The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

As t once again gives power to the powerless . . . yeah great deal maker that buffoon. Well add these ladies to the ever growing list of those t gave power to with nothing in return except the barking approval of his loyal dogs.
So of the 22 candidates, who can beat trump?
JULY 15, 2019
Guess who is a racist now?
By Silvio Canto, Jr.
The Democrats have played the "race card" on the GOP for years. In other words, calling the guy on the other side a racist is what you do when you can't argue any more.

Inner city schools are a mess? You are racist!

Immigration laws should be enforced? You are a "racista"!

The problem with calling the guy on the other side a racist is that sooner or later you will run out of Republicans. Then you play the race card on your own, as we see more and more in the Congress.

This is from Politico:

Tensions exploded on Capitol Hill this week after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) accused Pelosi of singling out women of color for criticism, as divisions linger over the passage of a $4.6 billion border bill.

Pelosi has been dismissive of the influence on Capitol Hill held by Ocasio-Cortez and three other rising Democratic Party stars -- Reps. Rashida Tlaib (Mich.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.) and Ayanna Pressley (Mass.) -- the group of freshman female lawmakers with massive followings on social media.

Ocasio-Cortez’s remarks ignited a long-simmering feud with the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).

CBC members, such as Clay, exploded in anger at Ocasio-Cortez for having “used the race card” and accused progressives of seeking to oust black lawmakers by endorsing their primary challengers.

The progressive group Justice Democrats, which is closely aligned with Ocasio-Cortez, is supporting primary challengers to several longtime Democrats, including Clay and Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), a Hispanic Caucus member.

Justice Democrats have also considered a challenge to House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), a CBC member who is viewed by many as a potential heir to Pelosi.

And it gets better, read more.

Like parents who never disciplined their teenagers, the Democrat Party leadership has only itself to blame.

First, they encouraged all of this diversity in the name of "identity politics". What they ended up with is a group of representatives who hate Israel or have no appreciation for the U.S.

Who else but a completely ignorant person would use the phrase “concentration camps” in a totally unrelated debate?

Second, they allowed millions of their supporters to get consumed in the Mueller probe. What they ended up with is a bunch of disappointed Democrats shutting off CNN and turning on party leaders for not fighting for impeachment.

Where does this end? Not well, if you are an adult Democrat who believes that the opposition has a serious role to play in our politics.

Ilhan Omar Claims Palestinian Opposition to Israel Is “Non-Violent”

Posted at 9:17 am on July 15, 2019 by Bonchie


Ilhan Omar speaking at worker protest against Amazon by Fibonacci Blue, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original

Netroots Nation has been a goldmine of Democrats saying ridiculous things. This may qualify as the most disconnected from reality though.

This past weekend, Rep. Ilhan Omar was speaking on a panel and went on a several minute monologue on hypocrisy. Apparently, because our country celebrates the non-violent movements of our civil rights era but we aren’t celebrating Palestinians for their non-violent movement, we are all hypocrites. Amazing how it always comes back to how awful Americans are.

People can have varying views on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It’s no secret that I find the Palestinian Authority and Hamas to be dumpster fire organizations that purposely choose suffering and terrorism over peace. Regardless, what Omar is saying here is objectively false no matter what your view of Israel is. There is no “non-violent” Palestinian movement to “liberate” (her words) them from Israel.
The thing about Don the Con's latest racist rant... Don the Con has always been racist. And regularly reminds us.

And all the racists love to pretend he's not really racist, cause racists love being racist.
Cause I care my Bruddah. Don't want you languishing in some county ER 'cause you got no health insurance and you've been locked out of your home by the bank. That's a sad picture my loving libtard heart can't endure. I have been cursed by empathy.
Hence your Spigot duties.
The thing about Don the Con's latest racist rant... Don the Con has always been racist. And regularly reminds us.

And all the racists love to pretend he's not really racist, cause racists love being racist.
That’s what AOC is trying ro purge your party of starting with Pelosi.