The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I don't know why, but a link to a BBC article showed up on my facebook channel today. It concerns the refusal of the WH publicity staff to release a photo taken at the time t signed a joint resolution by Congress that canceled a law created under Obama.

HJ Resolution 40 was signed by President Trump on 28 February last year, weeks after his inauguration.
It repealed an Obama-era rule that would have affected about 75,000 US citizens who are too mentally ill to handle their own disability benefits.
The Obama measure covered those of "marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease".
It also ordered the US Social Security Administration, which administers benefits, to add these names to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
That database is used by the FBI to determine who is able to purchase a firearm.
The National Rifle Association, an influential gun lobby, was not the only opponent of the Obama-era gun control measure.
The ACLU, a prominent civil-rights organisation, and mental health advocacy organisations backed the repeal that was signed by Mr Trump.
Worst shape America has been in since the 60's, early 70's. It was the war, Nixon and the cultural clash then . . . now it's t and the race war he needs to get re-elected.
Worst shape America has been in since the 60's, early 70's. It was the war, Nixon and the cultural clash then . . . now it's t and the race war he needs to get re-elected.
It was Johnson's war & Nixon's lies...
The race war exists in your mind as much as it exists anywhere....
I don't know why, but a link to a BBC article showed up on my facebook channel today. It concerns the refusal of the WH publicity staff to release a photo taken at the time t signed a joint resolution by Congress that canceled a law created under Obama.

HJ Resolution 40 was signed by President Trump on 28 February last year, weeks after his inauguration.
It repealed an Obama-era rule that would have affected about 75,000 US citizens who are too mentally ill to handle their own disability benefits.
The Obama measure covered those of "marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease".
It also ordered the US Social Security Administration, which administers benefits, to add these names to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
That database is used by the FBI to determine who is able to purchase a firearm.
The National Rifle Association, an influential gun lobby, was not the only opponent of the Obama-era gun control measure.
The ACLU, a prominent civil-rights organisation, and mental health advocacy organisations backed the repeal that was signed by Mr Trump.
I don't know why, but a link to a BBC article showed up on my facebook channel today. It concerns the refusal of the WH publicity staff to release a photo taken at the time t signed a joint resolution by Congress that canceled a law created under Obama.

HJ Resolution 40 was signed by President Trump on 28 February last year, weeks after his inauguration.
It repealed an Obama-era rule that would have affected about 75,000 US citizens who are too mentally ill to handle their own disability benefits.
The Obama measure covered those of "[URL='']marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease​
It also ordered the US Social Security Administration, which administers benefits, to add these names to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
That database is used by the FBI to determine who is able to purchase a firearm.
The National Rifle Association, an influential gun lobby, was not the only opponent of the Obama-era gun control measure.
The ACLU, a prominent civil-rights organisation, and mental health advocacy organisations backed the repeal that was signed by Mr Trump.

The NRA and the ACLU on the same page with Trump?
Apparently t was to busy golfing this weekend so the nation had to wait until today to get his scripted opinion on "Toledo" (sic) and El Paso.
Worst shape America has been in since the 60's, early 70's.
It was the war, Nixon and the cultural clash then . . .
now it's t and the race war he needs to get re-elected.

The economy is Great..!
The only " Race " War will be between YOU
and YOUR fellow Criminal DEMOCRATS !

Chicago is my example # A
The difference between all the other ways people die daily vs being murdered with a gun? We try to lessen the possibility of those things happening but not with guns.
Well-known conservative baseball writer George Will has this to say about t --

It is not implausible to believe that Trump’s years of sulfurous rhetoric — never mind his Monday-morning reading, seemingly for the first time, of words the teleprompter told him to recite — can provoke behaviors from susceptible individuals, such as the alleged El Paso shooter. If so, those who marked ballots for Trump — we have had quite enough exculpatory sociology about the material deprivations and status anxieties of the white working class — should have second or perhaps first thoughts. His Republican groupies, meanwhile, are complicit. This president is not just one prompting from the social environment; he, in his ubiquity, thoroughly colors this environment, which becomes simultaneously more coarse and less shocking by the day.​
Here we go again . . .

"I'm concerned about the rise of any group of hate, I don't like it. Whether it's white supremacy, whether it's any other kind of supremacy. Whether it's antifa."

What is so hard about simply denouncing white supremacist and understanding that without white supremacist there would be no antifa?
Here we go again . . .

"I'm concerned about the rise of any group of hate, I don't like it. Whether it's white supremacy, whether it's any other kind of supremacy. Whether it's antifa."

What is so hard about simply denouncing white supremacist and understanding that without white supremacist there would be no antifa?
Is that the reason professors are hitting people with bike locks?
Tucker: Like the Russia Hoax, the Narrative About White Supremacy in America Is a Conspiracy Theory
Katie Pavlich | Aug 07, 2019 12:00 PM

Source: AP Photo/Richard Drew

Over the weekend two mass shootings were carried out by individuals with differing political opinions. One man, who targeted El Paso, was a white supremecist. The other, who attacked in Dayton, a supporter of Elizabeth Warren. Because his white supremacy motive matches the leftist media narrative about the status of America, the man from El Paso has been getting most of the attention.

But is white supremacy really a growing threat in the United States? Or is it hardly a threat at all.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson isn't buying the accusation that America has a white supremacy problem. Neither is Victor Davis Hanson.

"As part of their relentless bid to divide this country, Democrats have been been warning about white supremacy. Relentlessly after the El Paso shooting the left demanded President Trump denounce a supposedly existential threat," Carlson said. "If you were to assemble a list, a hierarchy of concerns, of problems this country faces, where would white supremacy be on the list? Right up there with Russia, probably. It’s actually not a real problem in America. The combined membership of every white supremacist organization in this country would be able to fit inside a college football stadium. I mean, seriously. This is a country where the average person is getting poorer, where the suicide rate is spiking. ‘White supremacy, that’s the problem.’ This is a hoax. Just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

Further, Carlson argued the left is doing everything possible to tear America apart.

"This is dangerous. Our democratic system only works when citizens can disagree with their neighbors without fear. The left now opposes that. They demand total conformity. They use censorship and threats to keep people in line. In the short term, that may work. But over time, it’s exactly how things fall apart," he said.

Katie Pavlich's Latest Books, Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women and Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up are available on Amazon
Tucker: Like the Russia Hoax, the Narrative About White Supremacy in America Is a Conspiracy Theory
Katie Pavlich | Aug 07, 2019 12:00 PM

Source: AP Photo/Richard Drew

Over the weekend two mass shootings were carried out by individuals with differing political opinions. One man, who targeted El Paso, was a white supremecist. The other, who attacked in Dayton, a supporter of Elizabeth Warren. Because his white supremacy motive matches the leftist media narrative about the status of America, the man from El Paso has been getting most of the attention.

But is white supremacy really a growing threat in the United States? Or is it hardly a threat at all.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson isn't buying the accusation that America has a white supremacy problem. Neither is Victor Davis Hanson.

"As part of their relentless bid to divide this country, Democrats have been been warning about white supremacy. Relentlessly after the El Paso shooting the left demanded President Trump denounce a supposedly existential threat," Carlson said. "If you were to assemble a list, a hierarchy of concerns, of problems this country faces, where would white supremacy be on the list? Right up there with Russia, probably. It’s actually not a real problem in America. The combined membership of every white supremacist organization in this country would be able to fit inside a college football stadium. I mean, seriously. This is a country where the average person is getting poorer, where the suicide rate is spiking. ‘White supremacy, that’s the problem.’ This is a hoax. Just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

Further, Carlson argued the left is doing everything possible to tear America apart.

"This is dangerous. Our democratic system only works when citizens can disagree with their neighbors without fear. The left now opposes that. They demand total conformity. They use censorship and threats to keep people in line. In the short term, that may work. But over time, it’s exactly how things fall apart," he said.

Katie Pavlich's Latest Books, Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women and Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up are available on Amazon
So do you believe Russia did not interject themselves into our election process?
Do you think people being murdered in the name of white supremacy is not a problem?
Here we go again . . .

"I'm concerned about the rise of any group of hate, I don't like it.
Whether it's white supremacy, whether it's any other kind of supremacy.
Whether it's antifa."

What is so hard about simply denouncing white supremacist
and understanding that without white supremacist there
would be no antifa?

Democrats = KKK/ANTIFA/White Supremacist/BLM

They're Your Thugs....You step up and tell them to STOP !

He's already denounced them just can't
see, hear or speak the TRUTH...!

t's attack tour 2019

t speaks with his tail between his legs when face to face with city officials, then once within the save space of Air Force 1 he attacks them on twitter. He is a wimp.
t is just a regular guy, nothing special. His only skill is his used car salesman persuasion tactics that only persuade the weak minded.