 2008 — when about 595 illegal workers were arrested — has this many illegal aliens been arrested in a workplace raid by ICE.

Breitbart TV
Why don’t the states pass their own gun laws?
Why don’t the politicians who run the states pass gun laws? Because they will lose their seat I would wager.
You people are just looking for someone to take the heat off of your pussy state politicians.
Liberal media slam Trump supporter who led volunteer clean-up effort in Baltimore
'These are the forgotten citizens of Baltimore'

Image source: video screenshot


Rather than join the social media melee about Baltimore's problems, Trump supporter Scott Presler decided to do something about it. He organized a massive volunteer event, inviting "Americans to help Americans" in cleaning up the neighborhoods of West Baltimore.

On Monday, at least 170 volunteers showed up from all over the country to haul away almost 12 tons of trash. In response, media outlets, such as The Baltimore Sun, slammed Scott and the group of "right-wing extremist" volunteers, saying the effort was nothing but a political ploy for President Donald Trump.

Scott joined Pat Gray and Stu Burguiere (filling in for Glenn Beck this week) on the radio program Wednesday, to discuss his inspiration for organizing the Baltimore event and why he says his motivations were not political.

"I was inspired by President Trump's tweet. There was a lot of talking going on — everybody was whining, complaining. Nobody was actually doing," Scott said. "I put out one tweet — just one tweet — saying, 'I'll go to Baltimore, even if it's me on the street corner all by myself, and I'll pick up trash.' And that one tweet went viral, and people all across the country were saying, 'Scott, how can I contribute? What can I do? How can I support your efforts?' And so, I never thought that Monday was going to be a nationwide effort, but it truly was."

Scott emphasized that "the people of Baltimore love their city" and praised the local people who jumped in to help the clean up effort.

"The city is forgetting its own people," he added. "These are the forgotten citizens of Baltimore."

Watch the video clip below for more details:

Watch the full episode here.

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Why don’t the states pass their own gun laws?
Why don’t the politicians who run the states pass gun laws? Because they will lose their seat I would wager.
You people are just looking for someone to take the heat off of your pussy state politicians.
States like California have, remember, you cried about it once already. Do you wake up to a new world each day? 50 first dates joe.
AUGUST 8, 2019
Just what gets you the ‘white nationalist’/’white supremacist’ label?
By Thomas Lifson
Now that the charge of “racism” has been overused to the point where it has lost its sting (a shame, given that genuine racism is a problem), two alternate terms suddenly have replaced it as an all-purpose smear. But nobody has actually defined what they mean.

An old friend who is “not a Trump sycophant or apologist… far from it” writes and wonders if he would be called the ugly labels “white nationalist” or “white supremacist” based on these characteristics:

1. I'm white, and male.

2. I fly the American flag every day.

3. I still think the USA is a great place (most of it, anyway).

4. The American story (history) is one to celebrate, not denigrate.

5. Political correctness and group victimhood are societal cancers.

6. The diversity mania is a false idol.

Although the point is made sarcastically, I suspect that there are many people on the Left that would categorize anyone like my friend as a “white nationalist” or “white supremacist.”