The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Resignation letter from senior State Department official Chuck Park --

“The Complacent State sighs when the president blocks travel by Muslim immigrants; shakes its head when he defends Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman; averts its gaze from images of children in detention camps. Then it complies with orders. ... Every day, we refuse visas based on administration priorities, We recite administration talking points on border security, immigration and trade. We plan travel itineraries, book meetings and literally hold doors open for the appointees who push Trump’s toxic agenda around the world. ... My son, born in El Paso on the American side of that same Rio Grande where the bodies of Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter were discovered, in the same city where 22 people were just killed by a gunman whose purported ‘manifesto’ echoed the inflammatory language of our president, turned 7 this month. I can no longer justify to him, or to myself, my complicity in the actions of this administration. That’s why I choose to resign.”
Not so soft and not so silent coup.
Graham: New Bruce Ohr docs show FISA warrant against ex-Trump campaign aide a 'fraud'
By Charles Creitz | Fox News

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New documents highlighting top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr's contact with ex-British spy Christopher Steele are the latest troubling development for the DOJ in 2016.

That's the claim from Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who said Thursday on "Hannity" that he believes there was deep corruption in the department during that year's U.S. presidential election.

"Here's what we're looking at: Systematic corruption at the highest level of the Department of Justice and the FBI against President Trump and in favor of Hillary Clinton," Graham said.


Host Sean Hannity then asked Graham whether officials "lied purposefully" on a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant application to surveil former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

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"The best you could say is that they were incompetent," Graham responded. "The most likely outcome is that they wanted a result."


"I think the insurance policy is what we're seeing here, getting into the Trump campaign," Graham continued. "The FISA warrant against Carter Page was a fraud, I believe. The counter-intelligence investigation is something we have to look at very closely."

On Thursday evening, newly released records obtained by Fox News showed the FBI formally documented the bias of Steele shortly after the November 2016 presidential election, yet continued to use his unverified dossier in multiple FISA court warrant application renewals.

The documents, first obtained by Judicial Watch, also reveal that top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr maintained contact with Steele for at least six months after Steele was fired by the FBI for unauthorized media contacts in November 2016.


The summaries of FBI interviews with Ohr, known as 302s, show that Ohr knew by September 2016 -- a month before the initial application to surveil the Trump campaign -- that Steele was "desperate" that Donald Trump not be elected president.

A source close to the matter told Fox News "this had the effect of putting a senior DOJ official on notice that a witness/source had an extreme bias" -- yet the FISA warrant application went through in October 2016 with multiple renewals.

In his interview with Hannity, Graham claimed if a Republican operative acted in a way similar to Steele, the news would receive wall-to-wall media coverage.

"You could not turn on your television," he said.

And I’m sure some of them are fine people.

GRAPHIC: Narco-Terrorists Hang Bodies from Overpasses in Mexico – 19 Hung or Dismembered


Breitbart Border / Cartel Chronicles
URUAPAN, Michoacán – One of Mexico’s most violent criminal organizations hung the bodies of rivals from highway overpasses for intimidation purposes. The tactic was soon followed by the dumping of numerous dismembered bodies. Authorities confirmed the recovery of 19 corpses, however, the actual death toll could be higher.

The gruesome displays were visible last Friday morning when gunmen from Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion began hanging several bodies from the main highway overpasses in Uruapan. The tactic spread terror among the morning commuters who began calling local emergency services.

The gunmen also hung various banners claiming their fight is with the cartel known as “Los Viagras” and not the government. The CJNG tells residents to not be concerned for their safety.

In response to the ghastly discovery, Michoacán Attorney General Adrian Lopez Solis was forced to make a public statement confirming the discoveries. The official said they were trying to carry out various enforcement operations in and around Uruapan to restore peace. Law enforcement sources revealed to Breitbart Texas that 13 of the victims had a criminal history and ties to Los Viagras.

Despite the statements by the official, the area around Uruapan is seeing a dramatic rise in violence with as many as 50 murders being reported in recent days. The region is considered contested territory as Los Viagras and CJNG fight for control.
AUGUST 9, 2019
True American Nationalism Is Inclusive
By William R. Hawkins
When the New York Times dropped a factual headline because of partisan complaints (including criticism from several Democratic presidential candidates), it proved again that the liberal media is no longer even pretending to be an objective source of information. The front-page headline read “TRUMP URGES UNITY VS. RACISM” in the President's address in the wake of the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. And this is exactly what he did. He decried “destructive partisanship” and declared "our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. ” He denounced "These barbaric slaughters [as] an assault upon our communities, an attack upon our nation.... We are a loving nation, and our children are entitled to grow up in a just, peaceful, and loving society." These sentiments do not fit the liberal-left narrative that accuses President Trump of being the source of social division. Yet, anyone who looks at the true record beyond the coffeehouse babble of left-wing activists finds that America's chief executive has consistently stressed national unity.

Consider President Trump's Inaugural Address, which contained the strongest language one can imagine in support of an explicitly anti-racist definition of America. He proclaimed. "A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights, and heal our divisions. It is time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget: that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American Flag. And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the windswept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator." This last recalls the Declaration of Independence's principle that "all men are created equal."

In his 2019 State of the Union address, Trump recognized that "Millions of our fellow citizens are watching us now, gathered in this great chamber, hoping that we will govern not as two parties but as one nation." He then laid out programs to build the strength, prosperity, and security of the country as a whole. Unfortunately, and dangerously, the Left does not see America in these terms. Its philosophy is built on the division of society along the lines of "class warfare" and constant civil strife. This ideology has led to genocidal civil wars when the Left has attempted to seize power in other lands. Opponents are to be "put up against the wall when the revolution comes." The more moderate version speaks merely of confiscations and prison. This is not as large an exaggeration as it seems; not when the most venerable of liberal journals, the New Republic, is currently sponsoring trips to Communist Cuba to protest Trump's "petulant" policies towards the brutal regimes in both Havana and Caracas.

It is the Left which has embraced racism as the rest of society has tried to put such prejudices aside. The Left has sought to enlist race war into the cause of class war; rejecting from the start any hope that those they regularly describe as "black and brown" can successfully take advantage of the opportunities offered by a dynamic and growing economy looking for talent. It is assumed that members of these "minority groups" cannot find their own way. They need to follow the overwhelmingly white left-wing intelligentsia who serve as the "vanguard of the proletariat." They are told never to think outside the box they have been put into.
AUGUST 9, 2019
America Needs Four More Terms of Donald Trump
By William F. Marshall
Peter Strzok, the central figure in both the FBI’s burying of Hillary Clinton’s crimes and in carrying out the “insurance policy” of his lover, Lisa Page, to use the powers of the national security establishment to take out a U.S. presidential candidate, is strolling back in to FBI Headquarters these days as though it was just another day at the office.

I am not making this up.

“Strzok is in the (HQ) building all the time,” one FBI insider revealed, according to a recent media report at True Pundit. “He is taking meetings or part of meetings.” The article goes on, “FBI sources confirm Strzok has been granted access to FBI facilities in Washington, D.C. and its headquarters building on numerous occasions since he was sacked in August 2018.”

Strzok is the man who emphatically told former FBI lawyer Lisa Page that they would “stop” Mr. Trump from winning the 2016 election. And they would do that using a fraudulently predicated counterintelligence investigation based on “evidence” planted by one of their own assets, Joseph Mifsud, a mysterious Maltese professor widely linked to Western intelligence services, on a hapless Trump campaign volunteer, George Papadopoulos.

Yet now we learn that not only is Strzok being permitted back into FBI Headquarters (perhaps as a paid contractor?), but he still holds his security clearances. “He (Strzok) is getting in with a visitor’s badge and is involved in meetings,” one FBI insider said. The same article notes, “Maybe they are all trying to get their story straight before things go public.” Moreover, it continues, “FBI sources said when Strzok is not at the Hoover building he has been holding meetings with high-level DOJ brass at a location across the street from the Bureau’s Pennsylvania Avenue base.”

Not wanting to rely solely on the word of a pseudonymously written True Pundit report, I did some rooting around and discovered not only that the True Pundit story is accurate, but obtained some additional information about Strzok.

My source is a retired FBI agent with current contacts within FBI Headquarters. This person tells me:

"True Pundit’s information about the visitor badges for Strzok came from one of my most reliable sources. There is no reason for him to be in that building. If he is cooperating, he’d be at Main Justice or at the US Attorney’s office. He has been seen several times over several months inside FBIHQ. His clearances are simply suspended upon leaving the FBI. If he got a job tomorrow requiring a clearance, that entity would have to take over responsibility for his clearances. Unless he’s working for someone who did that, then his clearances are suspended. I can tell you the initial report of him being seen in FBIHQ on a few occasions with a visitor badge and being escorted is true from my source inside FBIHQ."

The fact that Strzok’s security clearances are merely “suspended” and eligible for reactivation is stunning. A security clearance is a very valuable commodity in Washington, D.C. The man whom the DoJ Inspector General found to be a grossly biased federal investigator and was sacked accordingly is allowed to maintain those clearances. Amazing.

Donald Trump's presidency has revealed that our country is in the grip of an entrenched bureaucracy whose hold, I am of the increasing opinion, may take decades to break. This anecdote about Peter Strzok’s continued security clearances and access to a building that President Trump nominally controls illustrates the vicelike grasp that “Deep State” players continue to hold over our government. Presidents come and go, but the powerful, embedded apparatchiks remain, and protect their own.