The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

CNN’s Cuomo: Trump Sold People on a ‘Brown Menace’ — He Manufactured a Crisis
PAM KEY12 Jul 20192,791

Friday on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time,” host Chris Cuomo accused President Donald Trump of selling people “on a brown menace.”

Cuomo played a clip of Vice President Mike Pence discussing the conditions at the border facilities.

Pence said, “Remember, it was just a few short weeks ago that Congress finally acknowledged the crisis and gave us an additional 4. $6 billion in humanitarian aid. We’re going to continue to improve. We’re going to continue to provide care at the standard the American people expect. But remember for the last six months, Democrats in Congress said it was a manufactured crisis. And it was all we could do to finally get the Democrats in Congress to agree to give us additional funding to deal with this crisis.”

Cuomo said, “Listen, I got to be honest about something with you, okay? I have respect for Mike Pence. I’ve dealt with him in the past. I believe he takes his faith very seriously. I cannot believe as someone who holds themselves out to a Christian, that he would say that, knowing you’re going to hear it. That this is the first time this has been recognized and everybody was saying was a manufactured crisis. He knows damn well that this president sold people on a brown menace. That when we looked at those migrant caravans, he would say “Oh they are all military age, they are MS-13, drugs, terrorists and some I assume are good people,’ that’s the, quote. He never talked to you about kids and families. Look at what we’re allowing them in our country, and everybody is lying to you.”

He added, “The president knew it, the White House knew it, Mike Pence knew it. So it was a manufactured crisis because you were trying to sell people your fence when you knew your fence was a farce.”

JULY 13, 2019
More Ocasio-Cortez photo-op fakery
By Thomas Lifson

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is all about appearances, not reality. But yesterday, a stunt she pulled off managed to alienate a powerful Democrat. She (or her Svengali, Saikat Chakrabarti, whose Justice Democrats auditioned hundreds of people looking for House candidates who could play the role of charismatic social justice warrior) understands that as the old saw has it, "a picture is worth a thousand words."

Reality has no necessary relationship with the visual message the ingénue creates. The now notorious picture of her weeping, her face in her hands, as she gazed empty parking lot is a good example. (A bit of united hilarity is provided by left-wing hit site as it declared the pictures "false" and a "conspiracy theory" because of another picture they provide that also empty road that leads to a detention center. I'm not making this up.)

Yesterday, Ocasio-Cortez's demand for a phony photo op was so egregious that even her committee chairman, Elijah Cummings, pointed out that it was not necessary.
Nice representation of the left, dumb as a mud fence.

NEWS JULY 12, 2019
Former ICE director stuns Ocasio-Cortez in fiery debate on family separation
Homan compared migrant asylum seekers to U.S. citizens who commit a crime in the testy exchange

Image composite sources: Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images and Aurora Samperio/NurPhoto via Getty Images


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Calif.) appeared stunned when former ICE Director Thomas Homan hit back hard on the legality of family separations at the border.

The fiery exchange occurred during testimony by Homan before the House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on child separation policy at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Ocasio-Cortez cited a memo signed by Homan that recommended several policy solutions to the increase of migrant crossings at the border that included asylum claims.

"So you're the author of the family separation policy?" she asked.

"I am not the author of this memo," he fired back. Clarifying that he signed the memo but that it was a "zero tolerance memo."

Ocasio-Cortez pressed him on whether he recommended the family separation policy to former DHS Secretary Nielsen, but he countered that he gave numerous recommendations on how to "secure the border and save lives."

"The recommendation, of the many that you recommended," Ocasio-Cortez asked, "you recommended family separation."

"I recommended zero tolerance," he clarified.

"Which includes family separation," she added.

"The same as it is with every U.S. citizen parent that gets arrested with a child," Homan responded.

Ocasio-Cortez was silent for a few seconds before continuing.

"Zero tolerance was interpreted," she said, "as the policy that separated children from their..."

"If I get arrested for DUI and I have a young child in the car, I'm gonna be separated," interrupted Homan. "When I was a police officer in New York and I arrested a father for domestic violence, I separated that father from his home."

"Mr. Homan with all due respect, legal asylees are not charged with any crime," Ocasio-Cortez replied.

Homan countered by saying that being present in the U.S. without documentation is illegal.

"Seeing asylum is legal," Ocasio-Cortez responded.

"If you want to seek asylum, go to a port of entry, do it the legal way," Homan fired back. "The attorney general of the United States made that clear."

"OK," Ocasio-Cortez responded, and moved on.

Here's the video of the tense interaction:
Big surprise t bailing from the Iran nuclear deal was to spite Obama. No duh, the whole reason t ran was out of spite after being roasted by Barrack at the correspondents dinner. The whole basis behind being a t-nutter is spite. The aggrieved, victims of a cruel liberal democracy where people have rights, all people.
Big surprise t bailing from the Iran nuclear deal was to spite Obama. No duh, the whole reason t ran was out of spite after being roasted by Barrack at the correspondents dinner. The whole basis behind being a t-nutter is spite. The aggrieved, victims of a cruel liberal democracy where people have rights, all people.
Big surprise t bailing from the Iran nuclear deal was to spite Obama. No duh, the whole reason t ran was out of spite after being roasted by Barrack at the correspondents dinner. The whole basis behind being a t-nutter is spite. The aggrieved, victims of a cruel liberal democracy where people have rights, all people.
All it took was a little motivation and you people nominating the worst candidate in history and last but not least love of America.
All it took was a little motivation and you people nominating the worst candidate in history and last but not least love of America.
We all love America joe, it's just that your vision of it involves way more men in uniform enforcing way more arbitrary laws that you see fit to run, yours and other peoples lives for them. Me, I prefer freedom and responsibility.
It's not clear which side Pence is on after his visit to and comments about the concentration camps.

I should have read more closely, but I was busy yesterday. It seems clear now that Pence is in denial, even calling what he saw (hundreds of men caged in poor hygiene conditions, some calling out loud complaints in English) as evidence that families "were being treated well". Then he called news outlets "dishonest" for reporting what actually happened.
Happy Ending.

Armed Man Shot And Killed After Hurling Molotov Cocktail At Seattle ICE Center
Timothy Meads | Jul 13, 2019 6:10 PM

Source: AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

The Seattle Times reports that an armed man was shot and killed this morning after attacking a local Tacoma Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency with Molotov cocktails at 4:00 AM this morning.

via Seattle Times:

Around 4 a.m., officers responded to an ICE employee’s report of a man armed with a rifle and throwing homemade incendiaries at the building and vehicles in the detention center’s parking lot, as well as attempting to ignite a propane tank, according to Tacoma police. Officers say they saw the man wearing a satchel and holding flares, as well as the rifle.

Officers reported “shots fired,” police spokeswoman Loretta Cool said, at which point the officers had fired; she did not know whether the man also fired.

Officers retreated to cover, uninjured. After medical aid arrived, officers approached the man and determined that he had been shot and killed. It is unclear whether the man was shot by officers or shot himself, Cool said. All four involved officers fired their weapons, she said.

The shooting comes just one day before ICE is expected to begin deporting thousands of illegal aliens with final order of removal.

Dozens of protests propped up across the country on Saturday. As Townhall reported earlier today, at an ICE protest in Colorado, rabble-rousers tore down the American flag and replaced it with the flag of Mexico.

Seattle Times also reports that "A spokesperson for the GEO Group, the private prison company that operates the Tacoma detention center, said that the company’s facilities have never been overcrowded or housed unaccompanied minors, the issue that has sparked national protests."
Nice representation of the left, dumb as a mud fence.

NEWS JULY 12, 2019
Former ICE director stuns Ocasio-Cortez in fiery debate on family separation
Homan compared migrant asylum seekers to U.S. citizens who commit a crime in the testy exchange

Image composite sources: Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images and Aurora Samperio/NurPhoto via Getty Images


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Calif.) appeared stunned when former ICE Director Thomas Homan hit back hard on the legality of family separations at the border.

The fiery exchange occurred during testimony by Homan before the House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on child separation policy at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Ocasio-Cortez cited a memo signed by Homan that recommended several policy solutions to the increase of migrant crossings at the border that included asylum claims.

"So you're the author of the family separation policy?" she asked.

"I am not the author of this memo," he fired back. Clarifying that he signed the memo but that it was a "zero tolerance memo."

Ocasio-Cortez pressed him on whether he recommended the family separation policy to former DHS Secretary Nielsen, but he countered that he gave numerous recommendations on how to "secure the border and save lives."

"The recommendation, of the many that you recommended," Ocasio-Cortez asked, "you recommended family separation."

"I recommended zero tolerance," he clarified.

"Which includes family separation," she added.

"The same as it is with every U.S. citizen parent that gets arrested with a child," Homan responded.

Ocasio-Cortez was silent for a few seconds before continuing.

"Zero tolerance was interpreted," she said, "as the policy that separated children from their..."

"If I get arrested for DUI and I have a young child in the car, I'm gonna be separated," interrupted Homan. "When I was a police officer in New York and I arrested a father for domestic violence, I separated that father from his home."

"Mr. Homan with all due respect, legal asylees are not charged with any crime," Ocasio-Cortez replied.

Homan countered by saying that being present in the U.S. without documentation is illegal.

"Seeing asylum is legal," Ocasio-Cortez responded.

"If you want to seek asylum, go to a port of entry, do it the legal way," Homan fired back. "The attorney general of the United States made that clear."

"OK," Ocasio-Cortez responded, and moved on.

Here's the video of the tense interaction:

She's seems as bright as 25 watt bulb...
Jeffrey Epstein is Donald Trump's idea of the perfect man

I really wonder what everyone is doing getting their dander up about this disgusting sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein, when we’ve got one in the White House. We’ve known about Trump not for years, but for decades. We’ve known about his sexcapades around New York with women who were not his wife. Hell, he used to call the New York Post’s “Page Six” and brag about himself!
Trump tells progressive freshman congresswomen to 'go back' to their 'broken and crime infested' countries


Scroll back up to restore default view.
President Trump, in a Sunday Twitter thread, called out Democratic Congresswomen, saying, “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

“So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run,” Trump tweeted.

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” his thread continued. “Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!”

The nativist rhetoric, “go back to your country,” is often used in racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic attacks, including a recent hate crime in New York City last week in which a Hispanic woman was attacked and told, “You’re here taking jobs from Americans.”